How long is your hair Jow Forums?

How long is your hair Jow Forums?

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Pretty long.

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you remind me of some guy I know named bradley

Not very

Fairly short. I have to keep my facial hair trimmed and hair short so I look professional for business clients.

It kinda get a bit lower than my nipples, but I shave on the sides and on the back of my head.

Chad here, my hair is the perfect length, exactly 2.5 imperial inches and never any more or less. Sides? Trimmed with a #3 guard. Squared neckline. #1 guard on the beard, never fully shaved off.
If you don't look like me, you aren't getting anywhere in this society. Take it from me, bro.
-Chad Thundercock

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Fairly short because I'm balding. It's especially noticeable in the crown and the temples, so it's better to keep it short.

down to my ass. Thick, luscious, no receding hairline, and well maintained. Feels nice not to be a hairlet.

Hair aren't technology.

I am disgusted

It used to be long, but I had to get it cut due to an pre-employment drug test.

The polar opposite of a Chad

I wound imagine a very low fade would be better for you so you'd have more top hair to cover up the balding spots.

Also a futile exercise though since eventually it'll all be gone.

#1 low fade, maybe like 1.5 - 2 inches on top. It's very thick, so I put a little gel in the front and push it to the side to keep it from flopping down onto my forehead.
Looks respectable enough and my gf likes it.

I cut my hair annually

Why did i get a fucking cut 3 months ago,it would be in perfect lenght to get my dream cut.I am probably getting a cut this month and definitely gonna regret again

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Are you a girl?
If not, that's the kind of hair my friend had when we were 13 in middle school.

longer than I like it because I'm too lazy to go to a barber.

0.1mm, or whatever a Grade 0 is. I buzz it every couple of days.

T. 33 year old with mpb

I shaved my head myself 2 weeks ago, feels pretty good. Bad thing is that I now look like those onions faces with glasses and shaved heads with beards

Wear contacts and shave your beard?

yes if tranny counts
It looks like alex turner's emo cut rn,planning to change that

Rat irl is human trash

Almost to my butt. 4 years since I cut it.i shampoo, condition and put product in every day so it looks nice

Grow it long if you want to be convincing. Use conditioner and such so it looks less greasy.

You're beautiful. I want to cum on you 10000 times.

Usually somewhere around shoulder length. Easier to maintain than longer hair without getting weird looks for having short hair.

3mm, almost naziskin tier. And I'm a commie.

Fuck commies and nazis they're the same. Join us

Like but my hair is brown and I have a full beard

I want to keep in shoulder lenght longer than that isn't any better,I use conditioner&argan and i think they are enough to make my hair fluffy.

Tbh I dunno if you should actually grow it even longer. It looks the perfect length to get both chasers to chase you and cis men to chase you. If it's too long, chasers might have a hard time clocking you.

I don't think there is any chasers in my country.Is it a good thing?Also nothing happens when people are "clocking" me i don't care anyway

Just shave it, embrace the bald

shaved to the skin. i shave it every other day. and yes, i'm from Jow Forums in case you were wondering.

To our locks, lads

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Getting longer these days, so tend to put it up.

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I am on propecia now. Trying to stabilize it.

why do you have so many tranny pics

are you a rust programmer by any chance? asking for a friend

Don't you fucking dare to make fun of Alex's humbug hair

I've done some dabbling in Rust, but do front end JS for my day job.

I'm definitely not,he looks just cute with long hair

haha fucking knew it rust is a tranny language haha GOTEM

I literally have this shortcut right now.
Waiting for it to grow to have a samurai backtail.
*tips fedora*

Cutted them 4 days ago, I'm sad af
Before I had like 25cm of hair

Don't you want someone who loves trannies to come after you?
It's better than men who might actually kill you.

What hair?

I don't think I've even seen a razor or a pair of scissors in at least 5 years

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All the way down my back and over my butt and I get a ton of compliments about it.

this triggers me