>Three and a half years ago Google hires moot >Google has still not disclosed what his position even is >Moot's last tweet was from March 7th 2016, announcing he was joining google >Not news or interviews from him since then either.
This poses so many quesitons. What does google want from him? Why are they keeping his position a secret? How come he's completely vanished right after joining google?
The boy is in containment. Possibly the best thing Google has ever done. Bring back Snacks!
Ryder Lopez
IIRC didn't Google move Moot to the Google Maps Japanese team and he's basically a codemonkey in a Japanese cubicle nowadays?
Daniel Morales
m00t is destroying google from within
Sebastian Ward
Yes. Sad truth of all trophy hires. The only thing worse than “never meet your heroes” is “ never work for your now old dream company”
Asher Price
Too be fair Moot basically stole all of the original Jow Forums codebase and later hired a team of developers to fix it up. People often forget this place back in 2006 was getting constant 504s because of poor database optimization. Moot was never much of a web dev to begin with.
Carson Foster
He is held as a sex slave.
Cameron Rogers
His position is on his LinkedIn profile retard.
Hunter Gutierrez
>500+ results for "Christopher Poole" Spoonfeed us faggot
Jaxon Brooks
>inb4 he is s fucking janitor or something
Jaxson Reyes
He just sucks cock under the desk of whatever executive he is assigned to.
Sebastian Walker
>Not already having all of mootykins dox Spotted the newfag
Aaron Reed
Moot was like 15yo back then.
Jacob Brown
you ever watch the first season of silicon valley? the main characters friend gets picked up by the Google of that show to make the same product the main character is creating and when they realize he's not actually smart or worth while at all, they just stuff him in a room with a bunch of other losers who do nothing all day while maintaining a contract of 100k+ a year to keep the company looking good.
this is probably moot, and once he's done milking Google for that contract money he'll probably just come back and buy Jow Forums back or work on new meme shit with his fuck you money.
Christopher Johnson
he is dead
Gabriel Howard
>he'll probably just come back and buy Jow Forums back or work on new meme shit with his fuck you money. nah, he became a full blown cuck before he even left. he's most likely completely left wing by now
Jose Johnson
even the saddest of cucks can bounce back.
Dylan Parker
>just stuff him in a room with a bunch of other losers who do nothing all day while maintaining a contract of 100k+ a year m00t had talent in managing janis and some good ideas about the site. He's probably fine as some sort of roving junior project manager, brought on to basically make suggestions on project strategies and stuff. And he's probably as good a code monkey as anyone else.
Nathan Scott
You're a moron, moot was forced to leave Jow Forums at gunpoint. the reason moot hates pol is it got too much influence and got the glowniggers and jews to blackmail and death threat him into giving up the site entirely, which is now owned and used as a political sandbox to practice containing the rightful hatred against the jewish elites and their co-conspirators. Keep in mind after the 2016 election the democratic party implamented an actual political scientific study of memes to disect their effects. people got paid 6 figures to disect boipucci and rare pepes memes. that was just one instance. theres hundreds more. Hiroshimoot is just a fucking putz they got so it doesnt look like Jow Forums went to them. as soon as Jow Forums was given away, hiroshimoot laxed the standards and stopped requiring any kind fo identity verification for all moderators. The cabal is completely run by them now.
you really need the meds seriously everyone's worried about you
Julian Howard
he's dead
Adam Bennett
Show me the body
Jacob Ward
Carrying the baggage
Thomas Moore
pretty sure it's against the rules of 4channel.org to post redpills this strong
Lucas Carter
Too right, it's probably Moot who is in charge of their political policy unit
Austin Bell
stole it? The code was GPL
Nathaniel Garcia
This photo proves that moot is dead He got run over by that van on The Abbey Road crossing (yes, the one the Beatles had their photo taken on), a second after this photo was taken In fact google owns Jow Forums and the driver of the van was one of their hit-men.
No actually the futallaby code doesn't even have any license.
Tyler Diaz
he was a high school kid, and most websites were/are garbage
Eli Murphy
Google doesn't want anything with moot the job is just payment for the services he provided to the NSA.
Ian Anderson
>not any recent photos >nobody knows where he is apart from the "muh Japan google maps" shills >last active 2016, not active on ANY social network he is dead
Ayden Turner
He was in charge of some gewgle+ community shit. Something to do with social networking don't really remember though.
Google+ was created due to a US government push to unify logins in all sites. It was created to be used for login (why lots of big sites had "login with google+/facebook" buttons). It accomplished the goal of reducing anonymity and helping tie together user accounts for hundreds of different services. Being a social network was always secondary for that
Christopher Johnson
take yer meds schizo
Brandon Perry
man, I really wish I did cool things like moot when I was 15. I was just drawing amateur manga like a huge faggot
Anywho my ultimate goal is to work at the goog so when I do get in, I'll pull strings and eventually meet moot. I'll post a picture of me with him, then quit google and work for facebook because facebook pays better
I once reposted a pic of a cuckblue chat where they were planning their next gaslighting move for this site. Maybe 2 years ago or so. My post was bawleeted. And all posts I had made that day, on like 5 other separate boards, disappeared that had no mention of anything related to the apparently offending post at all. I was not banned, and was able to continue posting as normal. It was like a faggy leddit shadowbanning lmao. I was completely surprised. I'd been banned before back when I first got here and hung around the /b/ launching pad, who hasn't been at least once? But this "shadowbanning" type shit? That was new and it was the final nail in the coffin for this site. This place is a zombie. I will hang around until it finally falls apart into a pile of rotting flesh.
Nicholas Perez
Justin Mitchell
They fed it to the sharks, and then they made fin soup from those.
>And he's probably as good a code monkey as anyone else. ripping off the nips 20 years ago makes you good?
Aiden Adams
I bet he doesn't mind being paid well
Bentley Green
Finally living a weeb dream.
Thomas Smith
Huh? He joined hangouts and g+ teams and run them down just like 4chins with mac minis
He doesnt exist to true anons anymore after he sold his soul to the big G.
Gavin Martinez
His Instagram is aspiringhermit
Logan Butler
More like aspergerhermit amirite
Christopher Stewart
He's working on google maps in Japan, last i heard.
Thomas Diaz
Snacks is kind of a fag though. Saw him once at a party in Shibuya, and he looked weird.
Thomas Lopez
good code monkey but not good programmer
Carson Myers
I remember reading some posts from another user on this board that works at Google, and he said he tried reaching out to him a few times for lunch or something and he never got any responses. It really seems like he wants nothing to do with us anymore.
Grayson Jones
moot is underage b&
Carson Garcia
I believe you only because I've read the MLK letter. However, I pray that you are incorrect in the same capacity that I pray we get genetically modified cat girls for domestic ownership before I give up the ghost.
>Google has still not disclosed what his position even is Whe know what is is almost since the beginning retard, it's "team leader".
Henry Wilson
He's just an useless trophy hire who adds nothing and collects paychecks. Guy's probably going to off himself within five years, if AIDS doesn't catch him first.