Best IDE's for each language, post yours

Best IDE's for each language, post yours
vscode - javascript
intellij - java
visual studio - c++, c#
atom - python

Attached: vs.png (395x389, 61K)

VSCodium & XCode
Every other IDE sucks ass.



C++ - Visual Studio/CLion
C# - Visual Studio/Rider
Rust - CLion

VS Code is not an IDE.

xcode is retarded, don't use it


C# and C++ should be dropped in 2019!

>no php7+

VIM, because only retards use gui

Xcode is a piece of shit mate. Only there to be used as a past resort if you want to swim in the osx or iOS ocean of shit.

It's not. Xcode is a beast

C++, I am the only faggot who apprciates this for it's simplicity? Visual studio takes ages to debug and compile sometimes I know that I'm on a toaster but still...

Attached: codeblocks.jpg (260x138, 4K)

Is clion worth the money?

Spyder for Python

Love it. Simple and light.

VSCode - Python, JS
Intellij - Java
Emacs - Lisp
Just pirate it my dude


This. With some modifications it can be used for larger projects.

I don't which one is more retard:
> Calling a Eletron-based editor an IDE
> Using Java based IDE to work with code

But keep up the bad work. Lazy Code using Lazy Tools generate bad product at Companies. I will later take over your Job bro.

For windows? No, just use VS.
For Linux? Pretty sure it is, if you plan on selling your stuff at least. If you're gonna use it to learn then pirate it, once you can make money off of it buy it.

C#/C++ - Visual studio
others - Jetbrains products if they have it
if Jetbrains doesn't have it just use text editor like VSCode.

p.s. vscode is not an ide.

have sex

Dreadful GUI tho. Green on white hurts my eyes.

Visual Studio - .NET langs
Jetbrains - Ruby, python, JS, Java
OpenEdge Editor - OpenEdge ABL (help me)
Sublime Text - everything else

Nothing wrong with that.
>bad product
Not IDE's fault retard.


IntelliJ - java, javascript, typescript, html(vue), sql, css, basically everything for professional webdev.

I have a job and don't plan on wasting time using vim.

spacemacs - everything

this. intellij > vscode

IntelliJ is slow and bloated, even compared to Electron based editors

C++ is the only good language.

projects - intellij
projects in obscure technologies that are not supported - vim
scripting - vim


vim + ycm + clang formatter for C++ development

>being this returded

VS Code with the vim extension is the only thing you need in the current year
and I guess regular vim for editing remotely/on a headless system

java - eclipse
python - jupyter most of the time, vim otherwise

I don't use anything else

One of the best! Still enjoy writing code in a simple texteditor better.

nano php

Frontend webshit - VSShit
Everything else - Emacs or vim

I'll bite. For what reasons should they be dropped?

Fucks up on Ubuntu 16.04 and some nvidia cuntware constantly. Dreadful design philosophy. Installing the contrib packages opens every fucking plugin and tool tab under the sun by default.

Explain your reasoning.

i use vsc for all of those, the plugins are wonderful. in fact for everything nowadays, it replaced pretty much all my editors. vim keys plugin comfy.