Old Tech hate thread

ITT: post dead technology that you used to hate

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Hate the new version, too.

Attached: 1200px-Windows_Logo_1995.png (1200x1040, 74K)

still better than any version of loonix

I don't care what you think, pajeet.

cope more

Stupid meme, wintoddler. Go defrag your hard disk.

imagine having such outdated memes that they no longer apply

>pajeetOS is so slow that it forces its toddler users to run SSDs

Attached: 1567837325789.jpg (1200x1200, 217K)

than literally linux indeed it is, the NT kernel is far more sophisticated. Probably because Microsoft fucked it up first time with the old windowses, so when developing the new kernel they didn't commit the mistakes again

ITT: loonix pajeets doing damage control.


Stop shitting in the street.

Attached: adobe_flash_player.png (512x512, 7K)


Nice damage control, winjeet.

Linux sucks ass.

t. lifetime linux user

have sex

That must be why it's the most used kernel on personal computers, right?

toasters in india don't count

Damage control. Shill harder, winjeet.

Remember when Apple's website was the only place to watch trailers?

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God I hated this piece of shit player

>Remember when Apple's website was the only place to watch trailers?
I just remembered when gametrailers.com was the only place to watch game trailers... I miss the good ol days

holy shit this
Real Player >>>>>>>>>>> Quick TIme

>I miss the good ol days
I don't, gametrailers.com was fucking cancer, shit quality videos and shill reviews.

rent free

what a weird flashback that gave me. my first major site way, way back had RealPlayer stuff. I remember that.

iomega zip drives couldn't die fast enough.
Killed by the CD-R
It was as if you could afford one, then you must have fell out of the sky from heaven itself.

Attached: iomega-zip-drive.png (262x192, 57K)

3.5" floppy disks. There had to be a good few years in the 90s/early 2000s where USB flash drives weren't much of a thing and most files you wanted to move around were too big for them.

Also, maybe I was just unlucky but I remember a lot of floppy disks dying or corrupting the files.

I don't even remember why or when I had to use RealPlayer.

It was pretty poplar for TV episodes back in the day. 35MB per episode, with early 2000s video codecs, egad.

Attached: Adobe-swf_icon.png (256x256, 13K)

ITT: post technology that used to be hated by everyone but became the norm

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still hate btw. cancer will forever be cancerous.

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easily killed by cd-r as zip drives were notoriously unreliable for use as any permanent storage. i'm glad they're dead.

swf definately has it's charm.

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>Also, maybe I was just unlucky but I remember a lot of floppy disks dying or corrupting the files.
you weren't unlucky. they were just absolutely god damned awful. i lost quite a few pc and amiga disks due to errors and corruption.

>company is technology

> be you
> zoomer cancer
> never around when the computers were just called apples.. apple 2, apple 2gs etc.
i just love this board. you get to see clueless fucking cancers like yourself just fail miserably at life and everything that you do. how are you this fucking retarded, cunt? birth defect? bad car accident? just fuck off and die, you sad iTODDLER.

Worst player ever. For a long time, it could not play in fullscreen.

The only reason to use this now is for video Downloading. Even then, there are replacements.

I bet I'm older than you, you millennial cancer

>The only reason to use this now is for video Downloading
are you fucking serious? it still exists and you use it for something? are you mental?

use youtube-dl and IDM you mong

real player was based, it had a browser plugin that let me download flash videos back when I had no clue what I was doing

Attached: 5450931.jpg (650x873, 118K)

I don't get it.

flash came back in the form of js frameworks?

I fell for this meme by getting one as an internal drive and a couple disks and barely used the damn thing.

You still use it?!? What the fuck are you doing? Use literally anything else.

...so they could commit new fresh mistakes

But js frameworks are just js? You don't have to install them.

there aren't much in the nt kernel, maybe if we count pulling graphics into kernel in NT 4

>ATI Radeon X1650
"Passive cooling is the technology of the future!" they said
"Play modern gaymes in dead silence!" they said
Running anything more demanding than desktop was a fucking meltdown.

Attached: Bez názvu 1 kopie.jpg (1329x1004, 203K)

Has there ever been a passively cooled GPU that wasn't shit?

I'm talking within the last decade or so, VooDoo 2s need not apply.

Fuck this retarded garbage

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t. pajeet front-end "developer"

those were the days...

Then we all would eventually just download quicktime and realplayer alternative codecs to get them to play on other media players for a time then they totally became irrelevant formats.

had one of those (yes the green one) ... worked gud!

Attached: BonyFlakyAntelopegroundsquirrel-size_restricted.gif (445x250, 2.08M)

>Only real oldfags will remember

Attached: South Park episode 1.exe.png (37x40, 596)

You fucking motherfucker. You reminded me that I had to administer a RealServer. Thanks.

But it still was better than Blackberry Enterprise Server. Or a Barracuda hardware load balancer.

OK, what is rent free supposed to mean? Prostitution?

It's a reference to the concept of living in someone's head rent-free.

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These pieces of shit didn't let you do anything. Fucking childrens sandbox.

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I don't know if this was just me but I felt like floppies were very sensitive to anything magnetic or staticy
>pick up a floppy after taking off my sweatshirt
>feel a little static
>start worrying hoping that my data is safe

This one served me well.

Attached: POWERCOLOR-SCS3-5.png (550x413, 256K)

>bought pack of 10
>tried to format all of them
>2 were already dead
Fuck floppies, you will never be missed.

>not "South Park episode 1.avi.exe"

oldschool mice would get so fucking gross and dirty before the plastic alternatives were widely available.

Attached: computer_mouse.jpg (1024x768, 80K)

Fucking shockwave

Silverlight. I'm surprised no one's brought it up yet.

>post technology that used to be hated by everyone but became the norm

Attached: death of pc gaming.jpg (1200x800, 50K)

i think there's still a shitbox with winXP on my mother's basement that has this bad boy and pic related on it.
also quick time player although i never found out what it was good for.

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post year

Attached: megamind.jpg (93x125, 2K)

the do you expect from the fisher price of "tech"-companies?

Just ziptie a large fan running at 800 rpm and you are fine

It's the marketing departments who fucked up everything by saying that you should be running those without any kind of active cooling at all. The usual default fans in cards back in those days sounded like a fucking jet engines and having a decent sized heatsinks to put normal case fans around would have been a definite improvement.

>grow up on farm
>have mouse in room
>find out about mouse
>try to get it out, chase it behind bookshelve
>mouse climbs into PC through unused bottom slot in case
>freak out that mouse will chew through cables or piss on CPU
>ask mom what to do
>"just put it outside, it's cold so it will go away when night comes"
>mom was right
>thanks mom

jesus what the fuck was that? like the windows version of quick time player or something? i think no one brought it up because no one ever had to use it for anything. i remember that windows tried to open something with it by some default setting but it didn't work and that was the end of my run-in with silverlight.

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Thanks for the story, user

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You better watch your mouth kiddo

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The old Netscape was really shit. Totally bloated, huge download and extreme memory consumption.
Imagine your system starts swapping just when opening the Browser.

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Navigator, though, now THAT was a good browser!

This is why

You had to buy the paid version for full screen

lol my schools administration software used to require silverlight, now they use kendo ui from 2015

>You had to buy the paid version for full screen