His desktop monitor is a lower resolution than a laptop

>his desktop monitor is a lower resolution than a laptop

Attached: mantiz-venus-egpu-enclosure-2016-13-in-macbook-pro.jpg (1400x788, 195K)

Other urls found in this thread:


> his

really fucking up the macbook pro demographic there, OP

4k@120hz screens are expensive.

Nah, Apple has many gay male users in addition to its female userbase.


Also it's a 1600p ultrawide, so suck it, enjoy your boxed aspect ratio

Every programmer in Silicon Valley uses Apple computers, you goober. Get a real job.

>Get a real job.
Nice freudian slip there, my neet friend.

Psychoanalysis is pseudoscience.

I have a 24/4k lg ultrafine. The best monitor in the world.

>his toilet is a street

Attached: 1556446782305.jpg (643x960, 255K)

Windows is for pajeets, retard.

ok but apple is gay

Not as gay as Microsoft or Lenovo.

Apple invented street shitting.

Attached: 1546923935523.png (709x869, 542K)

Do the needful, winjeet.

Luckily my desktop monitor is higher res than 1366x768 :^)


Attached: 1541160044155.png (1036x1402, 378K)

Friendly reminder that Apple's CEO




Attached: 1548139144683.png (1000x837, 735K)

Microsoft's CEO literally shits in the street.

Attached: pajeet.jpg (275x183, 6K)

Steve "One Infinite Loo" Jobs invented street shitting in California.

Attached: 1540962466095.png (695x1614, 1.06M)

Funny how you can't defend against my point. Your company is run by pajeets for pajeets.

>one exec in a company shits in the street
>an entire company that shits in the street

Attached: 1563527893448.png (828x1418, 166K)

No wonder the tech industry is in such a state.

>one exec
Nice try, winjeet. Most of Microsoft is Indians now. They employ 10,000 people in Hyderabad.
It's been that way for 20 years, retard. Do you really expect programmers to use some god-awful shit like Windows over a true Unix OS like macOS?

Oh no no no

Attached: winjeets.jpg (1000x544, 180K)


No wonder they built the world's biggest loo. Imagine letting iPajeets freely shit all over California uncontained.

imagine the smell

I do actually because while macos is unix based, that's where the benefits stop.
>Worse IDEs
>Dreadful usability
>Slow OS
>Extremely bloated animations and shit hardware to go with it
>Least secure mainline os
>Tragically retarded file explorer
>Removes features from both hardware and software each update
The only reason that people stick with apple is that they're retarded, developing ios apps or both.




>>Worse IDEs
Emacs is right there, retard.
>>Dreadful usability
Better than Windows by a mile.
>>Slow OS
Faster than Windows. Can run on a hard disk without shitting itself, unlike Microsoft's offering.
>>Extremely bloated animations and shit hardware to go with it
Yet it runs better than Windows without any of that.
>>Least secure mainline os
Compared to Windows? Laughable.
>>Tragically retarded file explorer
Better than Microsoft's Windows Explorer. Plus the terminal is the best file explorer available.
>>Removes features from both hardware and software each update
Progress is so scary.

>b-b-b-but my street shitter OS isn't as shit as this other street shitter OS

Attached: 1548401314976.gif (514x900, 140K)

Nice damage control, wintoddler.

Ask me how I know you shit in the street.

Attached: 1542351593178.jpg (643x960, 255K)

t. winjeet

Big screen, high res = low yield
Small screen, high res = higher yield and less waste, hence cheaper

Miss me with that street shit.

Only pajeets get mad when they see Unix.

good thing i dont work in silicon valley and dont want to work there. nj life.

fagOS will never be unix iJeet.

>removing features and forcing change on a seasoned ui that just works is “progress”

You people suck. Your software “progress” is niggerlicious.

>I don't want to make any money
It's been Unix for 18 years. 30 if we include NeXTStep. Sorry, winjeet, but it has been established that you have no idea what Unix is. Go back to Visual Studio where you belong.

>if i street shit hard enough my pajeetOS will become unix
Do iJeets actually believe this?

Remember when you thought Linux was Unix, winjeet?

My phone has a higher res than my desktop.

3120x1440 90hz OLED OnePlus 7pro
2560x1440 144hz LCD Acer


Linux is far more unix than your pajeetOS, street shitter.

>Linux is far more unix

Attached: laff.png (500x743, 227K)

>iJeet has no arguments to defend his pajeetOS besides image macros

>winjeet thinks a mere Unix clone from the 90s is Unix, whereas a true, certified Unix OS isn't
You can't make this stuff up. How many rupees does Bill give you to say such retarded shit?

>iJeet thinks taking a street shit on top of a stolen kernel and taping a piece of paper on it makes it unix

>smartphone company

Attached: laugh.jpg (640x479, 62K)

pajeetOS will never be unix no matter how much you street shit


macOS will always be Unix, winjeet. Stay seething.


Attached: 1554900858427.gif (500x491, 355K)

pajeetOS will never be unix no matter how much you street shit

>iPajeet literally BTFO

Attached: 1538838712398.jpg (594x595, 53K)

oh no no no no

Attached: 1555237820981.jpg (1920x1619, 894K)

>can't defend position
>resorts to reporting posts that offend him
Winjeet confirmed. Straight out of Microsoft's play book.


>iJeet gets banned every day
>mods recognize your street shitting on sight
Do you honestly think you or your pajeetOS will ever belong on Jow Forums? Have you even seen the sticky lately?

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