How do we fix startup culture?

Startup culture is rekt.
You just have to shit out good ideas and each idea gets raped till it doesn't and then you finally make it.

Attached: Startup culture.jpg (900x997, 418K)

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holy fuck look at this nerds feet

He's clearly from NZ

>someone saved my shoop-da-whoop to repost months later

Attached: Loden Cloak Hunter.jpg (900x900, 228K)

you just make up enough stuff until you get noticed by a venture capital firm and get a shitload of investment money you can live on for the rest of your life

That's the exact culture that's shit.

>fucking kangaroo feet or some shit
is this the dude that made gnome?

That was a while ago, did any of the startups succeed?

unless you're a tranny then you get funding no matter what

I'm convinced all these "start ups" are just fronts for money laundering.

>unless you're a tranny then you get funding no matter what
I'm a repressing tranny. I don't take hormones or wear girls clothes.

why are his feet so big, I want to suck on his toes
check out my startup

Mediocre, I can't recall if nomadlist was a part of it or not. But that was his entire point, he was totally OK with projects failing because he got to test his ideas QUICKLY instead of spending years and years developing something just to hit the market and fail.

Image boards don't solve any problems idiot. That isn't a startup.

Startup: we're developing a way to order pizza more "efficiently".
Img Board: we're developing a way to shitpost more "efficiently".
Not defending his claim that his shitty board is a startup, but if your definition of startups is based on the shitty problems they "solve", you're going to have a hard time distinguishing them from any dumb invention.

maybe I'm the super genius and you're the idiot since I'm already making enough to live off of from it

Having a website where you have to make an account to post isn't shitposting efficiently. It's inefficient desu.

Yeah you get chump change and use it to buy baked beans which you can live off. That's not real living. You even let people bring steam and Mal to it so you have access to their data.

This is the only intelligent response I've seen on Jow Forums all day.

True. But 4chans anonymous is outmoded by temporary usernames used in say volatile. So much easier to reply to the right people and take things in context. Here it's a shit show with everyone accusing everyone of same fagging.

Haven't seen samefagging being an issue commonly.
Is your site flourishing with those accounts?

>Haven't seen samefagging being an issue commonly.
>Is your site flourishing with those accounts?

Same fagging is definitely an issue. I've been called it 3 times today ffs. But temp identities (per thread) make everyone anonymous while still providing a good idea of thread participation and who exactly you are talking to

the guy you're responding to isn't the guy who's running the site, that's me. It's doing okay, I hope to attract more people to buy Tiblar Boost by introducing a lot of new features soon. I just added the ability for people to sell posts with 0% fees and also create a subscription model for the profile. So people can buy a subscription to their profile to see content.

See folks this answer right here is why we need temp IDs

The worst boards on this site have temp ids. Go use them or use that guys site

We found bigfoot

This is what they are really all hoping for.

>Hey I've had a revolutionary idea that is going to change the way we X
>Show me what you have?
>It's all on the computer
>Let's talk capital. Can you start me off with $10 million? Keep in mind this company will potentially be worth $300 billion in 5 years

It's just hippies attacking another angle of never having to contribute anything tangible in their lives.

>don't start a company or you're a hippie

M8 I've been here 10years I'm not going anywhere, and I had no idea other boards have temp IDs. I use use /g /fit and if I'm honest /gif

that's called being a nazi

I-im making a startup

What happened to his startups?

>those feet
is that the holochain ceo?

he succeeded because of this article not because he was smart

All this is telling me is that the startup fags are based for conning apparently fucking retarded VC's out of their money.
Are venture capitalists really that stupid?

>that one dude who tries to pitch his startup idea at a big family dinner

not him but VCs usually calculate it that they invest in 10 retarded ideas, statistically around 2 out of the 10 will succeed and will return them profit that will surpass the losses of the other 8, it's that simple

are they all clubfoot-related?

Are you sure he's not from the Shire?

All you need is one Facebook or even one Uber to make investing in 100 companies worth it. Most VCs still vet their investments pretty hard and do DD.