"""Linux Community"""

I didn't start using Linux cause I want friends. That's like the opposite reason that people use Linux

Attached: firefox_2019-09-19_14-24-21.png (1268x621, 1.44M)

Go back to farming your vegetables Luke.

Linux is a kernel. In fact, it is the kernel most used in personal computers today. So if you think using Linux means you're part of a small community you couldn't be further from the truth.

using a product != engaging with that products community

Being part of a community != engaging with a community.

Once Fuchsia OS is stable this argument will finally be BTFO'd. Cheap and easy doesn't actually make a good OS.

Linux has never been about being good. If we cared about quality we would have worked more on Mach or developed our own microkernel. Linux just works, and that is why it is used in the majority of personal computers today.

based and redpilled

the world sucks

this is the most retarded statement i've read today

Attached: 6 - DiSIRdy.jpg (720x711, 43K)

Well you're here aren't you?

Nice reddit meme.

>Linux just works

Ha, that gave me a good chuckle. Android just works, OSX just works, Windows just works, anything with Linux on the box is a waste of time. Hell, I've even seen those precious snap packages that were supposed to solve all problems break due to *gasp* dependency issues. It's not used in the majority of personal computers, it's used in the majority of cell phones where the GUI and SDK is more important than the underlying OS, and thus highly replaceable and why Google has been gearing up Fuchsia OS.

>Android just works
Android is Linux, you spastic.

Any and all normie "communities" that center around tech is indeed cancer.

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I started using Linux to find friends in the trans community.

If it is an internet community it requires engagement on behalf of the user.
If the product where say a swimming pool or a food stuff that you had to go to their particular ecosystem to purchase - like a market garden - then you may have a point.
If I rip an iso from the net and rip updates without much human intervention I'm not part of a community.

It won't be 5 years from now, and no one cares about your extended meaning of smart phones being personal computers, everyone sees that as overly optimistic BS of someone who can't accept their OS is a failure. The fact remains, anything with Linux explicitly printed on the Box isn't suitable for the general public as it does not just work.

>If it is an internet community it requires engagement on behalf of the user.
It isn't an internet community. Linux is software that does not require an internet connection.
>It won't be 5 years from now
So it is Linux now?

The linux community is socialware that requires internet.


I started to use Linux because I wanted to learn a different operating system than windows. Years later and I find I enjoy working in linux/Unix and playing in windows.
Hell, I'd probably use Mac OS at this point if I could natively install it on any hardware I wished.