Do you agree?

Do you agree?

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>spaces inside of parentheses
>retarded proposal
Sounds about right

>reverse for loop are hard to parse
imagine being a woman


imagine the actual hard part which is interfacing a bunch of clusterfuck APIs that are poorly documented

and then imagine you're a (wo)man with 0 reading skillz

>caring about the opinion of a woman who is only there due to extortion by the left wing mafia yet makes a full salary checking peoples repos for offensive words

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yes, I agree with everything that's ever been written on the internet


Trannies (aka cross dressing men) are not women and would not have trouble with such basic concepts. So yes, a woman.

>for loop
>super complex
maybe we can just remove everything and just write

I mean you already have code snippets if you are writing millions of for loops every day.

Attached: _.gif (369x204, 912K)

I just want to get off this fucking ride already

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This isn't even a complete proposal for a single for expression. Also a lot of this is more or less pointless given the existence of Linq and the enumerable class in general

>for( 7 )
foreach(_ in Enumerable.Range(0, 7))

>for( i, 7 )
foreach(i in Enumerable.Range(0, 7))

>forr( i, 7 )
foreach(i in Enumerable.Range(0, 7).Reverse())

The others are trivially
foreach(i in collection) or foreach(i in collection.Reverse())

And if you're working on something perf-critical enough that enumeration is too much overhead, you probably want the granular control that the existing for loop provides anyway.

>has retarded idea
>even creates a github issue attempting to push it
>talks on an on about her sexuality on twitter
It's times like these when I have to watch a talk by Barbara Liskov just to remind myself that there are useful women in tech as well.

Most modern languages have something like this. Yes, this is actually a good feature.
In almost all cases, the plain count from 0 to X, increment by 1 for loop is exactly what you want.

Then again, you can just make that a template in your IDE. Most even come with a shortcut for all kinds of loops.

For loops have always been fucking annoying due to their weird and over complicated format

C++ and java already have it, why should c# not do the same?

The number of 'o's in "for" should specify the number of iterations. Iterator is always i, everyone uses it anyway.

C++ and Java have for-each loops with non-retarded syntax, which is not what she's proposing.
She is completely clueless yet feels the need to make such suggestions. That's just arrogant.
Of course men in that situation don't get the same attention. There's retards in every gender, even in the real ones.

You faggots keep using those CRT monitors and cannot distinguish man from women.
Good thing it will make you blind.

>foreach(Ride r in fuckThisShit){GetOff(r);}


For fucks sake this thread is why the politically correct REEEing demographic feels justified

This woman is talking exclusively about programming. Not about oppression of how the language doesn't use pronouns of choice or why the word dongle should be a hate crime etc...

And you assholes just bitch about her gender and focus on that shit, imply that's why she's stupid etc. if you disagree and think the suggestion has no merit that's fine but explain that without basically pouring jetfuel into the screeching REEEE machine and then come back later to yell about how fast it's going.

I like it, but make o the iterator too:
>if(o==0)print('o is 0');
>if(o==1)print('o is 1');
>if(o==2)print('o is 2');
>if(o==3)print('o is 3');

I don't understand what's wrong with
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
This is a trivial construction and everyone can understand it.
range-based for loops like C++ and python are ok too
for(auto& a : list)

What else do we need? everything else is useless abstraction, there is no reason to hide things in freaking for loops.

Looking "super complex" is not a reason to throw something out.

this is actually a decent feature, if the name & profile pic wasn't visible, Jow Forums would be shitting on languages instead of women. retards.

>imagine using a cucked language where you can't even change semantics and syntax yourself


C# aka Microsoft Java is not worth using

Behaving like a girl and fucking women. He got it right.

>reverse loops

fo[o] = o*o;

Yeah looks better than I imagined. Is there a Jow Forums designed language yet?

if only C# was a somewhat flexible language

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for(size_t i = 10; i>=0; i--)
printf("%d\n", *(0x0));

Segmentation Fault(core dumped)

all of these things already exist, she's just a retard.

I only use while loops cause they are more universal, fuck for loops.

The fuck? I mean she could just do a whole loop because that's more of what she's aiming for. For is fine as is. All you need are that and a foreach

saw you post after posting..
you can also do all these things with link Range.Whatever.ForEach

you expect everyone to be a competent developer

o wait it's a tranny..

>this int count
>actually writes the number and then calls an method on it
Coming from PHP, that looks cool
I wish I was interested enough to read software books

They're called Extension Methods.

But it's fucking retarded _because_ she's a woman.

please post some example while loops

im trying to become a progremmer

did you not see where she used the word 'feel' that has no place in CS, just like women and their 'feelings'. men do not feel, therefore do not suffer this design flaw.

She never programmer in ruby.

5.times { }
with index
5.time{ |idx| }
collection.each { |element| }
collection.each_with_index { |element, idx|}

I'mFuckingYourMother = true;

if (anonMomCums){
I'mFuckingYourMother = false;

F(for (var i = 0; I < MyArray.length; I++) {insertIntoCode('o');}r {

Extension functions/methods are fucking based. If your language doesn't have them then it's fucking shit.

Complex system of iterators already exist in other languages like ruby,perl or rust.

She suggest very boring improves, I remember guys using c macros to made same thing.

You forgot:

She's an idiot.
for(i=9; i>=0; i++)
is at LEAST 192 times more obvious than a fucking
forr(9) took me 10 seconds to notice the second r...

This is python level stupidity

Looks pretty neat. Extension functions are OP as fuck.
Rate mine.

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>reverse loops
>Never heard of this, this must be something advanced beyond my level
>It is i-- instead of i++

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what is wrong with
for(auto i : {0 .. 1}

As a c++ only chud thats pretty cool.

What an goddamn idiot. The traditional for loop is as simple and compact as possible - initialization, condition and iteration in a for loop, what is left to take away in this? How hard is it. The absolute state of some women in tech. Well on the other hand, this looks like a plausible thing that will be changed in that language because privilege.

i want to go back to 80s/90s IT culture bros..
fuck sjws and women and all the cucks that infected this beautiful industry..

it will never be the same..

Oh oh wait let me guess.. she has her "preferred pronouns" in her twitter bio?

Fucking this.
Python has so much stupid shit like this. Make shitty abstractions that saves 2 lines of code so you can spend that extra time looking for bugs that a compiler should have caught.

I'd hack together an equivalent in Rust using traits, but we already have actually good iterators so it's not even necessary.
fn main() {
(0..100).for_each(|i| println!("{}", i));

that's a man actually

based and concise (and safe)

samefag and nobody cares kike

That proposal is retarded, it's not obvious at all what those do and doesn't fit the language at all. They could adopt the Vb.Net syntax and somehow make it fit in C#.

for i = 0 to 10

Has this tranny ever heard of a for each loop? Something like:

[spoiler]for(auto& element : container)[/spoiler]

90% of my for loops look like this? Who the fuck uses a raw for loop in 2019?

r8 my shit version

for (7) // repeat 7 times
for (i -> 7) // repeat for i in [0, 7)
for (i ~> 7) // repeat for i in [0, 7]
for (i = 2 ->) // repeat for i in [2, modular infinity)
for (i = 2 7) // repeat for i in [2, 7)
for (i = 2 ~> 7) // repeat for i in [2, 7]
for (i = 7 -> 2) // repeat for i in (2, 7] backwards
for (i = 7 ~> 2) // repeat for i in [2, 7] backwards
for (x : enum) // repeat for x in enumerable
for (i ~> enum) // repeat for i as enumerable index
for (x : enum

c# has pretty much the same thing list.foreach . so the tranny was not complaining about that but nice try.

God, I wish C++ could do that.


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using namespace std; // not harmful in .cpp files, go fuck yourself

void times(const function& f) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) f();

void times(const function& f) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) f(i);

int main() {
times([](int i) {

>implying trannies are mentally sane

Meanwhile I haven't written a for loop, that wasn't a foreach loop in a very long time. Rather than add more unnecessary abstractions, why don't we just remove the for loop completely?

Also I need some more colored socks now that winter is coming. What do y'all recommend?

No, just use a copy and paste hotkey in vim. Sometimes the format is useful and I'm pretty dumbed down for loops are normally slower.

The rope

>She's an idiot.
>for(i=9; i>=0; i++)
>is at LEAST 192 times more obvious than a fucking
>forr(9) took me 10 seconds to notice the second r...
>This is python level stupidity
Your loop counts to infinity instead of 0, you might need dumbed down syntax.

The part about "potentially" offensive words really triggers my autism.
How would you define a word as "potentially offensive"? How would you know that in the future someone would take offense to that word? What if I take offense to something like object and request to have it removed, can I just ban the entire English language this way?
Fucking hell.


why not use snippets for stuff like this, all ides and texteditors have snippets for atleast stuff like for loops but if you are super autist, you can define your own too, atleast you can in sublime and vim.

>woman trying to have an opinion on tech

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well i wish i could manage memory in C# but we can't get it all can we

I'd find the misplaced ++ easier than a misplaced r that's for sure

big gai


void times(T&& func) noexcept
for (size_t i = I; i; i--)

int main()
times([n = 0]() mutable { std::cout

C# is not matlab. This type of feature is just not very useful for the tasks C# is used for. That being said, C# is already inundated with crap features, so why not add some more.

No, that is a fucking terrible idea because it just introduces magic to a language that already has fucking foreach.

Can't you just make a Range struct that can be iterated over?

You are discarding it, but big tech isn't, because females have most of the purchasing power in the west, so if M$ can appeal to them so they can buy their latest underperforming garbage surface pro pro max plus ultra, instead of apples A A S25 plux max, they will.

retard who never wrote in c# nor java

when was the last time you had to write a for loop with hardcoded number of iterations?

Yes, whatever makes web goblins happy. C# is already goblin language, nothing wrong can happen to it anymore.

14-15 or so years ago when learning how loops work

what are you talking about, nothing wrong can happen? something wrong is already about to happen, default implementation interfaces in C# 8, fucking disgusting

>dumb bitch never heard of foreach

She's dumb but I agree that C# syntax is retarded
Delphi's pascal still has the best syntax for a programming language that I've ever seen. It's simple, readable, and produces actual native software.
I dont understand why nobody uses Delphi tbqh

The only good idea here is the reverse for loop

;)i, “n\d%” ( ftnirp
) ++i; 10 > i; 0 = i ( rof

Delphi is an educational language you don't use it for real software

C# has good iterators as well, but a ForEach method on IEnumerable isn't included because they wanted all the methods on the type to be pure, and ForEach is basically encouraging side effects. Easy to add your own though, as I have in the screenshot.

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