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yeah freakin right like they'll throw away years of work to port all of their programs to linux when they couldn't even port edgehtml to linux

That is par for the course with microsoft, what the fuck are you talking about. ReFS, Longhorn, projects of all sizes and production lengths even DOS was dropped "early" because there was a cheaper alternative. Linux is the cheapest kernel out at the moment is the point.

ReFS is still a thing you're thinking of WinFS

I thought microsoft was rich

>still a thing
I did forget WinFS but ReFS was a ntfs replacement for 2012. What ended up happening was a couple extensions to ntfs that enabled their weird reboot system to not kill the filesystem and ReFS was shat out as an enDURRprise software defined storage project.

You don't become rich by wasting money.

Why would they extinguish their own kernel? Not to mention, why would they pass on having it developed by third parties for free? They've been clinging to NT core for no other reason than boomer investor misconceptions about digital markets.

spending money is how you tell people that you're rich

t. poorfag

so you never spent any penny?

>.net core
>visual studio community edition
>sql server linux
>kestrel webserver
>windows subsystem for linux

whats next? did openfags inflitrated m$ managerial positions and convinced those boomers to open up?

Slowly but surely, zoomers replace boomers.



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WInblows is dying.

Year of the Windows developer desktop

Anyone else hate this font? I fucking hate this soicore font

Asked a friend of mine that works at Microsoft (friend through IRC) and she just laughed and said no way.

if it means a 100% compatibility layer between linux and windows applications then great.
retard consumers aren't going to bother with something like that anyway, so microsoft would keep most of its botnet.

It won't, nice fan fiction.

>like they'll throw away years of work to port all of their programs to linux
They did it when moving from DOS to Windows. They're open sourcing some bits and irrelevant apps and they're selling the Azure service. Since they basically dropped the funding of their Windows desktop team by over 50% it's possible for them to just roll out a WINE of their own for "legacy" and just use Linux, like they did when moving DOS software to Windows. So it's not impossible, but it won't happen because Linux is a competitor and they'd just strengthen it by joining the Linux bandwagon.

NT/Linux has been speculated since the Microsoft announced that they built a general bi-directional Linux-to-NT/NT-to-Linux OS API call translation layer ostensibly to port SQL Server to Linux. That's a lot of engineering effort just to port one software, albeit a complicated one.

A year later, Microsoft announced they've developed the translation layer even further and is using it for a new Windows feature called "Window Subsystem for Linux." The year after that, Microsoft says this layer has been redesigned to run an actual Linux kernel in an optimized, lightweight VM, and this will provide 100% Linux API call coverage with minimal performance penalty.

Windows definitely is moving towards a kernel-independent future, and it wouldn't be a surprise if Microsoft swapped out NT kernel for Linux kernel several years down the line.

Windows 11 will never be a thing. 10 is the ultimate goal. A pile of shit they can keep shoveling crap on.

i mean, if you make it happens, windows could run on linux u.u

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That will never happen. Everything still needs the NT kernel. They only integrated Linux so that developers don't move away from Windows 10 due to how garbage it is. They specifically did it to stop people from switching to Linux. They wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot by releasing a Lindows OS.

be careful i can be a big magician, and make it happens u.u

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>games on linux

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>SHE just laughed and said no way


Nadella is just B&R. He destroyed the old management style and is listening to engineers.
It's that simple.

That's a mistake. They need to run it on freeBSD like apple. They have no obligation to make it closed source. It's an advantage to be able to. To be able to go back and forth like that.

Microsoft's business is changing. Windows is no longer the center of it. Azure is. Microsoft is doing the smart thing and shifting resources and focus away from Windows and towards Azure. Know what the majority of Azure customers use on the instances they pay for? Linux.


> computerworld
fuck off, faggot. if we wanted to read stories that were made up bullshit written by retards, we would all subscribe to wired.

>They need to run it on freeBSD like apple
no, just bsd.

im an eternal linux user, wouldn't mind to have a win 99 program running side by side with some cute ncurses tool

>windows 11 starts using linux as a kernel
>suddenly everyone can port their shitty software to linux
mark this post


>They did it when moving from DOS to Windows
dos was like 1/100 of the LoC of the .net runtime alone

People would just fork the project


windows NT is pretty good, it's all the crap they ship with it that nobody likes.

Windows won't be relevant anymore by the time this happens.

>Literally who has unrealistic opinions about windows and thinks that breaking 30 years of backwards compatibility sounds like a great idea.

I expect them to deploy a microkernel that runs NT within it for compatibility. I can't even see the possibility of them dropping NT for Linux, that would be retarded. I do think there's a possibility that they open source NT if they (legally) can.

Why would you ever want someone to know you're rich?
These are your rewards.

Windows 10 is the last version of windows. No 11 and certainly no pozzed FOSS. Delusional tranny

Found the Pajeet.

If windows 10 is supposed to be their "last" version for all eternity, why didnt they just rename the OS "Windows" without a version number.

They wouldn't even need to port all of their programs. As the article notes, Microsoft could have a 100% functional Wine-like compatibility layer that blows Wine out of the fucking stratosphere in under a year. Wine's jankiness comes from the fact that it's one big reverse engineering project with a constantly moving target, which is obviously something Microsoft developers wouldn't have to contend with (and even with Wine being the way that it is, it and its associated software have gotten to the point where the performance hit of using it is minimal). Further to the point, Microsoft developers have already gotten experience working with Linux and compatibility layers.

Cool retaliation bro. Give it again sometime.

Just like OSX was mac OS 10 for a long time.

no i didn't and if someone else did i didn't see it, nigger

It will probably be a cloud based thing and will run older software on virtual machine.

You could already do that if you wrote portable code.

most richfags look rich because of their possessions
I'm a homeless and can't afford anything, so I don't know
also this is microsoft, a company not a single person