
How realistic is it to teach yourself to code and program? Also, what is the most useful language to learn, Java, Python, C++, etc. ?

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Other urls found in this thread: C in one video

>how realistic is it?
depends on free time. if you have a job and bills to pay, its unlikely.
>most useful language

very realistic, you won't amount to anything if you enroll in a course

C & C# is all you need, C# is all you want.

I'm learning C++ on my own and I can tell you that if you have time and will you can totally do it. Just start with the basics, get yourself a nice book online and work work work.

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Both of these points.
You can go to college, but even there the difference between those who just do what they have to to pass and those that like it and do more than they are forced to is obvious. Any course will just push you in one direction, then you'll learn at least 60% of it if you like it and want more.

And languages yes. C is the god of low level (like embedded devices), no competition there. It's also good to learn algorithms and data structures so you know why creating fixed size constant linked list is stupid compared to a static fixed size array. Which one to use if you wanna search it often, or have it sorted maybe. You get to see what's behind the scenes of everything. C# is like better Java. If you're on Windows you trade some privacy for one of the most intuitive debuggers ever, and once you spend 900 hours debugging shit there's still more advanced features you'll learn.

the most stupid thread i've seen in a while

It can be done, but is harder than people make it out to be. Knowing more math is always better.The hardest parts are making time, staying diciplined, not getting stuck (ha!), motivation motivation motivation... And that's if you're a NEET with no responsibilities. Taking care of a real family can easily drain all your time and energy. But it is possible.

Not OP, but is C++ the most "Can-Do-Anything" code? And where do I start the basics?

>is C++ the most "Can-Do-Anything" code?
No, that would be assembly. But it's high up there (maybe #2 spot).
I recommend SoloLearn for getting the absolute basics and then working on your own using tutorials, online guides, and just writing stuff for fun yourself.
If you have an IQ over 100 (i.e., experienced in another language or programming theory), this video basically taught me my first C++

C# for games
Python for sysadmin
html/css/js/php for webdev
C++ for everything else

>inb4 thousands of angry codelets


All games are made in Unity.

wtf nogger, just accept it

All indie games are made in Unity
All serious professionals use C or C++ and write engine from scratch

just C++ these days

If you want a job learn Java or C#.

Learn java or better yet Kotlin. Using a GC runtime will do wonders for your productivity.

C++ fags just want to drag everyone down to their level.

it requires some effort but definitely is doable. just start with something that is well standarized and not fucked up.

speaking of which, if I were you, I'd start with C#. good documentation, a lot of resources here and there, well defined, no bullshit, plethora of features that are actually part of the language and, finally, rich standard libraries.

remember that a programming language is just a tool and it won't define how good of a programmer you are.

Nayrt but while Kotlin is great, is it really a good language to seek employment with?

Most people learn on their own. Python and C++ is the dynamic duo. C++ for performance, Python for getting simple things done. Java syntax is almost identical to C++ so you can pick that up pretty easily after. Java is really only used for large enterprise applications. Personally I would just use C++ for everything.

C++ for everything, Python + Django for web dev.

Java is trash. Just write in C++, syntax is the same, and as long as you compile in debug during testing compile time doesn't matter. I see literally no use for Jaba.

python is very beginner friendly, you can definitely learn it on your own

I really want to learn and gain discipline to learn C++ from SoloLearn, but the {} ; and other symbols keep throwing me off and having to re-read it again.

using namespace std;

int main()

>I really want to learn and gain discipline to learn C++
Learn C instead, it's better for beginners, and is nicer to write in, in general.
> the {} ; and other symbols keep throwing me off and having to re-read it again.
You'll get used to it, just takes some time working with the syntax to get acquainted.
>This is on Step 2 of "Hello World!" and I'm distracted to it, along with lowercase letters "int" instead of "INT"..
Why do you expect the type name to be in all caps? In programming, usually only constants are all caps.

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never gonna make it.

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>Learn C instead, it's better for beginners, and is nicer to write in, in general.

Isn't C++ the upgraded code from C to perform more than what C can do?
>You'll get used to it, just takes some time working with the syntax to get acquainted.

Is there at least a guide or tutorials about how to use those symbols and how important those symbols are, and examples with and without using it?

>Why do you expect the type name to be in all caps? In programming, usually only constants are all caps.
Because it helps me read the opcodes and type name where I could accidentally fuse the words together. In old days, they do those caps. I grasp better from BASIC [spoiler] Still a noob on it. [/spoiler] but I want to migrate to C++

>Isn't C++ the upgraded code from C to perform more than what C can do?
When you're talking lower level languages like C/C++, it's never usually a factor of being able to actually do more, just the convenience of being able to do what you wanna do. In the case of C, it can do everything C++ can do, but with a much, much nicer standard library, and a much smaller set of stuff to learn. It's lean and mean. In C++, while it may be able to do some things in less lines, or have more built in, you can still do anything it can do, in C. The advantage like I said before to picking C instead, is it being much easier to learn. C++ is a bloated mess of a language, people who have spent decades with it still don't know the whole language themselves. On the other hand, anyone can learn pretty much everything they need to know in C. Not to mention, in C, you don't get some of the same abstractions, which forces you to learn more about how the computer works, which is definitely good for any future programming you do.

>Is there at least a guide or tutorials about how to use those symbols and how important those symbols are
Probably, Google around for tutorials and guides, I don't have a recommendation for any in particular.

>Because it helps me read the opcodes and type name where I could accidentally fuse the words together
Use a good font, maybe increase your editor's line spacing if it keeps being an annoying issue.

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Can't code games in Python?

All three of those are reasonable-enough choices to start.

C++ has evolved over time but here are some old lecture notes, or find other notes/tutorials. Work through 3 or more until you are confidently intermediate, which might take several months.

If that was true, then I don't know which code, C, C++, Java, or C# is the best to learn, where I want to learn to use the code that can do anything and compatible with anything today.

There's Pygame.

Pretty realistic, just takes patience. No talent or smarts or anything really there's nothing to it. Practice practice practice. GL OP

I just told you, C. Start with C at least, it doesn't have to be your main language, but it's the best to learn programming for. After that, I highly recommend C#, lots of great libraries, ease of use, great abstractions and generics, makes getting what you want done a breeze, which sounds like what you want. You could also do C++ for that, but that entails a metric fuckton more learning, and it's not as pleasant, so it really just depends on how much time you have, and how much of a masochist you are.

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C++ compiles much more slowly than regular C which is very annoying, but has powerful features.

They are different languages with very different ways of doing things (though they used to be related). The complaints about "sepples" on /dpt/ are true but most the complainers are Rust shills.

Alright. Going to learn C on SoloLearn, and I don't know which video is the best to learn compare to C++ in one video. C in one video

Don't learn Kotlin. Kotlin is gonna die as soon as Android gets replaced by Fuchsia. Backends are still running on Java and most retards on this board don't know shit about Java in the first place because they learned the basics of ancient Java versions at college. Newer Java versions which include streams, lambdas, type inference etc. are quite decent and Java will get pattern matching, value types, data classes and fibers in the future. Also don't let anyone fool you into learning C#. They'll all say "muh better language" but all it really offers apart from some syntactic sugar is async/await which is shit in the first place because imperative multithreading is retarded and unsafe. That being said, if you want to do any low level stuff you should learn C. Actually it never hurts to learn C.

>C++ for everything else
>enterprise applications
>you know, the thing that makes you employable

no common lisp is the only language that can do anything

>all it really offers apart from some syntactic sugar is async/await which is shit in the first place because imperative multithreading is retarded and unsafe
>all it really offers
>what is linq
>what is wpf
>what is asp
>what is blazor
>what is an unsafe context
>what is unity
>what is xmarin
>what are auto properties
>what is visual studio
>what is CLR interop
>what are structs

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C will get you started and give you great understandings. Python will get you a job. Avoid C# and Java/JS at all costs.

Learn Haskell faget

That is by far the most retarded post I have ever seen. Worse, you posted some fucking anime child as if you were some kind of a weeb pedophile.
Not only did you post a shitload of frameworks (of which Java has way more and better perfoming ones, especially on the backend side) you also posted a non cross platform IDE that manages to be more bloaty than Netbeans.
To this day Microsoft hasn't managed to create a proper cross platform GUI framework. Meanwhile Swing and JavaFX have been working flawlessly. also proves how shitty .NET Core performs in comparison to the JVM and Go.
what is this? back to the stone age?
lmfao, nobody uses this shit. People either code natively or they use ReactNative.
First of all, blazor is for muh webassembly retards who can't into JS second of all, Java has this too? TeaVM etc..

There's nothing C# has that the JVM ecosystem doesn't have. Quite the contrary. And I'm not even gonna start with GraalVM.

i'm self taught. i didn't even really mean to learn, i just started learning bash scripting as need and started learning perl when bash's limitations became too much of a hassle to work around. now i use c almost exclusively but it took a few years to get there. just start a project that seems interesting to you and learn as needed, that seems to be the best way to stay motivated. don't be afraid to rip-off code you don't fully understand from others, you will understand it in time. reading books start to end and doing small tutorials gets boring fast and usually results in a loss of interest.

Java: Google, Youtube, Amazon, Twitter, eBay, Netflix, Uber, Slack, Android, Nasa and pretty much everywhere else
C#: Bing, Stackoverflow

Depends on the level of proficiency you want and the time you are willing to commit. Most people can learn really basic stuff in a fairly short time. You will not become a software engineer overnight though. Also, if you find that you genuinely don't like it but want to "learn to code for a job" that probably won't be very good for you.

anime website, faggot, back to r*ddit

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Genuine question. I want to learn to code but don't really know where to start in terms of shit to download to actually compile programs. What do I need if I want to program in Java, C, or Python respectively?

What kind of computer are you using? A desktop/laptop running windows? linux? android tablet? a remote server perhaps...?

You wouldn't be "learning to code", but learning to program. Drilling correct terminology into your head is step one. As to what you need to compile programs for each language, and IDEs for each:
The JDK, and a nice IDE like Eclipse or Intellij
gcc, if you're running linux, you probably already have it. qt Creator is a pretty good IDE for C I've heard, Clion too.
python 2 or 3 (2 is usually built in if you're running linux), and vs code or something, I don't know too much about python development

If you want to learn Java just download and install IntelliJ ( and you can get started.

>Java is really only used for large enterprise applications.

>I see literally no use for Jaba.

Sooo these places called companies that have things called jobs need people that know Java.

>Taking care of a real family can easily drain all your time and energy

Big fucking truth. It also helps if you don't have a spouse that is an emotional drain....FML. For all the people with industry know-how, when learning the Needful is there more value in experience on Windows or Linux environments? I know that Java is cross platform and can be made anywhere. Question 2: Which ecosystem is easier to learn Java or .NET?

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Desktop running Windows 10.
Fair enough. I did some programming back in college but it's been a long ass time and I wasn't even good then.
>Java and C
Will check those out.

I can code in C but am not too advanced. What should I do senpai?

I use Windows because it's the more stable desktop environment for my 4gb ram laptop. I can run 2 servers + chrome + vs code without much trouble. The same setup crashes Ubuntu.

Thanks mate. I almost fell for the C# meme. I was deciding between C# and Java.

>more value in experience on Windows or Linux environments
Linux. You'll have to know your way around the command line, networking, docker etc.. Docker on Windows sucks.
>Which ecosystem is easier to learn Java or .NET?
Probably Java because after JS, Java has the biggest ecosystem. You'll find tutorials for anything.

C++ is the hardest and biggest, the amount of shit professional programmers are expected to know and remember is insane and NO ONE teaches it well so you have to pick it up here and there which is the worst.
Java is close second.

Python is your best bet.
But if you're already in STEM and know what you want to do with programming this may change.

>How realistic is it to teach yourself to code and program?

Which ecosystem is easier to learn Java or .NET?
.NET, the standard library is much easier to work with than Java's in my opinion, and third party libraries are usually much easier to use out the gate. Not to mention, msdn c# docs are a million fucking times better than oracles dogshit docs for java

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look, it's the pedo weeb again. The fact that he saves pictures of little anime girls on his machine indicates how worthless your opinion is.

Wpf is abandonware, but so is javafx, swing is garbage.

I use xamarin in a app that sells as part of an enterprise solutuon that is being sold in Canada, USA, south affrica, Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand.

I dont know what the duck is blazor, and I dint di webdev to comment on asp.

I do know java and c#, and imo c# is a better language, has a better framework and ut has better tooling.

>ad hominem

My fucking non-english keyboard fucked my spelling.

>but so is javafx
Explain why.
>I use xamarin in a app
I don't care what you do. The vast majority either codes natively or uses ReactNative.
>has a better framework
What is that supposed to mean? Has a better framework? Better than what? Vert.x? Micronaut? Helidon? Quarkus? All of them which perform better than .NET Core btw.
>better tooling
.NET has one Windows-only IDE and the other IDE (which is actually better) is being developed by JetBrains who developes Kotlin and IntelliJ lmfao.
You haven't responded to my posts in which I have rekt you. Gtfo with your .NET Core Hello World microservices.

>The same setup crashes Ubuntu.

Huh? That's the opposite of what is supposed to happen.

>Probably Java because after JS, Java has the biggest ecosystem. You'll find tutorials for anything.

Cool. I'm going through Sedgewicks's Intro CS with Java and his lectures. I wan't some of the old man's theory before I change to a project focused approach and also his redbook. The only thing is what kind of well rounded project would look good for backing up a resume with unrelated work experience?

>. Not to mention, msdn c# docs are a million fucking times better than oracles dogshit docs for java
Microsoft's documentation is pretty damn comfy.

>look, it's the pedo weeb again. The fact that he saves pictures of little anime girls on his machine indicates how worthless your opinion is.

This is Jow Forums brah. If you come here you have to wade through this shit.

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What did I say about this being an anime website last time? go back redditor faggot

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Non-Microsoft options: (scroll down to pre-built binaries)

Some of those setups may be for the command prompt, the Microsoft options are meant to be used with VisualStudio.

dubs confirmed for gas-lighting retard BTFO


I chose C++, then The anime person told me to do C, then the way you said it sounds very interesting challenges, but I don;'t know anymore, so which one should I learn first, C or C++? C# might starting to look out of options as anons stated it's flaws about JVM ecosystem, so Java, C++, or C?

>what kind of well rounded project would look good for backing up a resume with unrelated work experience?
That's a good question. First of all, when learning Java make sure you learn Java 8+. Then you should get yourself acquainted with commonly used frameworks like Spring Boot. Long story short, try building a website with a backend written in Java.
I don't have anything against anime but posting little girls is weird af and an indicator for being a cryptopedo.

>How realistic is it to teach yourself to code and program?

>try building a website with a backend written in Java.
*or try building an Android app and please note this: as soon as you have a decent amount of experience, learn RxJava. After that you should be able to get a job easily.

What's your goal with it? What's your experience with computers, STEM, etc?

C++ is a giant investment to master professionally.

if you like networking you can look up how to create a simple client/server. ignore daemonizing processes at first and just focus on creating sockets and reading/writing with them.

i've been playing around with imagemagick recently and it's pretty fun.

if you can't figure out how to do something just google it. most questions have been asked by now and the answers are all archived for posterity which makes learning on the fly pretty simple.

>First of all, when learning Java make sure you learn Java 8+. Then you should get yourself acquainted with commonly used frameworks like Spring Boot.

I have 11 SE on my system. After I get through intro I guess I'll be getting acquainted with Tim Bulchaka's (The Timber Chucker) various masterclasses on uDemy.

>*or try building an Android app and please note this: as soon as you have a decent amount of experience, learn RxJava. After that you should be able to get a job easily.

Thanks for the heads up user. I'm also going to join my local JUG, they're on meetup. I'm going balls deep in this now.

Don't listen to anime people they're stupid.

It's pretty silly or retarded, but I want to be the master of creations of anything. If I want to make best music program, I'd be ready to program. If I want to make a game, I'd be ready. Any obstacles or anything that does not exist that I need, I'll be ready to make it myself. I want to be the guy a lot of people look up to for making learning codes a lot fun and rivals Japanese learning system on learning codes. I want to make anything that I want or need. from art stuff [MacPaint, Aseprite], Minecraft mods, to 3D addons, fast-code machine, or a lot of crap that does not existed that I always expected to have. I'm also a type of artfag, so I feel that's very disadvantages to be very distracted by symbols.

TL;DR, My goal to make whatever I want, from simple tiny fun games like Tamagotchi or those virtual toys, through massive machines MMORPGs or 3D making programs or anything. I have professions in Artistry [self taught], so I feel that's a highest disadvantages of learning to code, since when I went to study C years ago, I'm the only one who wants to be coder and artist.

Right to the point,
For starters, a type of virtual machine that rivals PICO-8, but allows you to make games using mechanic from WarioWare D.I.Y. with more than 100 colors, 512x480, special sound, etc.

Let's just say I have very big dreams with terrible map and compass and I don't got any path to choose or idk.

Kind of true, but at least they're trying to help.

My patented three step guide to picking your first programming language, totally not stolen from someone else:

1. It doesn't fucking matter. Most popular languages nowadays are pretty damn similar. People argue about the differences all day but the fact of the matter is, you will notice a lot of similarities when you change languages. Your first language will be the hardest because you need to learn the basics of programming as well as the syntax of the language itself. Once you switch to another language, you will already have the basics down and the syntax will invariable have similarities. Most programmers pick up several languages over their career, so you will never be stuck with a particular one. That said, stay with whatever language you picked for a while, switching them up when you haven't even gotten basic concepts down will only confuse you at that point.

2. Pick something that's relevant to what you want to do. Staying with what's already been suggested, pick C++ if you want to program games to get the most performance out of them. Pick C# if you wanna develop for Windows systems. Or Java if you wanna work for big corporations. There are too many languages and use cases to list them all, look them up.

3. If you still can't decide on anything, pick Python. It's a language that was specifically designed to teach people programming but it's actually used in the industry at this point. There are some things you should be doing in all languages, like correct indenting, which Python forces you to do. At the same time, the syntax is really slim and lets you ignore some of the more complicated aspects of programming for now.

>If you still can't decide on anything, pick Python

Just start coding in Python, you can do almost anything in it.

I was going to recommend python too not that I am too experienced myself.

Check out edx courses/codecademy/coursera courses.

How do I upgrade my Java user?

You can get books on programming, but the books teaching you about a language aren't enough. You need to learn some principles about CS. Data structures, algorithms, formal definitions and theory behind the grammar and complexity of languages.

I'm sure it's possible to learn this on your own.

There was a nice torrent for this on /t/. Might still be there.

Just install the newest JDK

It's not, but here is the magnet. A degree's worth of books on computer science
