That will be $239 plus shipping, Sir.
New Fractal Design case released
You forgot the 10% tip for the delivery man
I wont buy anything that isnt a solid, black slab.
Forgot about 30% for tax
Literally, if you don't give at least 40% you are literally a nazi and child rapist. Literally.
>new logo (pic rel)
>new case has its price fucking doubled while still using the exact same tooling (just new feet and front panel)
They're gonna file for bankruptcy in 2020. Screenshot this
based and slabpilled
I always tell my chef this when getting a steak.
Exquisite choice.
I'm happy with my Define R6 thanks
>dat front panel
>very good for airflow
no thanks, i'll keep my X9
That's what ur mum said as well
Got this for $39 of amazon. How'd I do Jow Forums?
Can you sit on it without it collapsing?
Fractal already produced the best computer case ever made.
PC cases weren't made to support 400 pounds.
I think it looks pretty cool...
In awe at the size of this lad
>living in the country where you have to tip everyone
I'm on the club, right?
>Meme RGB and ricer side panel
I remember when Fractal was immune to this garbage. Protip: no-one cares about your PC internals. Flexing with your computer is one step above flexing with your mobile phone.
Obligatory Corsairâ„¢ shill alert. Abandon thread.
> t. Cooler Master Shill
> @
I'm not aware of Coolermaster using shill tactics on Jow Forums (though they probably do, given the ridiculous ROI).
Shills get paid by the (you), moronic r*dditor.
Still the uncontested king of low budget cases. Has literally almost everything you would want a typical mid tower to house for a desktop system. Thermals and acoustics are a non issue, just like with the appearance.
Spec-04 TG is a disgrace for it's price point
That's a 40$ case at best
Atrocious design.
Wow it's the same ATX case that everyone has been making for the past 6 years with RGB and some bullshit stuck to the front.