New Fractal Design case released

That will be $239 plus shipping, Sir.

Attached: 6903691_0[1].jpg (869x900, 68K)

You forgot the 10% tip for the delivery man

I wont buy anything that isnt a solid, black slab.

Forgot about 30% for tax

Literally, if you don't give at least 40% you are literally a nazi and child rapist. Literally.

>new logo (pic rel)
>new case has its price fucking doubled while still using the exact same tooling (just new feet and front panel)

They're gonna file for bankruptcy in 2020. Screenshot this

Attached: 2019-09-19 18_19_54.png (341x136, 3K)

based and slabpilled

Attached: 11-352-048-02.jpg (1280x960, 41K)

I always tell my chef this when getting a steak.

Exquisite choice.

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I'm happy with my Define R6 thanks

>dat front panel
>very good for airflow

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no thanks, i'll keep my X9

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That's what ur mum said as well

Got this for $39 of amazon. How'd I do Jow Forums?

Attached: SmartSelect_20190919-152639_Amazon Shopping.jpg (1339x2153, 772K)


Can you sit on it without it collapsing?

Fractal already produced the best computer case ever made.

Attached: ImgW.jpg (600x297, 26K)

PC cases weren't made to support 400 pounds.

I think it looks pretty cool...

Attached: 11-352-087-V01.jpg (640x480, 29K)

In awe at the size of this lad

>living in the country where you have to tip everyone

I'm on the club, right?

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>Meme RGB and ricer side panel

I remember when Fractal was immune to this garbage. Protip: no-one cares about your PC internals. Flexing with your computer is one step above flexing with your mobile phone.

Obligatory Corsairâ„¢ shill alert. Abandon thread.

> t. Cooler Master Shill

> @

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I'm not aware of Coolermaster using shill tactics on Jow Forums (though they probably do, given the ridiculous ROI).

Shills get paid by the (you), moronic r*dditor.

Still the uncontested king of low budget cases. Has literally almost everything you would want a typical mid tower to house for a desktop system. Thermals and acoustics are a non issue, just like with the appearance.

Attached: silentiumpc-regnum-rg4t-czarna-spc178.jpg (582x700, 40K)

Spec-04 TG is a disgrace for it's price point
That's a 40$ case at best

Atrocious design.

Wow it's the same ATX case that everyone has been making for the past 6 years with RGB and some bullshit stuck to the front.