Coder up rise agains ICE

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who is this hacker known as 'chef sugar'

pretty sure it's that tranny who accidentally got sodomized to death by that experimental sex machine he built inside his house in florida

>Business Types:
> Woman Owned Business
> Women Owned Small Business
> Economically Disadvantaged Women Owned Small Business
> Minority Owned Business
> Black American Owned Business
> DoT Certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
> Small Disadvantaged Business
> 8a Program Participant
What else could they ask for, it's not like anyone cares who they're selling those licenses to.

Pretty based
Hope more developers do the same against the evil mainstream media

This Chef company sounds pretty based.

good, ICE is immoral

t. illegal alien

How's that wall coming along buddy

where can I contribute to chef?

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Scripts for devops.

Good, they can self-purge.

meme magic
>Photo autor

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Who the fuck is this schizo?

This repository has 6 stars. No one cares

>@LiterallyWho didn't even wait two minutes before firing up the next tweet with ALL CAPS
like how entitled you must feel

now i know why they are targeted

Attached: 6zo.png (758x607, 600K)

>"hello yes welcome to chef i am chef"
>"what are you cooking"

As a European I find this discussion very weird.
Why do Americans hate the people enforcing laws instead of the people who vote for them?

... because they have a good benefits package? I don't get it.

Looks like a onions'd up fatal1ty

Attached: Fatal1ty_2014.jpg (800x1200, 126K)

>shanley kane
Wasn't this the edgelord whore who was getting deep dicked by weev

I ate an ice scream one hour ago, what do?

weev is a skiddie who can't code

Our electoral system is bipartisan, it's kept that way on purpose by tyrannical megacorps that have accumulated too much of the nation's economy and overstepped their authority as private entities, and because of that, both parties have felt free to show their true colors since their only possible viable competitors are one another, and they've both devolved into opposing sects of fascism. Understandably, the average citizen is starting to feel like the right to vote is meaningless.

more people need to do this.. or start writing better licensing agreements that prevent government bodies (directly or contractors) from using your work at all without ending up in court. is there such a licensing system in existence already? i have no idea.

Pretty nicely. Did you know they designed to absorb more heat so it makes it harder for people to climb it?

>I support FOSS
>oh but not for you or you or you

Don't bring your retarded politics onto this board. No one fucking cares. We care about technology and programming ONLY here. Put this in /b/.

Why do coders hate the internal combustion engine? I fucking love my V8 landbarges



Most, if not all, of the wall will be finished by next year. Keep your head in the sand.

>>I support FOSS
>>oh but not for you or you or you
This but unironically.
People should have rights and freedom, organizations shouldn't. People should have the right to organize, and people should still have individual rights while organized, but the organization itself should be considered a non-person with no freedoms or liberties. If someone is part of an organization, and uses FOSS for personal benefit, that's fine, but if they use FOSS for the benefit of the organization, that's not really them using FOSS, that's their organization using FOSS, which is wrong because the organization is exercising a right but shouldn't have any rights.

kill yourself

t. fascist bootlicker

Not the guy you're responding to but I agree with you

and i have the freedom to do whatever i like with my software. if a government agency decides to use my code, i'll pull all of my repos and there's nothing anyone can do about it. dilate harder, you intellectual retard.

>not a single mile of new wall has been created
>americans will vote for trump again after he failed to attempt at his biggest promise

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Actually, come to think of it, isn't the constitution one big bill of attainder?
It describes things the government must or must not do, without restricting private citizens in the same way. But government agents are citizens under the same governance they provide. Which means, the constitution itself, in its entirety, is a bill that seeks to restrict the rights of only certain citizens and not others.

constitution is null and void outside of the united states and is easily ignored.

The constitution was supposed to recognize inalienable human rights that exist within the framework of natural law

too bad it means nothing these days and monstrous organizations like ICE, the IRS, etc, exist

>outside of the united states
What do you mean "outside of the united states"? There's no such place on earth.

Why are you anti ice fuckers so genocidal?

What's the ETC? Is that like the Espionage & Trade Corps?

They "beefed up" small parts of fence that they have covering the non-Texas border. Covering the whole thing will be an insane amount of work.

The White House's YouTube channel has two recent videos about President Trump visiting the current wall construction if you want visual proof of a wall. Keep your head in the sand, though.

>>americans will vote for trump again
I'd like to see that.
Most Americans weren't happy with him before he was (((elected))), and now even the people who were happy with him then have decided he sucks. The left can never forgive him for what he said he'd do, whether he did it or not, and the right can't forgive him for not doing it. No one's gonna vote for him at this rate.

They're gonna end up voting for him since no one on the left is sane enough to be voted for by over 70% of Americans

>if you don't want to live in a police state, you are genocidal

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what a tranny.

What has he not done that he promised he would do? He's pretty much delivered on almost everything.

You're literally endorsing ethnic replacement of blacks and whites.

this would explain why my home country of australia supposedly does not exist.

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Imagine being an American, going to Europe, and preaching about your constitutional rights for the whole trip, "oh but YOU don't have any of these rights, they're only for me because I'm American and we invented the Constitution," and then getting mad when people "violate" your "freedom of speech" by ignoring you and walking away. Then you shoot them because you're so mad they won't listen to you, and you get put on trial and tell the panel you were exercising your constitutional right to bear arms and they have to respect the Constitution in dealing with you because you're an American.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not happy about having no wall either, but who else am I supposed to vote for? The side that wants to make illegal border crossing a misdemeanor and then give them free healthcare at my expense?

>Then you shoot them because you're so mad they won't listen to you, and you get put on trial and tell the panel you were exercising your constitutional right to bear arms and they have to respect the Constitution in dealing with you because you're an American.
lmao. wouldn't surprise me if someone tried that line of defense.


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You failing to have sex is not genocide, lol.

If you cut down social programs and free handouts, lower-class Mexicans wouldn't want to come here. Simple and doesn't involve suspending the 4th amendment like you ICE bootlickers want.

>lol just rid of welfare even though 70+% of the populatuon votes for it every election
Is this the delusional lolbertarian speaking again? Non US citizens shouldn't be protected by the constitution.

the democrats wanted a wall in the 90s

never 4get that border walls are fine

We're building a wall between us and the spics
The Mexican problem is what the wall will fix
No longer will you and our whites intermix
Instead of our chicks you'll get a face full of bricks
A great white wall to stop the brown infection
And send the spics back in the other direction

You have to go back
And that's unconditional
The law is the law
You motherfucking imbecile
If you were any good you'd become a citizen
Or at least pay taxes at a bare minimum
Goddamn freeloader, quit playing innocent
And speak some fucking English you shit-skinned dissident

>defending being asked to show "papers, please" in literally every major city within a 100-mile radius of the border
based bootlicker

>If you were any good you'd become a citizen
but this is what they want

stop allowing the illegal immigration of your voters

OP is a faggot.

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Why don't you just RFID tag yourself so you can prove to ICE what a good little obedient citizen you are? Like cattle lmao.

You have to go back.

I'm not Mexican or even hispanic. 100% european blood. Just not a bootlicking cuck.

>cross the border
>why do I have to show my ID help my rights are being violated!


You were cackling about all the illegal aliens getting let in and now you don't like it any more because they're getting kicked out.

It's sad for you.

>You were cackling about all the illegal aliens getting let in
When did I do that? Feel free to link the specific post.

FYI Obama deported more than Trump



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>Obama deported more than Trump
Not actually true, he changed the reporting so anybody turned away at the border counted as a deportation, while allowing in more illegals than any other President.

This has already been extensively covered. Nice try though, not surprised you'd resort to lying. It's the hallmark of a leftist. But when people start to distrust you because of your lies, remember, you did this to yourself.

>implying I'm a leftist
>thinking everyone who criticizes the unconstitutionality of ICE is a democrat
delusional MIGAtard bootlicker

Just don't be an illegal alien

>dude just don't own guns and the ATF won't kick in your door lol ;)
bootlicking statist cuck

>atf kicking in doors
Just wait till our next president.

Daily reminder that USA was built on the back of immigration,hell immigrants made USA what it is today.
Somehow this became not ok in the 21st century and should be red flag for things to come.

yes, unfortunately none of the people in either party respect anybody's rights.

Guns are a constitutional right of all american citizens. Illegal aliens are criminals and should be deported immediately.

ICE occasionally detains people who _are_ American citizens.

I guess you'll defend that though right?

>built on the back of immigration
White immigrants

People make mistakes and it's not good. They should probably be compensated for their time. That doesn't mean you do away with law enforcement completely.

I get how normies are pozzed and don't understand what this will all lead to, but I don't understand how a Jow Forums user can't see where this is headed. Ignore the eceleb just look at the data and this is barely just the surface of the problems. We are about to become Mexico/Brazil 2.0.

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conversely, immigration will make the USA NOT what it is today

and mostly white immigrants are blocked from entering, spics and pajeets on the other hand...

Funny you sohuld mention that.
I noticed that my local internet papers here started to use the words as "White male with X did Y" recently.
The problem is that here everyone is white and our problems arise from ethnicity and nationality not from skin color.
So nobody reads or bother with it,but papers still push it.
We are aware of that and have no problem but it puts in perspective how forced this White vs Black thing is to stir unrest in the general masses.
It looks like coordinated act with many participants but people are somehow population is alright with this and is itching for escalation over literally nothing.

>They should probably be compensated for their time

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Let me guess you are 16% German.
Shut up mutt.

>people are somehow alright with this*
pardon my bs

>all cops are bad and evil
Did you miss your black lives matter rally friend?

>and they've both devolved into opposing sects of fascism.
haha no. They are great friends. They really agree on the fundamentals. They'll just lie a lot when election comes around and then not give republicans(Reduced immigration, social conservatism, pro-white) and democrats(taxpayer-healthcare, unions, $1000) what they want. Instead they'll send money to israel and instigate wars.

Only the east coast. Texas and over was always spicland. California was Mexicans and chinese

What is it built on the back of retards without an education in the age of automation though?

Western europeans are the worst. Where ever they congregate they push for commie style eurocuck ideas. There was a town with heavy swedish immigration and they ended up taking in tons of refugees. Any ships or planes carrying Europeans to the US should just be shot down before they can infect us. Even our minorities were more conservative until we started bolstering immigration from "woke" countries that brought over european style commie propaganda

Keep bootlicking, I'm sure a cop will take note of your internet posts defending them when they decide to slam you into the pavement for matching the description of a wanted person.

>gets blocked by congress
>heheh he can't even build a wall
>tries to circumvent congress
>omg he's trying to undermine our democracy
There is no way he can ever win that battle

Not true in either case. The US was overwhelmingly white for most of its history until recent decades. Blacks were the only significant minority.