Emacs vs Vim

Which one is the official Jow Forums-approved text editor and why?

Attached: editorwars.jpg (569x400, 86K)

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visual studio code

Nano, unironically.

Emacs opens too slowly so vim

neither, I use Microsoft Word

code looks better in a serif font

emacs server


I use vscode for my first year of CS but I plan or learning emacs after this semester


Atom! C:

I use a lot Vim actually.

NeoVim with coc.vim plugin.

Out of those two, it's Vim for me. Emacs is shit. It has all these complicated key commands and I don't understand it. And I don't WANT to understand it. Vim does everything I need.

Other devs clearly agree. Pic related. Vim is used by 25.4% of Stack Overflow survey respondents, while Emacs is used by only 4.5%.


Although I use Atom for proper work. I only use Vim for config files and stuff that I'm changing from the command line.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-09-19 at 18.26.35.png (1352x1586, 174K)


> It has all these complicated key commands
vim is just as complicated retard.

I used emacs a little bit a year or so ago and I liked it's code navigation abilities. I've only used code a handful of times though so I'm still learning how to use it more efficiently

I've been trying to rice Emacs, but I'm incapable of chaning the splash image. I don't know why the fuck doesn't load the image, either it draws a small square or just nothing. Any tips?

Attached: asdfasdfsadf.png (691x653, 20K)

The fact that light table shows up on that list makes me happy.

>too pathetic to respond to the post that made him butthurt
You're utterly pathetic.

No, Vim is not as complicated. You press Escape and type in whatever command you need to use. Clearly other developers agree since in that SO survey I mentioned, over 5 times as many people use Vim as use Emacs.

Visual Studio + Code account for 82.2% of respondents? That's amazing


>>too pathetic to respond to the post that made him butthurt
nice assumption. i must've forgot or accidentally deleted your post number.

Also in Emacs you also can type your commands (with autocomplete). You can search for them too if you don't remember their name exactly. If that command has a keybinding emacs will tell you so that next time you can use the convenient keybinding if you remember.

No, look at the bottom, the question said "select all that apply". And of course they don't all add up to 100% - much more than that.

don't bloat your init then and use anything but the gtk toolkit

i built mine with athena

>neither, I use Microsoft Word
>code looks better in a serif font
Actually made me chuckle. Thank you user.

Also pic very related

Attached: vim.png (720x735, 97K)

haha im not retarded i totally noticed that

fancy-splash-image seems buggy. At first I had an image on my drive like /media/pics/sicp/sicp.png and I got a blank box, but then I copied it to my home directory and set fancy-splash-image to that and it worked, re-tried /media/pics/sicp/sicp.png and now it works as well. I don't fucking know lmao. Mess with it a bit?

Attached: emacs.png (1914x1055, 277K)

dumb animetard


sublime. its boring but i don't care.
at least its not a full browser engine like vsc or atom.
if i had to choose, probably vim cause having to ctrl + for emacs got annoying.

Vim. It's light, present on any linux machine, has (invented to be exact) the most shared hotkey scheme that could be used in a lot of programs (cvim on iridium/vifm/cmus are the ones I use on a daily basis).

tmux + vim + ctags
It’s the ultimate combination.

Oof based

Based user has ascended to a plane of existence most Jow Forumstards cannot even comprehend

Thanks, but in my case it still doesn't work. Fuck emacs, it's unnaceptable for a program this old to have this fucking bug.

tmux + vim will never be as powerful as full Emacs.

EMACS if you like fucking around with a self-modifying editor all of the time, VIM if you like to config it once and forget about it


nano's the only mainstream visual editor that's immune to dotfile based attacks

with emacs or vi(m) an attacker who only gains local privileges, such as somebody who uses spectre to break out of the browser, can edit your dotfiles and then eventually gain root access by installing a keylogger and waiting for you to authenticate your sudo

nano is immune to this attack


Attached: original.gif (500x281, 1.44M)

i'm trying to switch to emacs from vim and it's hell
there are so many stupid things to accidentally press


>not starting emacs in daemon mode at login

you can always undo anything, or cancel a command by hitting esc three times though

but emacs undo is extremely powerful and you can undo anything, it's quite dangerous to a newcomer


just your average vim user

Can vim do this?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-19 at 12.47.57 PM.png (721x891, 197K)

>i'm high as a kite right now so that i can't feel the pain but it must be because being a women is so satisfying not all these drugs
I imagine he hates himself these days, if he didn't off himself yet.

weird isn't that a pop star

>using anything called coc

Attached: 1566284204945.jpg (420x331, 42K)

Emacs is ok for webdev. Actually, I am learning webdev because it's comfy in Emacs. Other types of programming are no good using Emacs.

Use Emacs


wow, how do you do that? is that EWW?

Can someone tell me why people on here meme about nano?
I mean, look at these featuers
>Commenting/uncommenting lines with a single keystroke (M-3).
>Resizing the window does not exit from help viewer nor file browser.
Like that's not that cool

Emacs keybindings are an absolute terrible meme. Vim has keybindings based on the word they actually represent. Is that such a hard concept for people to do elsewhere?

That's like asking what is Jow Forums's OS, DE or license. Especially with editors there are so many different options. Which is kind of a good sign of a healthy ecosystem but also really good for big arguments. Use whatever is most comfortable honestly. I like vim for its keybindings but you can get it for any other editor. Vim starts up fast as well but there are ways to deal with that with other editors too, if you don't use something similarly smart anyway.

I've seen the list before but I honestly overlooked Light Table then. Looks neat, good that it works out for you.

This is the answer btw

With plugins, probably.

Its a package I'm working on. Still very in development. You can browse the catalog and press enter to browse a thread, but you can't have multiple threads open, follow links to other posts, open images, deleted images aren't handled sanely, and you can't post. Its also hardcoded to browse only Jow Forums right now.

>if he didn't off himself yet.
probably it has.
vim... not even once.

There's Evil, Hydras, God mode, Xah keys, ergoemacs, etc: github.com/emacs-tw/awesome-emacs#key-bindings There's also god-tier keybindings for languages such as Lisp: github.com/abo-abo/lispy

i would say that probably vim has better defaults but emacs has superior overall tools and potential that said i dislike emacs and probably will end up making my own buffer editor, i have in mind the tools and the scripting language to use but still engaged into another project

>vim has better defaults
only if you're already a vim user, if you're an emacs user emacs has better defaults

if you're neither than neither one has better defaults

jokes on you, my dotfiles are read only

I also like each instance of my text editor to take 150 MiB of memory!

The only people who use nano are retards who want to feel special. Nano is intentionally lacking features and shitty because its supposed to be for quick edits on system configs and such.

As a non-autist I find Emacs easier to get used to.
t. forced to use Emacs so I can use Idris

Fuck I wish more people I know use vim/emacs. I could have gotten their bank accounts and make my self rich.
I like/use vim a lot more, due to vim being a text editor. I don't like using emacs, because it can do alot of things, but it's things I can already do. Termianl multiplexer (tmux) web surfing (surf/qutebrowser) viewing pdf (zathura) etc, managing windows (dwm). The only thing I truely like about emacs is it's org mode, and how everything is in one place. If I wanted to convert my entire workflow to only use emacs, I can do so at relative ease, but as of right now, I don't see any reason to.

I remember when I "tried" to get into vim, I gave it up in 2 or 3 days. I just thought it was too autistic, I have to memorize all these key commands to get very simple things done, and I didn't see the power in it. Maybe I'll change my mind some day.

i pretty much just use arrows, c-space, c-a and c-e for navigation and i'm ok

nano was meant to replace pico which was meant to write emails

post git link

i use nano, it's simple, it works and i dont have to think

Vs code

>Vim does everything I need.
Vim isn't a mail client.

Its not on github yet

what will you call it?

why's it just GNU Emacs vs Vim? whatever happened to XEmacs and nvi and all the other variations they used to have?

also, ed is the standard text editor.

right now its called chan-mode. It'll probably stay that way. When its ready I'll make a post here.

>tmux + vim + ctags + mc

no matter what you choose, learn at least some basic vim
i personally prefer emacs but almost every linux distro ships with vim so job-wise that is the best option
emacs is also a personalized experience, almost every emacs installation is different to the other while vim is more standard

It's a bit of a time investment at the beginning but if you write a lot, you will spend a lot more time reaping the rewards. You could always just stay in insert mode and use it like a normal text editor, then gradually learn the commands.

Check out aerc or mutt.


>whatever happened to XEmacs and nvi and all the other variations they used to have?
NeoVim is good but everything else faded away.

XEmacs became redundant and died. GNU Emacs has been slowly removing XEmacs compatability code for years now.

I code using vim about 15 years and programming without vim is not fun anymore. Tabs do not scale like vim buffers, vim is fucking fast and consumes too low memory space. BUT, you have to lost a very range of time to customizing your vimrc to make vim good and working for you like a beast.

unironically call it g-mode



Just use nano. Tell me of a linux distro that doesn't have nano installed.

>who uses spectre to break out of the browser
Kill yourself. Spectre can only be used to snoop on data, not to alter the functional behavior of the system.


That is, until your VIM grows into an Ide more and more and you realize what a shitfest vimrc is.

Spacemacs. Textediting like a Vim, with all the emacs goodness and none of the configuration shit.


Spacemacs is still the pinnacle of editors in both comfort and functionality.
But the Jow Forums approved option is vim. No point in arguing, really.

based and windowspilled

Why not both?

People choose VIM over Emacs because they hear that Emacs is "complex" and does more than an editor needs to do. Then when you get in an argument over which is better, VIMcels are always trying to prove that their editor can do everything Emacs can, but just in a shittier scripting language requiring endless hacks, because it turns out that Emacs's extensibility is actually great.

Joe's Own Editor