What do you think needs to change about Linux in order for it to be more fully adopted?

What do you think needs to change about Linux in order for it to be more fully adopted?

Attached: D2452160-B9A8-498A-81E5-19AA06536E13.png (220x261, 39K)

Nothing, it's already widely adopted as a server OS.

more fucking standarization

stop agressive MS shilling in government and education

nothing, it's already fine.

people who can't use it now won't be able to use it if it were simpler, and that would only make everyone else angry

1 word:

Nothing, normalfaggots can fuck off.

good fucking luck

Ship by default on over 60% of pre-built computers. Currently, Linux comes with less than 20% of pre-built PCs/laptops and Windows comes with 60%. The rest are FreeDOS or have no OS.
Sell cheap computers (below 300$) that come with Linux only because majority of people are poor.
Replace Windows in schools.

That's literally all you have to do to get to at least 20-30% market share. It would help if Windows 10 followed XP's aggressive DRM. XP used to lock you out of your PC completely if you didn't activate it. W10 can be used without ever activating it and you only lose the ability to change your wallpaper, and almost nobody gives a shit about that. It's more profitable for Microsoft to give you Windows for free because datamining pays off and locking you into their ecosystem would be almost impossible if they just tell you to fuck off and buy a windows key.

>wants more standardization from probably the most standardized OS/kernel on the planet

Don't know about that. Linux is by far more convenient than any version of Windows before 10, and it's less frustrating to use than W10. The only "convenience" I could think of that would help is if you were to ship Linux to look and behave almost exactly like W7, having wine/Lutris and whatever installed so people can install their shit out of the box.
The simple truth is people hate change, which is why Windows 10 is barely the most used windows version. Even if you make the change convenient people will not switch until the next PC they buy comes with Windows 10 or whatever else. People just don't bother with installing OSs.

Absolutely nothing.

If they sold cheap laptops with Linux I would snatch that shit up. But a quick look at amazon and preloaded Linux laptops are like hundreds of dollars at least.

More adoption will ruin this shit, we already have everything we need. Gamer man children can fuck off.

Have I missed something here? How much more widely adopted does it need to be? It is already on 98% of servers and 90% of phones, 99.99% of routers and switches

The ability to run skyrim and crysis on maxed out settings

The new Pine laptop will be 200$.

Stable kernel API for drivers.

Microsoft charges OEMs fuck all for a Windows key, that's why you can buy them for $15 from sketchy websites.

If you're buying a Windows computer, it isn't like Dell or HP or whoever paid Micro$oft the regular $100 for a key.

Besides, if you buy a Windows 7 key (current price: $3) you can still activate Windows 10 with it.

Windows already is almost a $0 OS for people who have a brain. There probably isn't that much Windows fee baked into the laptop price.

People don’t like using software managers

Murder Lennart Pottering on cable TV

Yeah the package manager shit drives me crazy and limits my choices to rpm based distros

buy a blank one and install it yourself

Google will murder Android with proprietary Fuchsia tho
Freetards btfo

>Ship by default on over 60% of pre-built computers.
It takes 5 minutes to install Linux, who gives a shit if Windows is installed? Linux is one of those things that you'll discover when you're ready, it's not something you force, otherwise it seems like work.

>Google will murder Android with proprietary Fuchsia tho
Who gives a shit? Most Linux users are weary of Google or outright want to see them deleted.

Windows-only software

Tards like him will never get it

Or rather, its lack of

Absolutely nothing. Normoids are not humans and should not be using my blessed kernel

90% of people don't give a shit and will never use anything that doesn't come installed with their PC.

Google is the reason Linux development is accelerating. Had they not basically bought Android and pushed it hard Linux would still be where it was 8 years ago.

Shared libraries don't work, everyone knows corporations and developers need to make use of both cutting edge new software and old software depending on the situation.

A Windows 8.1 user still gets security updates till 2023, They can also run most software from whatever time. 2019, 2009, and fucking 1999. As long as they have the .exe. file Windows allow upgrade/downgrade/custom verisons of software piss easy. They can also have two versions of the same program installed.

Linux slaves all software depedencies in the OS into the /usr/share/ and /usr/lib/ folders where it is "dynamically linked" this forces all software to upgrade manually or stay static. You can't have the latest beta testing Libre Office and a version of Gimp from two years ago on the same OS using this method because if two programs have a different dependency version they will create bugs and dependency hells. This saves a ton of diskspace but it causes breakages.

Shared libraries should continue to exist but they need restrictions. Particular versions of software that work on Debian 9 should not break on Debian 10 or vice versa. Unix Philosophy existed before computers rapidly updated software

>Google is the reason Linux development is accelerating.
No, it is not.Google does nothing for Linux, except boost usage numbers for those few Linux users who are insecure about it's acceptance. Google's mongoloid version of Linux, contributes nothing to the kernel. Fucking Microsoft is more helpful to Linux, with cash, than those thieving bastards at Google could ever hope to be.

Google and the qtcompany are the only reasons Linux has developing. Canonical is a bitch to Amazon to get developers.

Redhat never did anything but suck GNOME DICK.

this. fucking microsoft contributes more to linux than google

>in order for it to be more fully adopted?
It has 75% of the mobile market share, I do not think any serious change needs to happen in Linux itself.

>90% of people don't give a shit and will never use anything that doesn't come installed with their PC.
Precisely my point. These people do not understand computers enough to see the value in using Linux. Nothing wrong with that. Let them use Windows. Linux isn't a dictatorship.

no one is going to waste time on Linux because it's too far behind Windows, if anything OSX is a back up plan if Windows fails.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Microsoft doesn't do shit, retards. Their "we heart linux" is just fake and they barely contribute.
>with cash
Both companies give the same amount of money to the Linux foundation.
>Google does nothing
Except they made a fucking OS that's now the reason Linux runs on over 70% of phones and the only reason consumer drivers were pushed to Linux, especially for ARM. If iOS and Windows were instead the only 2 OSs on mobile Linux would basically still be the same pile of shit it was last decade.

>Except they made a fucking OS that's now the reason Linux runs on over 70% of phones
Whoah, it's based on Linux, but it's crippled and full of spyware. As a Linux user, I find this kind of praise laughable. We should be appalled at this. Are you going to defend Oracle,as well?

repository slavery guy?

A new display server

There's a lot of focus on software centers and stupid shit for new people but in 2019 we still have issues with tearing and multimonitor setups. I couldn't sell Ubuntu to my dad these days if I tried. It has that reputation of being a timesink where everything is half working.

unironically switch to wayland

*Laughing Intensifies*

Proberbly identity the right drivers to use.

Especially the fucking wifi and audio drivers for my hp laptop.

nice meme

I get tearing on several environments, like XFCE and LXQT. It sucks. Yeah you can play around with different programs and compositors but no new user is going to want to do that.

You retards actually want to know?

Money. It needs money. Money brings designers, managers, programmers, and people who know what your average joe wants. You need to choose: either Linux is a tinkering OS for nerds or a daily driver for normies.

Look at ChromeOS. That's Linux, and it's wildly succesful because Google pumped capital into it. Same with Android.

Linux needs an ass ton of money to
>Look better
>Feel better
>Operate better (simpler -- no more command line shit)
>Sell itself better

Oh, and a single distro. Money will help stop fragmentation

Red Hat has plenty of money and will be happy to take more, feel free to give them some.

Sure, when do we deploy the proprietary closed source licensing that prevents people from making their own distros? I bet that certainly will help Linux a lot.

>it's crippled and full of spyware
Linux has backdoors too

>wildly succesful
Hahahah, what? I don't think anyone outside of tech community knows that it exists except in some places in America.
>Look better
>Feel better
This is subjective. I mean, Windows looks like utter trash yet it's still used.
>no more command line shit
Already doable on Manjaro and Mint. If you need to use a terminal on either of the two distros then what you're doing is something advanced enough and terminal is the best solution. You need to use cmd/power shell for a lot of windows shit too, if you're that type of user.

more hardware support

>most hardware support on the planet

linux lacks various drivers tho. not to mention some break during kernel updates.

Drivers don't break.
Anything Linux lacks is barely used. All necessary shit is in the kernel.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Sexual Assault, is in fact, Penis/Butt, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Penis plus Butt. Sex is not a crime unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning Rape system made useful by the Penis shaft, hairy balls and vital throbbing head comprising a full coitus as defined by PENIX.

Many children experience a modified version of the Rape system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Rape which is widely used today is often called "Sexual Assault", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Rape system, developed by the Rape Project.

There really is a Sexual Assault, and these people are experiencing it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Butt is the medium: the program in the system that allocates the cummies to the insides that you have. The butt is an essential part of a sexual assault, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete molesting system. Butt is normally used in combination with the Penis system: the whole system is basically Penis with Butt added, or Penis/Butt. All the so-called "victims" distributions are really distributions of Penis/Butt.

no more screen tearing with every other driver, otherwise every DE needs to port to wayland and wayland has to fix ghosting.

>wants more standardization from probably the most standardized OS/kernel on the planet
at least we would get more functional software from devs focusing on one project instead of having like three non working/broken "foss alternatives"

Attached: alwayws.jpg (932x525, 64K)

>quoting the entire thread
>half of them are referring to the kernel, not gnu/linux
stallman would be ashamed

Installing Gentoo without genkernel should be part of the common curriculum.

Why don’t they just fucking do that already, or pre install Compton or something? It’s fucking ridiculous.

Take the entire GUI, package managers, etc, and throw all that shit in the garbage, then start anew with 1 SDK and GUI.

Stall Man has no shame

>Ship by default on over 60% of pre-built computers.

Dell shipped a few, it still sucked. Simply forcing garbage on people doesn't mean they won't realize it's not garbage.

which drivers exactly does linux lack? I've never gotten a straight answer when I ask

>inb4 laptop wifi card from 1997

If you have certain AMD cards than most Linux distros will be total shit. I wasn’t even able to use mint normally until I booted from nomodeset enough times to update the kernel

easy games and drivers

All. Fucking. Netgear. Cards.

>Simply forcing garbage on people doesn't mean they won't realize it's not garbage.
it sucked because nobody bought them, not because the OS is garbage

Eh, If Linux was actually so great, 99% of people who try it wouldn't go back to a good OS within 2 weeks. You're what's wrong with the Linux community, you make an OS a fucking religion instead of a tool. And since it's a religion to you and not a tool, you can't take valid criticism and neither can your community, thus it's a cult around a shitty operating system for desktops in an echo chamber. Trash the package manager, develop a real SDK, that's all the information you need to actually make something that's not garbage.

Without Googling, what does SDK stand for?

>Eh, If Linux was actually so great, 99% of people who try it wouldn't go back to a good OS within 2 weeks.
[citation needed]

>You're what's wrong with the Linux community, you make an OS a fucking religion instead of a tool. And since it's a religion to you and not a tool, you can't take valid criticism and neither can your community, thus it's a cult around a shitty operating system for desktops in an echo chamber.
nice straw man

>Trash the package manager, develop a real SDK, that's all the information you need to actually make something that's not garbage.
the package manager is one of the best things about linux-based OS's

>real SDK
not even going to dignify this with a response

there are valid criticisms of linux, however you've managed to hit exactly none of them, while showing clearly that you have no idea what you're talking about

Package managers (aka app stores) are more secure and easier to use than searching for software on a web browser.


>All. Fucking. Netgear. Cards.
Weird, because the N600 I have plugged into my desktop just worked with no setup

It doesn't need to be "more fully adopted", it doesn't need to be more standardized, it's fucking fine the way it is. Let the normies stick to their normie shit, and let freedom be free.

Competent devs instead of autistic basement dwellers.

>and limits my choices to rpm based distros
What does RPM do better than the rest? Don't know much about Linux yet, genuinely curious

gnu naming needs to be dead. The gnu software page is an alphabet soup, dispite having several helpful tool in there that no one knows about or maintains usability for. Theres a default spell check for example, but I'm unaware of any system that has a compatible dictionary file.

Theming needs to work and be supported. Possibly kde or gnome playing nice with each other.

Posix compliance needs to die in a fire; see fish, out of the box color highlighting with easy theming and ctrl-c does this insane thing where it copies text, if a little weird. These upgrades need to stop being block because a fucking standard no one sane maintains says not to.

I think package managers, or how they are presented, are a problem. They're pretty strange when first using Linux. I think they look tacky, and the idea that you're supposed to get software from there as opposed to just going on the web is somewhat offputting. I never felt great just looking something up in the package manager and installing it: I always wanted to search it online first, to see if the version in the package manager actually WAS the latest version. Often times, its not. Often websites will show you their PPA repositories to download or they will have a deb file. So Im basically just doing what I was going to do on Windows anyway, go to a site and download it.

I get that software works differently on Linux, but I just don't think its a very likable format, and I think most people would still prefer just searching on a website and downloading an executable or zip file. The software managers often come across as lame looking, some cheap "shop" menu, and not the place to get what you actually want. Rather than making people feel "wow, Im using Linux, Im more free and things are more open!" the emphasis on the software manager actually gives the impression of being walled and having to use their repository.

The software manager is "easier" only in the sense if you don't expect people to be curious if they are getting the latest version of it. Not only that, but it can also be confusing. Like say I look up a desktop environment, often you'll get tons of results of similar-ish sounding names, what is the best one? Would be easier just to look it up online and see what the people who made it think

- make a desktop and a laptop with well supported parts at several price points, one of these should be as cheap as a computer can be
- use distro with a gui wrapper around apt, enable as many repos as possible so the normies have access to as much software as they want
- in addition to the package manager gui set up a website with descriptions of each app (already in apt anyway) and a download link to the .deb (literally just runs apt download through their browser)
- this set of repositories should only include gui tools, or tools that have a gui associated with them. We all know CLI is better, but normies don't know how to use a keyboard.
- ship the DE pre-riced and include several themes so that they can change the taskbar and icons, this is as much customization as a windows user wants (we've all seen windows in the desktop threads)

The feds need to step in and do heir fucking job busting manipulative monopolies

>Package managers (aka app stores) are more secure and easier to use than searching for software on a web browser.
More secure, yes, easier, I don't really know. Let's take Retroarch for an example. You can look it up on the software manager, but it is NOT the latest version and it doesn't even let you update cores. How is that easy? Now I have to go to the website and see how they ACTUALLY want me to install it. It makes the software manager often feel like a dumb waste of time.

Of course, the way that software is packed is essential to Linux, and thats why sites like Retroarch want you to install from the official APT while ALSO installing the PPA. But the software manager just feels like a dumb elongation of the process, like damn let me just download the newest version online and skip that bullshit. Yes its more convenient later when you can sudo apt update and get the latest stuff from the repository, but most newbies dont even know what repositories are

basically: the software managers in linux are not good replacements for websites that are actually developing the application and uploading them

What is the best package manager?


cute traps

nothing, the reason it is not more widely adopted its because the lack of 3th part software. and the 3th part software developers wont make software for linux because of the lack of wide spread adoption.
linux does not need to change. its the people or software developers or both who need to change. people need to adopt in order to get 3th part software developers to make software for it.
and 3th part software developers need to make software for linux in order to people to start using it

No, the main reason it's not widely adopted is because everything on top of Linux (basically everything except the kernel) is a buggy, inconsistent and ugly mess. Nothing fucking works.
But yeah, lack of 3rd party programs is also a major issue, I don't disagree with that.

taking into consideration that everything on top of linux is customizable and can be replace. it being a buggy mess fits in the description of lack of 3th part software. as every part could also be made by a diferent company

you weren't talking about the fun kind of traps :(

I'm still puzzled why Gnome, the most popular DE, still has no thumbnails in the file picker. It's a really bad first impression when some normie tries to upload a pic to Facebook and they see that embarrassment of a file picker. It makes them think it's less functional than an iPhone.

seriously gnome is trash. every other DE has that shit

in other words

Attached: Satania Install Gentoo.jpg (640x360, 105K)

The Linux file system cares too much whether something is "user" or "shared". Most people who use their desktops dont give a shit. Its weird to have some files end up in user, and others in shared, its not always intuitive where it will go. People who use windows are used to just putting files where they want

>drivers don't break
tell that to my broken bluetooth. rt3290 wifi+bluetooth combo, but only wifi works.

>Anything linux lacks is barely used.

well, my audio works, but it isn't like in Windows because the IDT driver isn't available for linux.

IDT's audio driver would be the only one that comes to mind for me.

How the hell is downloading some random executable from a website any better than from a central repository of vetted software?
This is a very 'Microsoft' mindset, and it's dangerous...

"downloading some random executable from a website" is not a problem if the user in question has braincells.

It's an inferior model for managing software regardless.

>inferior model
No thanks, I'd rather not be a repo slave.