Installing without package managers on Loonix

>try out GNU\Linux
>all this control over the system is pretty neat
>try to compile GNU IceCat to see how things work without package managers
>run configure file
>compilation depends on outdated version of autoconfig
>try to install old autoconfig
>shit won't fucking work, IceCat's configure file can't recognize the old version
>get cancer

Why is it this way? I cannot fucking stand all this gay dependency shit.

Attached: 1564955208966.jpg (250x250, 6K)

That's just how it works my newfriend. GNU/Linux is like an RPG where you are on an endless quest to resolve dependencies.

Attached: GalaxyBrain.png (2753x2718, 556K)

>GNU IceCat
Found your problem


Attached: 1563302557658.jpg (233x217, 14K)

my dude i have so many soft links, libraries and user space packages that i fear to fucking reinstall my os.

>2 compilation, somehow you also need to compile 10k files of testing, 4h pass 4:15... one unit test fails.
kill -me -right -9now

>try to use linux without init system
>boot straight into bash
>have to start all my daemons typing by hand every time
What the fuck bros, why is it so inconvenient?

kill me, im not a programmer!

Attached: IMG_20190919_233649.jpg (4000x3000, 2.6M)

>be 12
>try to use Linux from scratch as my first Linux distro
>some retarded text I'm supposed to read on a guide pops up.

Why is Linux universally shitty?

git gud or go back to windows, noob

Install GNU + Linux GNU Guix System Distribution Linux

Unironically this. Bless default static linking with Rust, fuck boomer mindset.

static linking conflicts with some licences

git gud nigger

the license encourages planned obsolescence?

yeah some licenses don't permit it, usually the turbo commie ones.

Static linking guarantees planned obsolescence, dynamic libs guarantee endless adaptability.

dynamic libs guarantee dependency hell, boomer. your static binary will never break.

Linux in theory could have just as good forward/backwards compatibility then Windows. it's literally just no one makes a static appimages or bundles of their software. The ability to to do so has been around for almost two decades.

Enjoy your never broken bugs then, inbred.
Meanwhile with dynamic links you can update search paths and upgrade dynamic libraries inplace anytime it's needed.

I wonder if Linux software as a whole is harmed by dynamic libraries forcing them to constantly maintain software, they all have to follow the same autistic standards such as whatever the GTK3 devs demand.

Updates don't always make Linux better, things are getting worse.