>Not using Linux as your operating system
What does it feel like to be a brainlet?
>Not using Linux
Nobody does. They use it as their kernel.
Go back to your containment thread, unfriendly GNU/faggot
At least recommend us a distro to use
As a Linux desktop user, I am better than most people.
Unironically Arch.
this is kinda true, at least when it comes to freedom and technology
How does it feel ricing 24/7 and not getting anything done?
I am, and?
I wouldn't know, I use gnome 3
what the fuck does ricing mean
Just another fa
Productive usage of a Linux based computer such as using the Libre Office Suite and Gimp for serious usage to compete with Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop.
dude I was ricing the fuck out of these Windows 10 users once I showed them how I BTFO'd their proprietary non-free software with my GNU system and it's libre software!
Are you an artist? Use MacOS
Are you a developer or a scientist? Use Linux
Do you do play games or do mindless bureaucracy? Use Windows
I did until I had to use CS for classes and it's much easier to run productivity applications on Win10, only thing my Fedora install had over the Win10 was it's stability and low background usage - but app still Rab much worse on Linux
There is a "loonix only" retard in my class that uses it and thinks he is cool as fuck, yet he still was forced into installing it to he could actually compile his .Net applications, retard is failing his unit literally because of superiority complex
Might aswell use windows if you're running a day0 intel/amd chip.
I know how to use Linux. Prefer windows
How does it feel playing game 24/7 and not getting anything done?
>what are VMs
have you installed gentoo though?
No, i installed genthree
It feels productive.
windows gives me better video performance on an ooooold system
Slackware with slackbuilds
>>Not using templeOS
What’s wrong with you OP, you working for the FBI?
For beginners things like Ubuntu, Mint and Pop!_os are best
If you don't want to distrohop every other month but are looking for a forever distro, I recommend Debian KDE. Install from a nonfree ISO and you'll have no problems. I'm slowly migrating all my computers to Debian.