I failed my comptia A+ exam today . Should I just kms?

I failed my comptia A+ exam today . Should I just kms?

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No you should study up so you pass next time.

This, don't beat yourself up so much OP. If you were anywhere near clinically braindead as the average iToddlee you wouldn't have gotten so close to a passing score.

Even when you do pass it, read up on what you fucked up most on. Networking and RAID configs tend to be the most brutal parts of the A+.

>failing the most elementary and intro level exam
holy SHIT fucking kill yourself

I’m an iChad and I have Comptia A+, N+, MCP, MCTA, AAST, MCTS, and a bunch of others.

Depends, did you listen to the NEETs on Jow Forums who try to sound smart by claiming that you should know everything in the A+ if you've ever touched a computer for longer than 10 seconds (in which case stop being a retard, study, and try again), or did you actually give an honest effort to study hard the first time around (in which case give up because you're hopeless)?

it's a multiple choice test, those require little to no study

you're pretty dumb

Its okay user, don't compare yourself to other people. Compare your self to your past self. Study on your weak points, improve. You can frame your passing score in the future with this score next to it.
I believe in you user.

studying for my a+ right now bros
this is required course material

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>kernal mood seeting

I highly doubt it but assuming you're one of the outliers than at best you're a tool and at worst you're extremely insecure outcast and desperately seek the approval of others so that you can "fit in" again.

Anyway the average iToddler is a bland moron who has more money than brains that will continue to buy a certain brand of products even if they come defective, cost more, and offer lower specs/functions/features for the same price as a product from a competitor. Thwy are the "muh printer borked! Me angery!!!" we hopefully rarely have to deal with.

>identify common connector types

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CompTIA is a scam like 90% of certifications. Don't waste your money again.

A+ is probably the most braincel IT monkey cert to exist

Hit the books

>Fails at Networking

A classic, every single mongoloid thinks that learning the types of chassis or the speed of fucking USB is something that in the company you will work it will be asked frequently.

Security and Networking are the most important things and are ones of the hardest to learn/master because required constant PRACTICE with simulated software then renting labs or building it yourself at home.

Don't KYS yet everyone fails at some point. I had people who worked years in the IT industry and failed Comptia A because they learned by experience never really took a book.

Don't give up user and try again, and don't forget Comptia and Cisco puts weird questions just to fuck you up.

Taken with my phone to avoid cope about “photoshop”.
Congrats on projecting hard though.

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microsoft certs are worthless

Genuine question OP, and not trying to be too much of an asshole here.
Do you have any education beyond high school? How was your GPA in high school? Ever take a legitimate IQ test? Did you try to learn the material at all or just take it completely blindly for some reason?


Where's the COMPTIA certs? Also you just proved the rule by being an exception, nigger faggot.

he’s right you know

A+ is retard-tier.
Frankly, if you failed A+, there's no IT exam you will pass.
Pass A+, and preferably N+ or S+, or give up. If you think this is difficult, you haven't seen anything.

I am 28 and only graduated high school. I studied professor messer videos for at least a hour or 2 everyday for several months. Feels bad man

Yes, you should kernel mode setting

Real Chad here.
N+,L+,S+,project+,cysa+, c|eh, oscp, cissp

If op can't get a+ he should become a liberal arts major

i feel bad for you

Nice worthless certs, if you are ever trapped in a blizzard you can print them out to burn in your fireplace

I think the understood the RAID configs pretty well except for maybe 1 question that was long. But the networking part definitely got me

I failed my N+ today as well, user. Let's study really hard and do better next time!

Who the fuck is professor Messer?
Bruh, learn shit by doing it not watching some YouTube personality

Found one of em.
It’s expired but whatever :)

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>only graduated high school
>studied professor Messer videos
>did not answer GPA question nor IQ question
Based on your reading comprehension, I have bad news for you. I actually watched Messer's stuff. It seemed kinda helpful but a lot of it is review if you are moderately tech savvy. Did you try reading any book to prepare for this?

How was the CySa+ test? I'm taking it next month.

Austin Evans, is that you?

Buy a few raspberry pis, and some ethernet cables and a keyboard and monitor.
place themon two different networks with one in the middle and configure it to route packets between the two network
If you do this you can pass a net plus

>spend money to make money

Don't feel bad about what any of these morons here are saying. If you are 28 and had the guts to take the exam you will be ok down the line as long as you learn from your mistakes. I guarantee you that most people taking computer classes at community college don't even take a single cert exam, I've seen it. If you really want this cert, you'll do what you need to do and end up passing it.
I believe in you and Terry would be proud of you, you got this.

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imagine bragging about worthless certificates no employers ask for

Pretty good. Actually just go for the casp in my opinion. It's pretty much the same as the cysa you just need to know a little bit of Linux knowledge too

>Failing shit and being a retard because you want to take the easy way
Ok bruh whatever floats your boat

Thanks user ^_^ I thought I could at least pass the 1001 and then practice the commands on the 1002 and pass both first try but honestly in relation to the material those question could not have been any more difficult

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wait, what? how you do this? never heard of it, can you guide me or give me a link? I'm studying for my A+ too.

Alright so which one is it: tool or extremely insecure outcast trying to "fit in" again? I mean you clearly understood all the technical limitations and uber hand holding in a prison cell aspect of what iOS is yet you still went ahead and bought an iPhone anyway.

I didn’t go to college and I write software for a living and make 180k. Don’t beat yourself up. Get good, get an entry level job. And with a few years experience, and with a few years experience you can bang out six figures, easy.

>I studied professor messer videos
Videos are passive learning. Try something active where you're engaged

>graduated high school

i'm 27, dropped out, and work as a fullstack dev

There is no Guide.
just do it and in the process of doing so you will learn everything you need for a net plus

You got about 95% of the score needed to pass, you were close so you can study some more and try again.

the worst part is i know of 1 or 2 questions for sure the answer i should have chosen. For some stupid fucking reason I selected RG-6 instead of USB to connect a headset to a laptop (TRS wasnt an option so it threw me off)


I never even graduated middle school and now I'm a fucking x86 assembly code programmer working for IBM with a 7 figure salary. Just turned 21 last month too.

why would you lie on the internet?

You're right, I'm an x86-64 assembly code programmer. Just threw a curve ball at you guys to see if one of you would get punked and clowned.

You really think somebody would do that?

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Fucking based.

user is right, op. Take the night off, get some sleep, and get back at it tomorrow. Good luck! I took mine back in 2015 right before the changes, and I remember scrambling because the changes looked tough. Kudos to you for going after it, it's not easy.

>the average iTodlee
>I’m an iChad
You're on a tail of a bellcurve.

I got my A+ maybe 2 weeks before the new 1000 series came out. I just used a question bank and cheesed the entire thing because fuck compita and it's shitty tests. They don't prove jack shit because of what types of questions they ask you. They added their own stuff they pulled out of their ass that you have to memorize for their tests such as: "Comptia's steps to troubleshooting" and who could forget "Comptia's laser printing process" which make up a decent % of the test.

One question asked me what android uses to download apps and the correct answer was word-for-fucking-word: "store".

Comptia likes to throw easy questions mixed with "what does this have to do with anything" questions. The only explanation I have for this is that pajeets are making these questions which is why they wreak of shit. Don't beat yourself up OP you just have to cheat and stoop to a dirty level; just like the pajeets

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I got your moms tail on my bellEND

Bruh, they are gonna murk you. If not comptia then anyone who actually hires you. Enjoy getting blackballed into MCjobs. lmao

This. If you did the best you could and don't even know where you went wrong, this might not be the thing for you. Otherwise, just study again, especially on the parts you failed and try again.

Let's just ignore all the garbage advice anons are offering here.

Look at your score.
Now look at the passing score.

Take the tests a few more times while relearning the topics you had trouble with and you WILL pass by mere statistical variation alone.

You already passed ya goof. Just do it a few times until you have an upwards swing and collect your paper.

Hey OP I am taking the 1001 in a few weeks. Can you give me any advice? I'm watching Professor Messer videos, taking notes and doing practice tests.

Can you remember any specific questions that were really hard, or topics that were a large portion of the test? Right now it seems like the only things I need to remember are specific ports and what they are used for, RAID questions, and just basic hardware knowledge. What else is important to really memorize?

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Wtf is this shit guys

Configuration of Task Scheduler, which wasn't in the books I used, as well as practical labs using WPS (shit you not) authentication for hypothetical wifi networks. Overall, if you watch Messer's shit, and read a book or two, you should slap the shit out of the CompTIA A+ tests. I did.

What the hell is AAST?

Just curious, why are you getting the a+ cert?

Is it for a job or just because?

to try and get a job. Im wondering if i should just do webdev instead

Youd probably have a better time doing the a+ job, unless you loooove coding.

Dunno where you're applying to but I've worked at a couple of mom and pop PC repair places, they mostly just wanted someone they didnt have to babysit on the trivial stuff...and to not be a drug addict...

If it were me I'd study up on the stuff you missed on the test and take it again asap. I had to take the ccna and ccnp twice, it's not a big deal and now you're familiar with the test at least.

>and to not be a drug addict
awww fuck

I was a couple points away from failing the security+. I would suggest taking notes and writing the material over and over again to engrain it in your mind.

I'm also in this same boat. I dropped out of IT in 2007 for a business on a tropical beach... did that for over a decade. I wondered why I ever went to college in the first place, but my backup plan was to get certified and just do mundane repair shit. I just started looking at the A+ this past month and it's dead simple shit, anybody who likes hardware will get it. Plus it was just revised this year, which looks better to an employer than stating you passed an older less relevant version. It sort of is like cramming in a 4 year degree in a 90 minute exam though, but if you had a degree you should be able to pass Net and Security too or that isn't saying much for your school.

Retake it. Keep calm and study

boomers and gen x love their HAL 9000 equipment, user.
of course this is required knowledge. how else are you going to hook up uncle jeremy's smart fleshlight?

while taking the sec+ i was sure i was failing it and would have to waste another couple of hundred dollars to retake it, imagine my face when i somehow passed