How can we save Open Source, Jow Forumstechnology?
How can we save Open Source, Jow Forumstechnology?
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We first get rid of pedos and pedo defenders like Stallman
Then we install politically competent people to positions of influence who are not autistic, who know how to handle being public figures and can convince the normies that free software is important
Then we watch as companies serving substandard proprietary software naturally crumble because finally the movement will no longer be held back by socially incompetent, unpresentable people, which is incredibly more important than autists on Jow Forums want you to think
i now associate linux with man hating feminism, and gyno-fascism which is why i use windows. Not only is windows a superior tool for my life, it also is not infested with various strains of moral scolding SJWs who burn heretics at the stake for expressing opinions that are not approved by the feminist commissar. Stallman had retarded opinions that i disagree with, but i support his right to express them absolutely, because i unlike you, realize that intellectual freedom is an even more important concept than software freedom. I do not support communities that when encountering opinions they do not like, seek to destroy the speaker rather than the argument. The correct and best way to run a community is not via coercive personal destruction, but by counter argument. you fucking nazi-communist faggot.
Get rid of the SJW fascists.
Stallman is perhaps the ONLY major player in the free software movement that was actually uncompromising and consistent in his beliefs about free software. The rest just think it's nice to use it when you can but it's okay to use proprietary shit if you need to; Stallman was willing to throw out half the convenience in life to make a point. Whoever takes his place will undoubtedly be okay with using phones and other such things.
I remember when r/technology was pushing pro article 13 shit.... plebbit is on another plane of stupidity.
this woman knows that her face is shit but nobody is going to notice. It took me until the 3rd loop to notice there was a face in this gif.
About your opinion: I would not call Windows moral but you are generally not wrong to consider linux, now, an OS used by evil people. However, much of what linux is, was build in better times and it would take at least 10 more years for the OS to become truly shit.
why would you want to?
this. inb4 "go back to Jow Forums" users who are Discord trannys. first linus, now stallman. they want to destroy FOSS.
>Open Source
>picture of Stallman
keep things male only
You've made you bed, now lie on it.
You thought SJW's commies were "on your side" and "your guys" were free from the wrong think police? Get fucked, Linus had to basically bend over and allow the SJW's to fuck him raw in the ass to not be canceled like Stallman was.
Maybe you guys forgot about the "Contributor Covenant"?
You wanted 1984 because you thought you would be "on the right side of history", now get fucked.
>Open Source
Are you retarded, don't you know what you're talking about, or are you just cheap baiting?
Well, whatever OP's intentions are, you are derailing the thread. With enough SJWs you won't even be able to discuss free software vs. open source software.
I think John Sulivan should be the next president of the FSF, he does use a phone tho, but it runs free software
Hopefully it just goes to shit
In no other profession do you work for free
Developers are so dumb they bought into this bullshit and fucked themselves in the ass for the richers
>t. MIT license cuck
you can get paid writing free software, anyways build up your gitrhub enough and you can get a crappy proprietary job
No just someone who’s done with the whole thing because everyone involved is a pushover
Other jobs pay just as well and you don’t have to deal with people like the people here
Developers are fools to be pushed around and thrown away like trash for a new set that’s willing to fuck each other in the ass to make someone else rich
Noone should be next. Stallman must be reinstated because he was wrongly accused. If fsf understands this then they can do nothing but take him back and apologize. Please email them and make them aware.
>Stallman is perhaps the ONLY major player in the free software movement that was actually uncompromising and consistent in his beliefs about free software.
what about Theo deRaadt? he doesn't trust any software license that doesn't fit in an 80x25 terminal window.
You just sound burnt out, my projects have made me money and I'm not even . Enjoy your private software. The real code will remain in public, where it can be tested and sharpened.
bite me retard
I’m not burnt out I’ve moved on and come here, the worst board on this site to take a huge digital shit on all the copies of people I had to deal with
Some of the worst losers I’ve ever seen
I like Theo, but he's not very personable. He has ZERO tolerance for people who aren't very tech savvy and will tell you to fuck off and die if you waste his time, unlike RMS who would try to convert your tech illiterate grandma.
Fuck open source, it was rotten from the start.
Now free software? That's where it is at, you'd know that if you knew what you were talking about.
Coraline will be the greatest president FSF has ever known, because god knows her predecessor never accomplished anything important. Emacs, GCC, the GPL, these don't matter. Now the Contributor Covenant, that's going to stand the test of time.
now I'm wondering - who is the nicest person in software? or is being an asshole just part of the job?
Knuth seems like a decent guy but he's much more a theoretician than a coder
I wonder if the answer is self-funding. I guess that a lot of the pressure to have code-of-conducts and elected boards comes from an attempt to look clean-cut to attract corporate funding.
I guess people self-hosting their projects and running their own mailing lists and such could get off without many such problems.
maybe actually write software
a vampire can write an OS
so maybe try building a useful application
instead of talking about fizzbuzz
dudes like 66, dont you have to retire at 65, I think its unfair what happened to Stallman, but it was about time for him to get outta the FSF, hopefully he finds a way to still advocate Free Software
M = the 13th letter of the alphabet
It stands for the word Master. Masonry only "borrows" this fact.
I created HermitBSD and will never release. This is all.
Ha, thanks for the tip
C = 3rd letter
M = 13th letter
W = 23rd letter
I remember seeing project looking glass window manager
That picture is very wrong on 33. Water freezes at 32 degrees meanwhile 33 degrees starts the cycle of chaos! And in order to renovate you need chaos first. Example old building must be brought down with chaos in order to renovate the property.
Trump doesn't display Masonry much. However his daughter Ivanka displays Eastern Star and Kabbalah. She wears the red string.
Freemasonry Is The religion Of Plato, The Religion Of Love
My version of Looking Glass is much more advanced and quite beautiful, I must say! And before you ask, no I will never be releasing HermitBSD or the Looking Glass environment.
I thought OP was retarded, then I noticed the
Yeah, it's bait
too bad he killed himself.
>Open Source
It's called Free software you fuck
this senpai
Open Source is what proprietary software companies embrace in order to white wash their proprietary activities.
Join us now
and share the software
Pedophile sympathiser.
We don't.
Open source is the cancer killing free software.
Start a new free software organisation, make sure free speech is considered part and parcel of freedom from the get go, and for the love of god, keep the SJWs out. Once you let a single one in they start worming their way into HR, or equivalents thereof.
>Not only is windows a superior tool for my life, it also is not infested with various strains of moral scolding SJWs
You better hope that Windows never travels down that road, because if they do, then you are totally fucked, where they will have collected every key stroke and mouse click down to the thousandth of a second.
1st we make troon/sjw posting banable offense then maybe we can have a reasonable conversation about it.
van Rossum is pretty nice. It worked for 30 years.
By pulling each and every one of your commits from any repository that is being used by the Tr*mp regime.
Or do you support literally throwing children in cages and allowing them to be gunned them down in school with assault rifles because you like NRA money?
>Open Source
user, I ...
>Jow Forumstechnology
stallman should be put in jail
Open Source has sold the dreams of software freedom. Why would you want to safe it?
Open source misses the point.
Fuck open source.
Free software, baby.
All of you obviously didn't get the joke.
Fucking autists.
>i was just petending to be retarded
do Jow Forums things, go to /out/ and live with l/an/
the only reason anyone cares about women is they're cute and pedomorphic
if nearly everyone wasn't a lolicon, no one would give a shit about what "might hurt" them
by building DAOs on top of Ethereum and destroying (((financial institutions))) with them