You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't using vertical tabs.
You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't using vertical tabs
I am.
> tabs
Tabs should be a part of the OS window system, not a per-app thing.
Tabs are bloat
How do I get vertical tabs on firefox?
I use five tabs at a time at most. One or two more while jacking off. They're fine at the top.
As are graphics. All information can be expressed with symbols, so the terminal is enough for everyone.
interesting idea
>ootomo takuji
Mega based
Hentai is art
I think haiku does this
I used them a long time ago and I might have crashed my craptop and chunked them out then forgot them ever since.
This is the second time I've witnessed this image being uploaded user. If you're the original owner of this image, then I ask you if you're too lazy to take another screen shot of you're "based" power tabs and mediocre doujin.
i’ll tell you what’s art, the psychology turmoil i am constantly subject to due to my chronic hardcore pornography addiction, that shit is fine art
I'm so sick of translated japanese dialogue. I'd rather have a funimation style complete rewrite
I don't usually have more than 12 tabs open at most, so while I've thought about the concept of vertical tabs for some time (particularly for a project I've been wanting to start) I don't have a need for them.
Apparently I have 525 tabs open.
because my monitor is rotated to 4:5 aspect. (You) have 10 seconds to explain why you're using a wide aspect when literally everything a computer does it does vertically.
I use tree style tabs but the new fork with modern firefox looks like shit. The only reason I use waterfox is because it keeps the now legacy UI.
You can't. It's a chrome exclusive.
The human eyes are horizontal, not vertical.
>10 seconds to explain why you're using a wide aspect
Because that's the resolution of my monitor...?
so what? literally ever site on the internet scrolls vertically. all software scrolls vertically. if we were chinese people reading top to bottom and scrolling right to left i would understand the wide aspect. it's weird to have massive amounts of empty space to the sides of a narrow ass article that you have to scroll every 10 seconds while reading.
But I am, OP. I also obviously have a custom userChrome.css that collapses the titlebar into the navigation bar to save vertical space, as well as vivaldifox to apply page coloring to it. Do you think I'm some kind of retard or something?
>Horizontal tabs at the top in general
>Want something specific
>Hit b
>All my tabs list vertically
>Start typing the name of a tab
>Tab list sorted by that phrase
You are smalltime.
I just installed Firefox on a user's new desktop and the addon page has the original and best one on their suggestion list. Mozilla is pushing it, and you still have to ask?
Not my fault manufacturers make monitors for media consumption rather than actual work. Now they make ultra-wides which are intended to be roughly equivalent to a pair of 5:4 side by side, which is better, but has its own problems.
Decent taste, OP
I prefer JS more though.
what font is that?
it's certainly painful having to use tech that was made with gamers in mind. i have a disgusting LED board with a ridiculous GPU that looks like a space ship or something sticking out of it. i've started using laptops more often just because i don't have to feel like a massive faggot when i use them.
>not TST
Is she malnourished? Why are her legs so thin and small?
it looks like misc fixed 8x16. it's the default tty font in debian. i don't think there's an x11 version of it.
Probably unifont.
oh yeah, i forgot it was based off fixed8x16. there's definitely an x11 version.
>All that wasted space
>frames making a stealth comeback
There's a rewrite tag you dumb fuck.
I'm not a tab fiend
I can't jerk off to Idolm@ster shit because I've never watched the show or played any of their shitty games. But I really really want to jerk off to it. Why is life so cruel, I don't want to sit through an entire show just to wank
Also didn't Firefox have a Tab Groups feeature or something? Or was that an extension. It was really nice.
Yeah, unifont was my go-to font back when I made that image. I still use it when I want that nice blocky feel.
Some WMs do this.
Her BMI is 20, within the normal range for an Asian 16yo girl.
Waste of space.
Never heard of it before. Thanks op, looks useful.
Good morning, Reddit!
this, anyone who doesn't masturbate 47 times per day minimum is a literal incel and probably a white supremacist
because it takes up way more screen real estate?
Rika is the best
This is correct.
Fat landwhale roastie spotted
You don't have to watch a show to jack off to it
I've jacked of to idolmasters plenty of times and I've never watched the show nor plan to
First explain why you aren't reading locally saved doujins
takes up too much space
IE6 did this
Dragging them is buggy on Firefox, I loved having them though.
Depends on the add-on.
Power Tabs works very smoothly.
Because I'm not a retard who has a billion tabs open
Because there's no way that a site as important as exhentai could ever go away.
Anime characters are not based on reality.
epic meme
I torrent my doujins and I was in tears when sadpanda was kill because I never redownloaded what I lost in HDD crashes.
they don't get rid of the horizontal ones and I don't want to do a bunch of stupid bullshit
useless unless you have more than 25 tabs open most of the time
I thought exhentai was dead?
except it literally does
I want to raw dog Rika!
explain me why you rice your desktop when default is just fine
none of the ones I tried did and I also have had that option enabled the entire time.
good taste
Why do people are about other people fapping now?
It takes u way too much screen real estate. And you should never have that many tabs open.
I want to use vertical cunny
Oriental horizontal cunny is fun too.
t. retards
no it's back
Use a tiling window manager so you can do multiple things at once, dumbass.
>tiling window manager
have sex
>do multiple things at once
Why would I do something retarded like that?
Like what? Fap to cunny while shitposting? Tiling wm's don't solve poor utilization of horizontal space, it just fills your screen with shit at suboptimal sizes
Do you niggers even code?
multi tiling managers are counter productive to getting work done.
because i use treestyle tabs
Not for free
>using a GUI
Digusting filthly cumbrainer
Oh youre not lying nice.
Actually, Firefox does have an option to do that
If there's a series of 3d porn, you don't have to watch every other one in the series, you can just jump to the 6th installment, if the only goal is to cum. Same goes with doujinshi
i dont use tabs.
That explains why your code is fucking shit
Because you're a multitasking nigger who can't do a good job at one single thing at a time, instead you do a shitty job at multiple things at a time
But I am, I'm using the correct browser layout
Technically, they were, before tabbed browsing. It's just that they called them separate windows, and the tab bar was called the "taskbar".
just use custom css
#main-window[tabsintitlebar="true"]:not([extradragspace="true"]) #TabsToolbar > .toolbar-items {
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
#main-window:not([tabsintitlebar="true"]) #TabsToolbar {
visibility: collapse !important;
#sidebar-header { display: none; }
this will aslo disable addon header is side bar