Boycott GNOME

Boycott GNOME.
Don't be a cuck.

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Other urls found in this thread:

stop hating women, you failed abortion.

Gnome has been unusable since the day 3.0 landed anyway, what's there to boycott since it literally can't be used?

Imagine, being a man and making yourself look like this


is it only the window manager which literally no one use

Women? Where?


I'm not "boycotting" GNOME, I'm simply not using GNOME, because it is a bad piece of software, irrespective of its creators. You can't say
>Why did those SJWs take down that white man's github repository just because he expressed in private conversation that he wants to gas all kikes and put all nigger heads on pikes? His software should be judged on its own merit, not on the merit of his personal opinions.
while at the same time saying
>Boycott GNOME. Don't be a cuck.

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You would normally be right, but you no longer are, because these people decided to assassinate (sometimes literally) anyone they don't like, and obtain power by usage share. Unlike your neo-nazi who says 'gas all kikes put all nigger heads on pikes', these people actually go out of their way to do these things.


Sorry, but I prefer to be consistent in my morals, rather than weakening them in response to the lack of morals displayed by others.

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>Not using it != taking down someone

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>boycotting free software
That'll show em

You've made your bed, now lie on it.
You thought SJW's commies were "on your side" and "your guys" were free from the wrong think police? Get fucked, Linus had to basically bend over and allow the SJW's to fuck him raw in the ass to not be canceled like Stallman was.
Maybe you guys forgot about the "Contributor Covenant"?
You wanted 1984 because you thought you would be "on the right side of history", now get fucked.

>One of the GNOME Foundation’s strategic goals is to be an exemplary community in terms of diversity and inclusion
The goal is to make fucking software, can they just do that and stop crying

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They can't.

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I'm not really up to date with the current buzzwords, but is this what the kids refer to as a ``cope''?

Is it even possible to boycott GNOME? I mean shit, in order to boycott something you need to stop using it - but literally nobody was using it to begin with. GNOME has been the butt of every single joke related to DEs Since its creation.

>but literally nobody was using it to begin with.
Huh? Isn't it the default Ubuntu DE?

in order to boycott gnome i just stopped using the gnome icons

Problem is, some distributions (Red Hat Enterprise, SLED, SLES, Ubuntu) use it as default DE for no good reason.
We need to convince RH/IBM, SUSE, and Canonical that Gnome is not good, and better offer alternatives, like K Desktop Environment, or XFCE.

I've never seen even the most "normie" person who has installed a Linux distribution use vanilla Ubuntu. I've only seen Xubuntu and Kubuntu, or just an entirely different distro.
Stuff like Red Hat, SLED, SLES, those are valid points I didn't consider at all. Using those must be downright miserable.

>Using those must be downright miserable.
Well, SLED and SLES have nice KDE support, because openSUSE. But that is not default option as far as I know. (will check it out now, since I think they have only IceWM and GNOME options during install in SLED 15)
But I don't know about RHEL.

The very fact Linux isn't licenced under GPLv3 is fucked.

tivo did nothing wrong

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How can we connect Stallman to Gnome specifically, so nobody uses pedoware?

that's a man baby

oh wait no it's not

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>i prefer to close my eyes and ignore things until they go away
>that makes me superior by the way
cuck hiding behind the notion of moral consistency

Google did.

I know what to do. License your code under GPL3.
Situation has changed.
Do you remember early days of open source? It was a joke and doomed to failure, but later Microsoft suddenly started to lose their shit over linux even before linux was a thing. It was afraid even back then. Now Microsoft has to wear a fake mask of open source friendliness to get any monopoly because suddenly open source is the standard and nothing they can do about it. Compilers used to be commercial, can you imagine it today? We can set a new standard - GPL3.
But poor oligarchs can't use my code! They have full time developers that can write infinitely more code than you can ever hope to write in your free time, they are not in any sort of disadvantage. The poor can't help the rich, but even if he can, what for? To help them build a walled garden antiuser botnet? What is even the point? They take it and you still owe them everything. It doesn't even end there, when they eat their users, they will come after us. Microchips will be fun, normies are ready, are you?
Google moves to closed source, it shows that closed source is still the holy grail of walled gardens. They were always afraid of open source, they try to keep their face straight, but that abstraction leaks. You don't need anything special, you can't shoot a walled garden down with a gun anyway, that's not how it works, but you can shoot it down with a compiler, text editor and your brain; cryptographic algorithms are classified as military weapon, CIA will unironically shoot you for smuggling code. All this IT space is virtual, ability to think is the weapon here, they are afraid of us, because we are armed, and their plan to win is usual - take the weapon away.

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Dumb ESL.

To program for Apple walled garden you have to register and provide all your details, tomorrow you will have to register with your microchip as IT offender for life. Recently they introduced mandatory application signatures for desktop OS version. Many people even here don't know about security, boot locker is not security, boot viruses are a thing on desktop to get behind the antivirus that runs in the kernel, on Android the antivirus is sandboxed like everything else and the whole root space is untouchable, getting there is enough to hide from antivirus for good, boot locker is just tivoization, anticompetitive and antiuser. When lockdown is complete, that's no compiler for you, no guns and code locked in cloud github, it's not just antiuser, it's antiprogrammer. "You have nothing to write", they say, "Google already wrote everything you need".
It's not about some abstract user freedom anymore, it's about our freedom, my freedom, your freedom; freedom to use the compiler and write programs that we want. Tivoization takes those rights away, but GPL3 fixes tivoization for good, it all can be fixed just by thinking.
It's not really about code sharing, it's about standards. If it's not GPL3, then it's antiuser monopolistic botnet, and antiprogrammer too, as simple as that. GPL3 is fine and when it's the standard, they won't be able to do anything with it, and will have to play by the rules, just like with open source today. They always complained about all forms of open source, GPL3 is nothing new.

Huhhh... No KDE for you.
This is not right.
Let's try IceWM

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Huh. No KDE.

Let's try SLES

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OpenSUSE is not a SLE at all, after all, I guess...
Still, I don't understand. SLE 11 had KDE, I remember for sure. What gives? Why have they selected Gnome 3 abomination as default DE?

I don't get it. Nazis are dropping KDE, RH is dropping KDE...

Weird. Why don't they have pattern for KDE, like they do in openSUSE.
Fucking nazis.

Anyway, GNOME as standard Linux DE must go. There are much better alternatives available, with better usability, and better memory consumption.

Attached: VirtualBox_SLED_20_09_2019_02_27_05.png (800x600, 82K)

>Contributor Covenant
Is it cohencidence?

KDE is ran by commies, see their homepage.

Hm. I don't know, man.
Devs are white tho

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Its funny because all the pedos are kikes.

Linux is a kernel.

>cryptographic algorithms are classified as military weapon, CIA will unironically shoot you for smuggling code

This used to be the case, but it's not anymore. Thank Dr. Daniel J. Bernstein.

It was determined that cryptography is information, and a means for two or more entities to communicate privately, and therefore protected under the 1st and 4th amendments. And even if it *were*, that'd do nothing but strengthen its protections because then it'd be protected under the 2nd amendment as well.

God I love America

Who even uses Gnome?

Richard, fuck off. Should not have jerked on those lolis, you know.
It is Linux. GNU is a small portion of fully functional systemd/Linux system.
Anyway. SLED has KDE. Though I still don't understand why it is not available as "system role" thing.
What should I check in SLED?

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Shit is actually pretty snappy for KDE, gig of RAM, and single core.
Commercial users, for whatever reason

can't wait for everything to self-destruct

backup your linux .iso's lads

Why didn't they go with notorious toilet wallpaper in SLES?

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> i never bothered learning something
> blame all white men reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>imagine literally trolling Jow Forums the entire day just to accuse someone of hating women and calling them a failed abortion

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Why do these people have so much power?

Imagine if KDE will get all of the cancer GNOME gets.

Well, it can't.
They use third party toolkit, the Qt. Qt is a business, they have no intention removing features without serious need, because this would hurt people, who use Qt under proprietary license.

Because the passiveness of their detractors.

>tfw fsf member
>tfw not cancelling my membership

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What does the pic have to do with the blog post?
Gnome is the default DE in a lot of popular distros

Linux comes as .tar.xz

Daily reminder that if you hate these trannies destroying the future of technology, this problem goes back all the way to Weimar Germany in the 1920's when a kike named Magnus Hirschfeld pioneered transexualism.


Good they leave. Imagine having such people representing GNU.

My post was neither political nor paranormal. You should look up his name to see for yourself.

>talk shit
>get called out for talking shit
>closes comments

This /thread

Women (male)

Most linux beginners I know preffer Linux Mint

Great posts

Linux is a kernel.

>supporting exclusion and public witch hunting


but then gnome has been dead anyway

It's not inconsistent to put the line between "words" (or opinions) and "actions". Both are valid but financially (remember: usage share is the main metric for funding in their case) supporting murder is not exactly what most people would consider moral or just. If you do, more power to you.

Why is this thread not rising in the catalog?

Are they shadowcucking threads on Jow Forums now?

b-b-b-but I thought da joos were the enemy?

This. Even fucking mate is infinitely more stable, uses infinitely fewer reasources and is infinitely more usable. Unfortunately, the same can't be said with modern KDE. KDE4 was only good at EOL while KDE3 was good for a good chunk of its life. KDE5 has yet to not crash-on-start consistently (the same was true of early KDE4).

Apparently it's bumplocked
Really fucking strange given it's an actual tech thread unlike the infinite advertising. Makes me think.

>using GN*ME software

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Hey guys this is a big problem

Do we really want to be babysat and censored by extreme far-left SJWs on Jow Forums too?

It's bad enough that giant tech corporations which are concentrated in a small far-left extremist part of the world are forcing down everyone's throats this insane totalitarian ideology, now Jow Forums too??