What IDE does Jow Forums use?

What IDE does Jow Forums use?

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Geany :^)

Geany unironically


Visual Studio lmao

Trying out visual studio plus resharper after having gotten use to intellij on my last team. Unfortunately VS2019 is leaking like an alcoholic with a UTI and resharper but makes it more unusable. I think I'll have to give up the comfy jetbrains assistance.

I don't code.



Modal editing of Vim with the power of Emacs.
No competition.


Visual Studio

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it's code specific, eclipse for java, idle for python, and notepadd++ for css and html and quick editing work in windows

on linux I use kate, nano, and emacs

visual studio is comfy
eclipse is just slow

fucking niggers ITT can't fix bugs using grep

top jej

vim but when its too much struggle, i use company-paid WebStorm.
i tried VS Codium, but doing merge conflicts there is such a pain

Guys, what's a good alternative to notepad++ for linux?

Lol just memeing, use Geany

Visual Studio, but would rather use a Text Editor, if I can, so I can work on linux.

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Learn Emacs


More like reddit.

my own emacs i've been curating since the 1990s




What's the problem with notepadqq?


>Why yes, I use Eclipse. How could you tell?

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I use VIM with tmux and nerdtree plugins

Borland C++ Builder

If you're going to go that minimal,

Anyone saying vscode: Congratz on adopting the botnet. The botnet is still active with all telemetry disabled and with vscodium. But hey who cares about reading EULAs (which also applies to the MIT licensed sources and vscodium due to both applying the manifest.json) as long as it just werks.


Well you're in no rush for sure

It's either JetBrains stuff or Visual Studio. Rest are text editors.

why do I find that image so painfully cringe

Neovim with deoplete and some other plugins like ale. I know it's bloated but show me anything more configurable


Either Kate (Qt based, for kde) or Gedit (gtk, gnome)

Based. All of you other titsucking kids stay with GUI ide like Sublime and VS Code.



xcode, the white man ide

keeps you on your toes.
recommending it to anyone wanting to become a better programmer.

Clearly the better IDE, Code::Blocks


For me? IntelliJ

Second for JetBrains, this is how all graphical IDEs should be. Great default shortcuts and navigation aides. Never experienced any instability. Completion and templating is nearly flawless. I type out around 15% of my codebase and Ctrl+Shift+Enter/Ctrl+Space/Ctrl+./Ctrl+J/Ctrl+Shift+T/Alt+Enter the rest of it. There's a sensible default shortcut for fucking EVERYTHING. I said graphical because I know that you can readily get the same experience from emacs/vim etc, but at the cost of significantly more effort. It took me one and a half years to get comfortable enough with vim to actually see improvements in speed over clicking around in gedit, without having to stop and look up a technique every five minutes.
>also, many JetBrains IDEs have a great vim plugin.

I use Geany as well, but having difficulties selecting a theme.

Use rider its amazing


Eclipse. Everyone I know gets really anal and
>u uez ecleepse? LMAOO OMEGALOOOL
when I say this - but noone can actually tell me why other IDEs are better (especially for Java). It does everything I need it to, it's free and it is portable

VS Code. Jetbrains products are better, but it's good enough for me, and I don't need 5 different IDEs for 5 different languages.

A pen and a notebook, obviously. That's how I learned in college and that's the way it should be. Who needs a computer, anyway? Use VIM is for retards...

I'm starting to think IDEs are just distractions and I feel like I can get more stuff done with just vanilla vim. I knew a guy that was a pretty experienced programmer that used nano and I couldn't understand why, but he probably knew all along.


emacs uwu

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No need for an IDE - a text editor and a terminal are sufficient.

No one else uses Atom?

>What IDE does Jow Forums use?

>t. has never worked on a large software project

i despise electron

Vim. I tried emacs many times but it's simply too buggy and the only way to make it usable in the first place is evil-mode (a shitty attempt to replicate vim, buggy and incomplete).
Both vim and emacs are lacking in different ways, emacs is just more lacking for editing text.
The optimal solution would be an emacs-style generic GUI framework that doesn't pretend that it's a text-only program and knows about parallelism and concurrency from the get go. In that case, we could edit rich-text formats inside the editor (e.g. embed image results in the source code - think org-mode setup as a jupyter notebook but without the buggy and slow image display, insertion and navigation), browse the web (e.g. look at documentation without relying on w3m), have non-retarded window management without the buggy as hell popwin, and properly interact with 3rd party systems like swank without the janky text-oriented-but-not interactions (e.g. repl, debugger). Also no keybind overrides that collide with everything.

See Slow, buggy, leaks memory like crazy, and spies on you all at once. Shit features, too.

Not him but I worked at microsoft and everyone in my org was using vim, emacs, or sublime.

been using VS Code for a while, but went back to JetBrains IDEs
VS Code is too fucking slow, buggy, and not enough good features

All of those are full-fledged IDEs.

PyCharm, GoLand.

CLion for C, Eclipse for Java, or Vim for anything else

What ide does g recommend for nodejs?

I recommend not using Node.js.

Vscode I online weite powershell and bash

oh ok. what do you use to glue two services. rust? C?

intellij, vscode, vs and vim for small edits


Intellij for j*va, pycharm for pyCHAD, vs for anything .NET, vim for ssh edits, and n++ for inspecting .csv and .edi files

CLion, PyCharm and gvim.
Mostly CLion. It eats RAM like nothing else though.

IntelliJ IDEA

I like VSCode.

VSCode for projects, sublime for quick edits


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Netbeans 11.1

visual studio code, qt creator and vim

what’s the best one for python?

None, just a highlighting text editor.

Visual Studio Code.
Anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't want you to prosper

intellij IDEA

Using an ide is the programming equivalent of having your browser look like this:

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PyCharm for big projects, Sublime for everything else.

what about pycharm?

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fuck wh*te "people"

Stallman did nothing wrong.

Sublime and gedit.

Spacemacs. Really happy about that program. For android I use AndroidStudio tho. For python, I currently use pycharm, but I want to change to Spacemacs too, since I don't use any pycharm-specific stuff that isn't piss-easy to do in Spacemacs.

Kate, Vim, Kakoune or Gedit. In that order

Perl of course

unironically this

Visual Studio 2019 Professional