Mfw some blyat tries to hide coin miners in mkv files

>mfw some blyat tries to hide coin miners in mkv files
who do you think i am?

Attached: 1568342576162.png (922x715, 282K)

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>some blyat tries to hide coin miners in mkv files
how do I detect this?

PID log

how does coin miner works

How does that even work?
It mines while it plays?

no it just says 'cannot render file" and then runs in the background. even if you close the player it will try to run.
they're programs that run hash functions and store the resulting tables in a block chain.

Bull, proof?

it was caught by defender

Attached: Untitled.jpg (678x44, 12K)

Stop using VLC

i was using mpc-hc

Windows problems lmao

>mfw i put firejail in mpv.desktop

Here you are

Attached: 1567884973253.jpg (460x522, 112K)

When will shitdows get something like app armor

Yeah. That's really terrible, dude. I hear you, man. However, it's even worse when they upload one directly to your GPU. I'm almost certain my GT 730 is infected with one. As soon as I install the NVIDIA driver for the first Time after a Windows install, Task Manager always looks somewhat busy. Even during a full idle.

>malware os

Why does a program hidden in a container format even get executed?

How? It's not an executable?

it seems that there was some script that embedded an executable into the file-system within the prompt of it not being a renderable file. i don't know how opening the container triggered it though. what kind of rights do MKVs have when unwrapped?

sounds like an exploit targeted at media players. I have heard of exploits for antivirus programs that actually infect your machine when the antivirus program inspects the binary to look for suspicious API hooks.

You can be very tricky and get other programs to run your payload.

only way this is possible is an exploit, a bug in how the media player handles the file

Data is code and will always be no matter how much shitty programming languages try to separate the two.

>who do you think i am?
dumb frogposter


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This shouldn't happen unless you're using outdated software

i was using MPC-HC (Nightly, 64-bit) version build date mar 7, 2019

>using windows
>not using mpv on windows
HAHAHAHAHAH fucking cuckold.

i also had MPV but MPC was more convenient to set up with its UI. simple as.

>People told me I'm paranoid when I didn't want to open pdfs of books from internet
>People told me "don't worry it's just png" then half of Jow Forums got infected with that spamming virus
>Zoomers don't even use antivirus software and open every exe
"have I ever got a virus?" said every zoomer with bitcoin miners in his system

>anything being simpler than just dragging the files onto the screen
Lmaoing at ur life