AllocHGlobal & FreeHGlobal call into Win32 API, kernel32.dll, what are the cross platform .NET /core/ counterparts?
Mason Flores
It's part of dotnet standard so I would guess nothing has changed and it's available in dotnetcore
Michael Ross
just curious because the docs does not reflect on that when switching between frameworks, they still explicitly say Win32 but on the other hand these methods are probably what the automatic marshaller calls internally so i guess they're fine then
Blake Hill
Prove me wrong:
.NET core going open source is a sign that .NET is on life support.
Hudson Foster
Dotnet is maybe cool but everything else - xamarin, entity-franework, asp, signalr, ... is a utter SHIT.
Ethan Carter
or a sign that the remnants of old values and archaic business plans left microsoft quite a while ago
Isaiah Sanchez
This. Almost all backends are running on the JVM. It's not a secret that Microsoft has paid shills shilling .NET garbage on this board and Im serious. Not only does the JVM have better frameworks it also has better languages like Kotlin and Scala.
Sebastian James
Noah Perry
CLR is objectively better than JVM in every regard, it's not something you can argue about, there are no grey zones, it's just better.
How delusional are you to think Microsoft would even give this website, let alone this specific board a single thought? Lmao.
Nathan Ross
>it's just better. >objectively And yet the JVM performs better And yet virtually nobody uses .NET apart from Bing and Stackoverflow while Google, Amazon, Netflix, Twitter, eBay, Uber, Android etc all use Java. Sure mate, sure. >How delusional are you to think Microsoft would even give this website, let alone this specific board a single thought? Lmao. This literally just gave you away.
Evan Gomez
>use .NET Core, its great! >oh by the way, our IDE only runs on Windows or you could use an electron bad editor with a shit ton of bloated plugins >or use a better Jetbrains IDE which is by the way better, based on Java and being developed by the company who created Kotlin Hahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha
Levi Wilson
PHP is the winner here.
Angel Wood
why does this piece of shit deserve a general?
Thomas Hill
Because the 3.x version will be release the 23/09 and it's faster than Go.
Henry Gonzalez
one time i ran dotnet20.exe and it was horrible
Ryder Cox
gay web demos. those benchmarks are garbage, they are comparing apples to oranges. the best performing java frameworks are barely more than a socket. if you programming a websocket in the lower level stuff the .net framework has for free, about 10 lines of code on .net would probably outperform that java trash. there is a very performance task scheduler built in. it would be interesting to get a .net performance guy to put out a framework I think it'd clean up. problem is those people are getting paid so they don't put out shitty open source frameworks. the stuff that does go out like ASP.Net MVC and the like is garbage the pajeet team put out.
Henry Lee
>those benchmarks are garbage BECAUSE I say so hahahahahahahahaha that cope > the best performing java frameworks are barely more than a socket. welcome to the world of microservices you fucking moron >if you programming a websocket in the lower level stuff the .net framework has for free, about 10 lines of code on .net would probably outperform that java trash. >probably but it doesn't and they're not even utilizing GraalVM. >there is a very performance task scheduler built in. So do vert.x, micronaut, helidon etc?
There's a reason nobody uses .NET Core. Not even does it not offer any benefits, it's worse than the Java ecosystem. .NET Core has been out for years now and still nobody uses it.
Hunter Anderson
>microservices yes that was my point MORON, they are comparing microservice frameworks to full featured things like aspcore. >.net core out for years it's been stable for about a year dickhead.
Logan Rivera
nah mate.. they try to market asp core as a leightweight version of .NET because they missed the microservices boat and now you're claiming it's a fully fledged solution which it is not. >it's been stable for about a year dickhead. >version 2 >stable for a year that says everything. Been hearing the same shit from .NET Core fags for years now. "muh version x will be a breakthrough".. while Microshit has been trying to catch up to the world of microservices, Go has been developed and Java created lmfao
Daniel Sullivan
Those companies only BARELY use java, and for the most part it's just for their android applications. So it's literally so funny to me you bloated the list with android and google.
Henry Clark
barely? LOL Twitter backends heavily use Java/Scala (they already use Graal in production) Amazon's backends are almost completely Java. Take a wild guess why they distribute their own JDK you moron. Google heavily uses Java in their backends Netflix is almost completely Java (they created RxJava)
Aaron Diaz
Why would I need this pile of horse shit on my SSD if I can into Win32 API ?
Lucas Richardson
Lmao microshills getting btfo
Parker Johnson
meh, i don't know much about microservices as I never really needed to work on stuff that requires millions of requests. there are morons here that try to spruik it for smaller systems that I work on but whatever. I don't really care that much about the language I use but I have written a small websocket server in .net and I thought it was pretty comfy and seemed to perform well when I did testing. all the work is .net where i live unfortunately so I don't really get to branch out all that often.
Lucas Moore
>tfw ur getting better C# In terms if jobs - what are possible prospects for c# knowledge, just game/web development ?