Please tell me you're not this kind of guy, Jow Forums.
Please tell me you're not this kind of guy, Jow Forums
Depends on the comments
They're all essentially "Me! Me! Me! PM'd! :DDDDD"
>Please tell me you're not this kind of guy, Jow Forums.
I'm pretty sure that's a woman, OP.
people here know how to fix their laptops
what is the point of this stupid thread
Good troll or retarded?
Anyway, what's wrong with helping someone and wanting something in return?
That is selfish. If you want to help someone, it should be from the bottom of your heart. If you are selling a service, you should sell a service. That is what we have IT technicians for. You should know this already.
I mean, for all i care thats a family fb group and the ones commenting are his/her family helping them, you seem like the desperate one who wants said hug and beer but knows he wont get it cause he ate the Jow Forums meme of womyn bad
Women shouldn't be allowed to speak in public tbvh, not even being the slightest bit of ironic.
I will do it for the beer, you can keep your hug to yourself.
Sure sweetheart, what troubleshooting have you done already?
I only accept cash AND beer. if either is missing, the person can go fuck themselves.
Last night I was getting pizza at the dining hall in my uni and some thot comes up to the front of the line and goes "oops teehee did I cut" and some dude behind me says "no you're fine" so she ordered first. I hate white knights.
If it's a friend I'll accept the beer and hangout. But if they aren't I'm going to help then leave. Why should I do a favor for someone I've known for a while but they don't even take the time to chat with me.
Remember, men are the oppressors, bigot.
>accepting beer as form of payment
Seven 12-packs of Heineken's per hour sounds like a shitty deal. What are you, an alcoholic?
That's not whiteknighting, that's just being a thirsty beta.
It was the man who validated her though
How much of an avoidant coward do you have to be to willingly let a woman cut the line after she PURPOSELY told you that she did?
based chad
>calling others betas
>said nothing when this went down even though you were infront, just stood there like a beta thinking to yourself "I can't wait to tell everyone about this on my favourite basket weaving forum later!!"
Free fucking beer
Nothing free about working for it.
Make it a 24-pack
There's no point in starting shit over something that small. If it was a line at Disney World sure, but a line of four people is trivial. Pick your battles.
It's not like I don't cut the line myself sometimes.
If I was a woman or trans-woman, do you think if he tried to hug me I could get him charged with sexual assault and thrown in prison?. Possible lawsuit and take his cash ?
beer and hug translates to fuck n suck you dumb incel
5 comments telling her fuck off and other 4 are her replies begging people to stop hating
Post face.
>the current year
>white knighting
i hate incels so much, i miss the days when virgins were just normal people seeking sex.
Value your time more
you should've thrown an autistic fit, retard. don't let niggers like that step on you. i'm ashamed of you.
>ever normal
Statistically we live in a time when being a male virgin is the most normal
Blame feminism.
>he wants to have social interactions
Yet if a guy did that you very well might come to blows. Fag.
what's wrong with being a virgin?
i am virgin but i don't feel angry at women 24/7, i just believe that everyone will have their turn when the time is right.
lmao fucking losers. I only do it for free
I don't even get a beer, or a hug.
wait to at least 30 years old to get wizard powers
just turned 28 few days ago but i don't think i will make it to 30. everything has been progressing well with my life so i believe i will get a girl soon if i keep this momentum.
I would help for free because i like computers
happy birthday, user
2 more years, not that much! just install gentoo and end your social life for next to years
Fuck off neurotypical
>2 more years, not that much! just install gentoo and end your social life for next to years
nah man, i don't think I will make it, I am sure it is a matter of short time before i get a gf. But i can still maintain my powers if i wait until marriage right? I don't think I will marry before 30.
only if she agrees to keep her virginity until marriage
>rewards beer and hug
most of people would helped for me so theres nothing with helping a virtualfriend
if getting a gf doesn't revoke my wizard license then I will see you at 30.
I'm already 30, lost my virginity somewhere early 20s tho
I failed... never know what kind of powers I could possess
still gonna die alone tho
>still gonna die alone tho
average human lives until 80-90 years of age. yuo still have 50 years to go user. don't listen to the Jow Forumser's telling you that you will never make it. Love isn't all about sex but i think you realize that more than me.
I don't visit Jow Forums
not gonna live that long either, as soon as I see my mind slipping away, I'll commit sudoku, don't want to be burden to anyone
I was very close to creating family, happiest 3 years in my life
currently I just go with the flow
hopefully things will turn good for you
>currently I just go with the flow
the flow might take you to the most pleasant of places. never lose hope user!
I don't feel angry at women either.
I just feel like a sadcunt most times when I'm lonely.
>tfw loosing hope in ever making it
>eat healthier
>get Jow Forums
these two things will make you feel better and get confidence
>go places
>talk to girls
or just use grindr or whatever you use these days to find sex partner
don't even bother
>eat healthier
Pretty much do this.
>get Jow Forums
Do this.
>these two things will make you feel better and get confidence
Maybe a bit.
>go places
>talk to girls
Now this is the hard parts.
>or just use grindr or whatever you use these days to find sex partner
This too, as I don't feel I look good enough.
don't overthink about your looks, just get Jow Forums and try to increase your confidence walking down the beach shirtless or something
confidence is more important than looks
of course, there are Stacies who would fuck only Chads, but do you want to fuck retarded stump?
no, no you don't
btw, I highly recommend reading/listening to "how to make friends and influence people" learn how to manipulate people, it's really nice book written by a great man who did enormous research to write this book
>talk to girls
>or install a gay sex app
pretty solid reasoning desu
I don't remember what that sex app is called, OK?
just hear grindr on Jow Forums a lot
>tfw you're a wizard
Feels pretty good desu
Show the comments, niggerfaggot
>What are you, an alcoholic?
And a damn good one!
please teach me how to be chad
>another *ncel thread
>user you know so much about technology can you help me set up my nokia phone?
>NO, GRANDMA. Pay me 100 dollars for it or fuck off.
>but that's too much, my retiring allowance is only-