Which one is better?

Which one is better?

Attached: gfdsgfdsgsdfgsdfg.png (372x220, 66K)

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for what purpose?

>which is better, five hundred billion dollars or a used tooth brush from a meth den
>"for which purpose user."

i can use a tooth brush to clean your mother's asshole before i insert my dick inside it
can't directly do that with 5 billion cash desu

Cent if you have a 6 figure job

Fedora if you are a NEET

both are job-tier tbqh

fedora for server, CentOS for desktop.
Next question.

>hammer versus screwdriver
>which one is better
sage goes in all fields

I have a feeling like its the other way around


>I was joking haha

But I was, otherwise I wouldn't have added the second line, making it seem as if I had answered a very difficult question. The idea being that answering an easy question with a very confident incorrect answer would be humourous. "Next qyestion" implies that the question requires a lot to answer, as if it was an in depth comparison.
If I was being serious I'd've called OP stupid probably, something like:
>desktop: fedora
>server: CentOS
>they are not for the same job, you can't compare them.

>use RHEL without paying
>alpha test for RHEL without getting paid

yes you can cause you can just buy her a clean toothbrush from any corner store you stupid ignorant fuck.

>what did we learn?
>there are some tools for which they are not a good solution to a problem
>some tools are objectively better than others for more problems
>just because a college professor told you a phrase that sounds good doesn't make you smart

> two completely different tools with different aims
> which one is better Jow Forums
This board was a mistake.

>kernel 3.10
>gcc 4.8
Yeah no thanks

I don't know.

you can use whatever gcc you want with guixsd or nix you fucking dumbskull

This. Fedora is an ongoing test bed for RHEL. Good on them for contributing upstream but damned if it doesn't make every second or third release of theirs worse than Arch.

Fedora is great, it just is upgraded more quickly. Which serves no purpose unless you want to test new stuff for improvements or have really new hardware.
It is pretty stable and all, but it can get annoying if it's your main or only machine for years, like there will be programs you will have to reinstall, fix or recompile every 13 months (2 releases of support per release + a month).
CentOS/RHEL with developer subscription is your main workstation, but is not for the average Jow Forums zoomer that shills memes and onions

This. He got it other way around.

>CentOS/RHEL with developer subscription is your main workstation
I deploy to RHEL and Cent servers all day and they exist in most of our containers, but you would be totally retarded to use one as a workstation outside of specific enterprise usecases where it's warranted.

>implying your desktop is not mission critical

What’s supposed to be good about Fedora?

With that in mind, any "my distro > your distro" is obsolete.

>yum install *devtoolkit-8
>scl enable bash *devtoolkit-8
>gcc --version

A good balance between justwerks and new packages. What's preinstalled is useful but it's not 11 years old. Medium sized repos.

It's just the same as debian, but with newer packages and new (improved) system architecture.
Autists tend to call its package manager slow, but in really that is not an issue to be aware of.

> fedora
> debian

Wow, you are retarded

Glacial pace of development, only matched by RHEL/CentOS. Intentionally conservative, meant to be universally useful.
Rapid pace of development, only matched by rolling release distros. Intentionally buggy, meant to test things for RHEL.

Pick your poison, but they are not similar. Ubuntu LTS sits in between them and its fairly good at splitting the difference and does a much better job of consistently "just working," than Fedora.

debian is fedora but worse
kill yourself retard, fedora works even better than debian because bugs are actually fixed, and it has compilation flags for security like all rpm distributions who follow the standards.
Debian is niche garbage of the past that is trying to be an alternative to red hat by copying systemd and whatever garbage they throw at them without really knowing how to use it

>Intentionally buggy, meant to test things for RHEL.
are you fucking retarded?
fedora has a userbase of its own who don't give a fuck about RHEL. They test shit for fedora, Red Hat takes EOL Fedora releases, for fucks sake. Fucking EOL Fedora releases, how the fuck is the development of fedora involved with Red Hat other than just providing a base?
Delusional at best. Fedora has it's own development branch and beta testing

This is bullshit. Fedora is prone to break probably just as much as arch. Even for upgrading people tell you to wait a couple months, which is something I never had to do in any other distro with releases.

CentOS is just RHEL for people without jobs

fedora is upstream of centos
centos on the other hand is stable

real programmers use RHEL and enjoy their support

>Fedora is prone to break probably just as much as arch.
are you retarded?
>has development branch
>has betas before releasing
>has shit ton of professional non basement dweller maintainers
I don't encourage upgrading between version but most people do it without problems.
You're retarded if you try to lump arch together with fedora

>Fedora works better
No, it really doesn't unless you're talking about hardware released during this year.
>because bugs are actually fixed
Imagine if they were not fixed, it's already shitty as it is.
>Debian is niche garbage of the past that is trying to be an alternative to red hat by copying systemd and whatever garbage they throw at them without really knowing how to use it
Absolute retard. Niche garbage? Debian is ran on 80% of Linux servers, how many of them run Fedora "ops I broke it again"? Stupid shill

No, i'm really not and seeing you all defensive makes my point. Fedora breaks, sorry to tell you. It's not like the others don't, but Fedora breaks, and a TON more than Debian ever will. Sorry if you can't see this.
>Basement dwellers
The same guys that make Gnome not lag like shit? Funny how you Red Hat fags always throw shit at other distros and yet they integrate Gnome better than you.

>80% of servers
imagine being so detached from reality

From minute 29

>muh instability
Just use Fedora Silverblue, if you can get one install to work then you will always have a functioning system.

>, but Fedora breaks, and a TON more than Debian ever will. Sorry if you can't see this.
Saying it like you are apologizing doesn't make it true, it just makes you sound more desperate.
Debian doesn't have upgrades in months, meaning it doesn't even get security upgrades in that time, they think everything is secure but no, they just don't get upgraded in time even if they are vulnerable. Even Ubuntu gets updated first because they get paid to backport from upstream, they would die before debian uploads a solution.
You're comparing debian in a server perspective, in which Debian loses to CentOS and even Ubuntu.
If you compare Debian to Fedora it loses because the packages are outdated with multiple years old bugs and unusable documentation.
And Debian implementation of packages is garbage, they change everything from upstream settings to make it harder to follow documentations and closing you in more to the debian environment, they even said they don't give a fuck about standarization, making it harder to package and compile for them, it only works with their specific source packages, packaging by yourself is discouraged.
Not only that but they try to implement Red Hat technology since they can't even maintain their distribution on their own. They said the reason is, maintaining another daemons alternative to systemd would be more work, so they just put everything into systemd to not work in system packages so much.
Debian is the most garbage distribution that is only still being used because of legacy.
Even the i3 creator stopped working there because they never upload his bugfixes.
This gets me to another point, the upgrades aren't out because of bureaucracy. Sometimes the administrators who approve the upgrades are busy jerking off to tranny blogs to even check the bugfixes requests

>muh meme wm creator quit?
Do you realize how many people leave and enter these distros?
>muh trannies
You speak as if Fedora doesn't have this shit as well, in fact, IT especially in american is invaded by them.

>nitpicking the only trivial points you can respond to
right, thanks for accepting I'm right
even if fedora has trannies, they have their designated shitting space and regular developers don't deal with their bullshit because they are not understaffed like debian

>Which one is better?

Attached: bestdistro.png (256x256, 15K)

CentOS is the free-version of redhat. Try use it only for application servers just like AWS does on their on customized version.

Fedora is a good desktop. really reliable. Looking foward to try their silverblue distribution

That probably true based on the fact that most of us here were a mistake as well...

Bloated. Really nice to use though. YaST is as good as Yum or Dnf imho

centos is better for both desktop and server. the centos desktop is stable, fedora is not. the nm-applet has a bad habit of freaking out and eating cores. the number of selinux modules that throw weird errors is unacceptable. systemd services inexplicably take more resources than centos or other distros. overall, it's a clusterfuck of new and shiny things without any regard for how they work together. the fedora team's answer to all of these complaints is, "send a bug report" which they promptly ignore once it arrives. the developers bug-fixing strategy is waiting for a new version to release upstream that fixes the issue. if the new version doesn't fix the issue, they wait until the next version. fedora is a trash distro with a trash name.

based greg k-h

[laughs in RHEL subscription entitlements]

Fedora is the tail that wags the upstream dog for RHEL. There's nothing wrong with that either. I don't know why you flock assholes get so defensive about it. The whole reason I use Fedora is because they're going to adopt whatever the fuck RHEL wants and that is going to be a future standard for the entire linux community.

Protip to the dipshits here who want to learn something: If you're in uni and you want to be a kernel dev in the future, you really should be reading fedora literature and probably running a rawhide vm regularly to see what the hell they're up to.

Which part of 'directly' confuses you, faggot?

can you build fedora src.rpms for centos with mock?
I'm testing it right now in a virtual machine with rhel 8, rpmfusion el 8 lacks some stuff so I'm trying to build VLC.
Unpackaged the rpmfusion release package on the fedora 30 chroot and I'm waiting for it to download all dependencies.
Feels pretty comfy to have a militar stable base but I didn't want to figure out building rpms so I went with Fedora before.
I get mad because people imply it's like debian testing, ubuntu non lts or arch. It's pretty fucking damn stable.
They don't know how much work goes into Fedora compared to those garbage testing versions

Attached: 1505793458807.jpg (738x703, 384K)

Arch is legitimately stable these days without the AUR and essentially the same applies to Fedora and third party hacks. I'd run Arch if it weren't for the fact that it's a hobbyist/"community" distro and I prefer people I rely on for software to have a paycheck that depends on them putting work into said software.

Does CentOS still use Gnome 2?

Suse would be got-tier if their automated testing for tumbleweed wasn't so trash. Leap is unremarkable and tumbelweed is unusable. I'm German so I would love to use Suse products, but Fedora is much better to work with.

>explaining the joke
Is this the joke?

Also reminder that Centos and Debian are the ONLY distros you should bother with
All else are different levels of shit and deprecated bloated
>except maybe alpine but it's a different but beautiful beast altogether and mostly for special tasks

Attached: the-3-biggest-wins-when-using-alpine-as-a-base-docker-image-3a9e4c1ccd2c8d88c771f35c6b96d47329e33f5c (750x422, 43K)

What on earth would I bother with Debian for?

no, it uses gnome3 with the classical desktop option and some special tweaks to make it more similar to gnome 2

Servers. CentOS is for getting the government contract only.

I'm a Debian guy but Centos is pretty good too.

leap > stable
tumbleweed > unstable
when you download the shit....
...they say it! leap is very comfort for user, when you cant handle tumbleweed, dont download it, no one will judge you bad because of it!

Fedora for workstation
Centos for servers