Why is this basic feature that other systems have had for years missing from Linux? Modified date is not good enough

Why is this basic feature that other systems have had for years missing from Linux? Modified date is not good enough.

Attached: 2019.png (1016x807, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:



l -rt

>Ugly interfaces
>Options split in a dozen of menus in a non intuitive way
>Hardware makers don't release their drivers, leaving everyone at the mercy of (based af) reverse engineering freetards
>Normalfahs hate and fear terminals and config files
>Shared library and compile from source pain (some distros have app stores and installers that behave like windows wizards, but it's kinda half-hearted)
>Lacks lots of widely popular software like MS Office, Adobe creative suit, popular CADs, Autodesk stuff, profissional speech and sound synth amd also highend sound editing, a GOOD MS Outlook analogue
>Top easy to shot yourself on the foot. More things should be reversible.
There's probably more missing that keeps Linux from gaining widespread adoption on homes and offices

Apparently, retarded politics.

that being said, I'm on Windows right now, and have never considered date created particularly useful
wouldn't notice its absence

Can we please stop it? Linux can now keep track of the creation date and a handful of file managers allow you to use it as sort option.

I just ran 'ls' and still can't. How do I do this in the shell without a longass command?

>breaking a syscall that tons of programs depend on just because
>"retarded politics"

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stat should be able to show it.

The Linux filing system is just dumb as fuck and everyone knows it. It’s an artifact from a time when it comes as mostly used for servers and businesses.

>contradicting yourself in one line of text


But why is it not a function of "ls" by now?


Attached: 2019-09-20-102830_347x51_scrot.png (347x51, 11K)

No idea.

>>Ugly interfaces
Not a Linux problem, there's ugly UI in every OS
>>Options split in a dozen of menus in a non intuitive way
Huh? I've never had a problem with this personally
>>Hardware makers don't release their drivers, leaving everyone at the mercy of (based af) reverse engineering freetards
>Absolutely proprietary
>>Normalfahs hate and fear terminals and config files
Not a Linux problem, I used to hate it too, but now I use it all the time
>>Shared library and compile from source pain (some distros have app stores and installers that behave like windows wizards, but it's kinda half-hearted)
Compiling from source is easy, its literally just 2-3 commands
>>Lacks lots of widely popular software like MS Office, Adobe creative suit, popular CADs, Autodesk stuff, profissional speech and sound synth amd also highend sound editing, a GOOD MS Outlook analogue
I'll admit this one is valid, but it's getting there
>>Top easy to shot yourself on the foot. More things should be reversible.
just don't be a dumbass

Attached: shave_and_a_haircut.png (300x68, 5K)

modification time != creation date you retarded niggerfaggot

Linux is a kernel. The file system you choose determines this.

Funny you say that, because it's actually the introduction of the statx call to Linux that makes it now possible to query the creation time of files.

This, OP just retarded

>it doesn't matter

Attached: 1565698518528.jpg (640x480, 38K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190920_143249.png (1366x768, 269K)

No shit, you fucking idiot. You quote back to "l(s) -rt" as the command to do creation date, but yet you don't even understand what the -t does.

Someone posts the command, it does what "appears" to be right, and claim "I win!" without actually understanding the command.

Look mom I posted it again

>>Ugly interfaces
>>Options split in a dozen of menus in a non intuitive way
>>Hardware makers don't release their drivers, leaving everyone at the mercy of (based af) reverse engineering freetards
wait are we talking about linux or windows here?

how come we have this thread even though we already had this thread on monday

*every Monday for the last few years

If a linux os fully supported vidya to the exact same capacity as windows. I would do it. that's the only reason i haven't. otherwise linux is best.

Windows os getting worse or at best stagnant. That's what being in first place for decades dos to you I guess

Just post one of these threads when you have a problem
>Ah fuck how do I set this up, I'm retarded
>/fglt/ will ignore my question because it's so stupid
and a swarm of people come up and tell you how!

I'm becoming more and more sure that this is why these threads keep getting posted. Maybe we'll get
one day.

Just out of curiosity, why do you sort by creation date? I don't think I've ever wanted to do that on any system.

>look mom I told them I don't know the difference between creation and modification date again

And when asked for practical examples of when sorting by creation date would be actually useful, the wintoddler offers images or music files, which can be sorted by exif or tag info.

>not stripping exif

It simply isn't used. I gave up on it since changing file permissions fucks with that date anyways.

There is no difference on Linux. Files don't have a concept of history. The only metadata in the inode is name, location, owner, group, permissions, size, modification date, special attributes (extremely rare), or users defined extended attributes (even rarer). There are CoW filesystems like ZFS and BtrFS that can track filesystem state over time, but in terms of individual files, no.

I had to think for a bit but I needed it once when making a photo book. Got Pictures from 4 different sources and couldn't get them in order by any means, even the timestamps were off since some cameras adjusted the timezone while others didn't, but that was easy to modify afterwards.

>tell everybody to strip exif, it's botnet
>lol why do you need creation date? just sort by exif

Jow Forumsfaggots

Acshully that depends entirely on filesystem, not on OS.

Yet another KDE user with great knowledge of fine memes.

Attached: it.png (516x526, 257K)

exiftool : Read and write meta information in image, audio and video files

I'll repeat it again:

>tell everybody to REMOVE exif data because it's botnet
>why do you need creation date lol? Just sort by the exif data

Jow Forumsfaggots

Heard you the first time.
Not any more relevant the second time.

Its 2019 and Windows still does not show folder size in detailed view