Sup Jow Forums, brainlet here. I wanted to get into programming(not a complete newbie, but also don't know enough beyond the basics) through SICP as it was recommended to me by many people, the problem is that I don't how to install mit-scheme so can you guys help me out with that?
I'm on Linux Mint btw and I'm pretty new to GNU/Linux too!
Sup Jow Forums, brainlet here. I wanted to get into programming(not a complete newbie...
Other urls found in this thread:
1) Open terminal and run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
2) Then run $ sudo apt install build-essential
3) Visit
4) Open the folder you downloaded the archive to in terminal and run $ tar xvzf .tar.gz
5) Open extracted folder in terminal and run $ make
6) Finally, run $ sudo make install
Alternatively, just install clisp lol. Next time ask or or, you know, google stuff you don't know.
>google "mit-scheme"
>click on first link
>find link for "Unix binary"
First lesson, learn how to google things. You'll be doing it a lot.
You didn't know? You can't read SICP if you are on Mint. Sorry. You'll have to start with Big Java Essentials -- 7th Edition.
As I said, I'm new to GNU/Linux too and the Unix Binary didn't really make much sense to me, sorry.
Thanks a lot man, really appreciate it.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install mit-scheme
Just learn python or javascrip first. If you want something difficult learn C, at least it's useful. Your are getting meme'd if you are learning functional programming language
how transferable is sicp to common lisp? I already see so differences in the first section like define seems to do what setq and defun do in CL.
dont listen to him. Clisp is for common lisp not scheme, there are many differences between those languages, some even says that Scheme is not Lisp. Mit-scheme is old and shit tho, download chezscheme instead
Don't use scheme use a modern lisp like clojure and rewrite the algorithms in the book in that.
>every time you make a mistake pic related appears
I want to learn computer science though, not just a programming language.
make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.
make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'all'. Stop.
This is what I get when I run those 2 make commands :/
you must CD into the directory that
tar xvzf .tar.gz
created first.
Then learn computer science with C. Like the other user said, you're getting meme'd.
I did CD into that directory
can I just double click on the makefile that's inside the folder that .tar.gz created?
Really? Almost everyone has told me to read SICP, so it really didn't feel like I was getting meme'd!
It's a nice book, but if you want to learn CS with an useful language, go with C.
download chezscheme instead. Mit-scheme interpreter does not have autocompletion, and it does not even have history of previous commands. Its nightmare to program with something like that
Why would you learn such niche languages as an amateur programmer with no scientific background, learn c++ and use a intro to data structures book.
Don't listen to lisplets
MIT stopped teaching sicp
It also disowned RMS so w/e.
its about time
That book will fucking murder you. Go with something easier.
Install Racket and at the top of the source window put in: #lang sicp
And then click run, your repl is now in SICP mode
SICP isn't that hard