Most of these points boil down to "it isn't Windows", which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I agree that Linux has no point in existing considering *BSD and Windows already exist, but still.
Brandon Peterson
>literally not linux fault
William Smith
Let you install something wherever you want
Liam Campbell
Whose fault is it then linturd?
Nathan Jackson
the developers of said program
Chase Reed
So the developers of Linux Ok
Luis Rogers
>can't do X without Y Can do X perfectly fine, but OP had to throw in some arbitrary qualification because they're a FAGGOT
Tyler Barnes
windows or mac can't do any of these either it's the Word, Photoshop, Premiere, After Effects who does
Kayden Gray
>Linux cant use these Windows programs, Lignutz bad! >what do you mean I have to change my work flow on a different OS? >What?! I can't play Windows games on linux without Wine? Wtf. Real quality observations you have here OP, are you a detective? Because I can't imagine how you came to any of these conclusions, you must be a genius.
Windows or mac can actually install and run these applications without shitting the bed or a shitty compat later/emulator
Oliver Torres
Nathan Carter
>yadda yadda without office Why not just use open office? >Studio Quality Songs Oh yeah, that's such a requested feature. Everyone needs that. >Manage Quickbooks without wine Why without Wine? you have these tools, fucking use them >Feature rich mail server without MS Exchange Using mail software is cancer anyway >no sony vegas, Adobe premiere, after effects With the prices of those, you might as well not have them on Windows unless you pirate. You can get proper alternatives on Linux, just stop being lazy and look for them >Create advanced 3D models . . . Blender Exists nitwit >Play AAA games okay, you got me there, but support is growing, and you can still play thousands of games by using Emulators, Wine and Proton.
Jacob Mitchell
Mac users don’t have to change their workflow to even be part of a Windows domain. They can use Office natively, they have native outlook. They support all the applications listed. Linturd doesn’t. Cope and seethe.
you shouldnt make it that obvious that you never worked a single minute in your life
Jordan Perry
>unironically defending apple.
Colton Brown
ITT: OP is a baby duck who can't figure out how to use a new program
Ian Allen
and why should linux behave like windows?
Connor Wilson
Spoken like a true corporate shill. Your check will be in the mail, #63. Good work today.
Jayden White
Haha hella based dude How do I up vote on this sub
John Russell
worst b8 ever m8
Dylan Sanchez
>They can use Office natively, they have native outlook. this has literally nothing to do with linux, you're complaining at the wrong thing
go bother microshit
Gavin Jenkins
>Microsoft hasn't compiled a version of Word for Linux >Linux bad Dilate >Windows domain natively You know you can join domain and do ldap authentication on Linux with almost the exact same software stack as macOS right?
Charles James
>When Linux plays Windows games flawlessly now because of Steam Proton
The answer to all of this is IT IS NOT THE JOB OF THE KERNEL IDIOT Take this issues to: LibreOffice LMMS Wine Thunderbird GIMP/Krita Flowblade/Blender/Cinelerra/Natron/... Blender/Wings3D Steam The kernel is not responsible for anything else other than of itself
Adam Powell
>Word microsoft hasn't ported word to the OS of the future
>Produce song apple hasn't ported garage band to the OS of the future
>quickbooks intuit hasn't ported quickbooks to the OS of the future
> Microsoft Exchange. microsoft hasn't ported microsoft exchange to the OS of the future
>Photoshop adobe hasn't ported Photoshop to the OS of the future
>Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere or After Effects adobe hasn't ported Adobe Premiere or After Effects to the OS of the future Sony hasn't ported Sony Vegas to the OS of the future
>Create advanced 3D models and renders that are high quality without 3DSMax or Maya >what is blender
>Play AAA games on linux and stable framerates without Windows libraries or emulation. $GAME_DEV hasn't ported $GAME to the OS of the future
I don't see how these companies getting left behind is linux's problem. They'll learn and port their software over or they'll die eventually.
Cooper Edwards
>shilling for microshaft >op must be an Apple user >beAwesome Aaaaand post disregarded.
This entire arguement is "linux doesnt have enough software" which would be a fair point but elaborating it makes it sound worse than it is and just makes you look like your grasping at straws.
Carson Lopez
>Create a video project filled with filters and special effects without Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere or After Effects. natron, davinci resolve >Create advanced 3D models and renders that are high quality without 3DSMax or Maya blender >Play AAA games on linux and stable framerates without Windows libraries or emulation. steamplay
Nolan Diaz
>flawlessly you mean with at best 30% success rate, with much lower fps sometimes even twofold, with much greater input lag, stuttering and generally effectively downgrading your hardware by 2-3 years e.g. games working perfectly stable 60fps on windows on integrated gpu now run at 30 with freezes and input lag of almost a full second
Ryder Lopez
You do realize that the only ones who can port a proprietary program to Linux are the ones with access to the program's source code?
Kayden Gomez
Actually proton reports 70% of steam games that are windows only working (80-90% of overall steam games,and 60% of all steam games are seen as working perfectly ),albiet at ussually lower fps than windows. And from my experience,its been quite good.
Its ok to not like linux but give credit where it is due.
Kevin Thompson
>>>Produce a studio quality song using recorded instruments, mixer plugins etc. Standard hardware. >only professional >uses gnome linux Jow Forums infinitelly btfo also was the best player
William Lee
>>Create advanced 3D models and renders that are high quality without 3DSMax or Maya why ? maya always had a native linux version
Kevin Roberts
They still do paintshop pro?
Nicholas Robinson
>realize all your points are shit >fuck but I have to reply with something or I don't get my $0.05 >HURR DURR YOUR SPACING IS BAD
does microsoft really pay for this?
Jackson Cook
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Evan Ward
You should try it. The DXVK shit that translates DX11/12 directly to vulkan is much better now that Valve is throwing money at it.
Ryder Wilson
Corporations have no incentive to develop for Linux so usually, the most quality apps have the most financial support, hence you see them on Windows or Mac. Also, they have the highest market share. Freetards BTFO
Nathan Ross
Someone should tell Phoronix to start doing Wine benchmarks, or at least more of it if they already are
Noah Moore
>It STILL can't run windows software
Landon Peterson
>Produce a studio quality song using recorded instruments, mixer plugins etc. Standard hardware. Linux literally has the best DAW on the market.
>developers intentionally write their program for a specific OS >developers refuse to support any other OS no matter how many times people ask >blame the OS
I'm gonna be more brutal and hardcore on that topic.
An OS without GUI components in kernel space is shit.
Ayden Hill
>windows fox sad he can't reach linux grapes.
Aaron Hall
>emulator >wine is not an emulator You lose the internet for today.
Jackson Watson
Note how I said (and typod) compatibility layer you absolute sack of donkey shit.
Leo Gutierrez
That doesn't change the fact that you wrote the word "emulator" which is wrong, no matter how many slashes or commas you put there.
Gavin Nguyen
You are wrong about the last three, so chances are the rest of your points are bullshit to varying degrees.
Michael Roberts
>>Create fully fledged Word documents with all supported features without office No one uses more than bold text and headings desu.
Joshua Murphy
Good thing I was referring to more than one application, wasn’t it? Seething little penguin diddler.
Michael Rogers
unironically install gentoo
Chase Morales
I'm interested in >>Produce a studio quality song using recorded instruments, mixer plugins etc. Standard hardware. How true is this? I'm looking into starting to make some music, will I need to use wine or what? are there free software alternatives that work fine (even if they aren't completely featureful) for these equivalencies? What about hardware support?
Most of the others are just "can't run .exe without wine eksdi"
Joseph Anderson
Have sex with a real woman, you spheniscidae buggerer
Liam Morales
I tried but your mom isn't answering her phone, tell her to pick up
Charles Ortiz
>Create advanced 3D models and renders that are high quality without 3DSMax or Maya Autodrones seething as always. Blender gang rise up
Adrian Brown
Lincux is renowned for its massive audio latency and driver issues. It’s worthless for audio production.
Jason Carter
bait/10 >Create fully fledged Word documents with all supported features without office WPS >Create a feature rich mail server for enterprise deployment without Microsoft Exchange. retard >Provide a image editor as feature rich as PaintShopPro or Photoshop muh gimp >Create advanced 3D models and renders that are high quality without 3DSMax or Maya blender >Play AAA games on linux and stable framerates without Windows libraries or emulation.
Ryder Carter
You sure about audio latency? I'm pretty sure even with pulseaudio you can get sub-20ms What kinds of drivers?
Connor Bennett
> gui > kernel space No wonder windows is bloated to the extreme
Dominic Butler
Good luck getting any decent interface running on Linux.
Adrian Fisher
>getting ghosted by user's 60+ mum lel, not a good comeback fagtron
Eli Hernandez
Run android
Parker Allen
>Create fully fledged Word documents with all supported features without office Not using Latex?
>implying winjeets like yourself are worthy of a good comeback
Jacob Barnes
The vfx thing is bullshit cuz there's blender, and it's not shitty like gimp, actual studios use it to make big budget movies
Brandon Jenkins
>like yourself should have checked the ip log since that was my first post inb4 nonstatic ip/vp lel
Liam Bennett
Eli King
>>Create fully fledged Word documents with all supported features without office Fuck me, don't even mention this shit.
> get fed up with all the subscription bs > adobe acrobat is ridiculously shit even cracked > find an alternative > move to PDF Architect > it works, albeit account handling is utter shite (logs our employees off from time to time without a reason)
HOWEVER. Meet fucking Microsoft. > Microsoft decides no more packaged Office > only sub > they fuck up things like the save dialog from a day to another > decide to put an end to this > "surely, LibreOffice is mature enough" > start to open a few documents from our company server > they are about 80% broken > NOPE.avi > look for alternative > "SoftMaker" > remember they had this Linux promo since it's multiplatform > open it > it offers me to use ANOTHER FILE FORMAT NOPE NOPE NOPE
Someone said WPS Office is not bad. Anyone tried it? Basically I am just trying to find something that's not trying to shove Onedrive and shit down our company's throat...
fuck off of my favorite board and go back to your containment reddit hiveminds r/transprogrammer r/asktranny r/twoxchromosomes r/yuricreampie r/linuxinclusive and go b ack to masturbating to muscled men in video games and anime, estrogen-poisoned man in women clothing.
>yo user its your turn >lets see your mixtape you made in hydrogen and LMMS >we wanna hear some sick bars about browsing Jow Forums and insulting pajeets
>Create fully fledged Word documents with all supported features without office what features are there in office that don't exist in gdocs or libre office?
>Create a feature rich mail server for enterprise deployment without Microsoft Exchange botnet
>Provide a image editor as feature rich as PaintShopPro or Photoshop gimp works just fine for most people
>Create a video project filled with filters and special effects without Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere or After Effects. DaVinci resolve
>Create advanced 3D models and renders that are high quality without 3DSMax or Maya Blender
>Play AAA games on linux and stable framerates without Windows libraries or emulation A big chunk of the steam library works natively on linux and proton works in 99% of the time, when emulation is needed Now there's obviously plenty of proprietary programs that aren't available on Linux but are industry standards (office, maya, PS, premiere, etc), that doesn't mean that there aren't replacements and you can't get work done on them, but if a user isn't willing to find workarounds and replacements for programs they use for a living, they shouldn't be jumping OSes anyways.
James Stewart
Another low quality shitty thread made by a redditor
Nathaniel Smith
hook fish comedic remark
Lincoln Hall
All fields includes comment box. inb5 the conditions have changed and sage isn't le.