Even cute highschool girls use C++, so why aren't you?

Even cute highschool girls use C++, so why aren't you?

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java all the way




>those shoulders


because im still in elementary school :3
and learning to rice my linux distro :333

very cute and funny

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...you dont get it? its a guy, who dresses as a girl!

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I guess you're enjoying your ban huh

I was using C++ in high school but I have no need as a man

what is cppcon and why is there a tranny

Because I'm not a cute highschool girl

Cpp is where smart people used to show how fucked up C++ is, now its a virtue signaling trannyfest as u can see :)

Female chauvinism cloaked by new gender rights!
Male chauvinism converted to female chauvinism to deflect the ignorant!
Yet everyone tries to label it a feminist movement to cloak it some more!

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I spent an hour getting a linker to work correctly, but I feel better now

C++ the white males language

Congrats user

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at least you got it to work unlike me

I use a less pozzed language.

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This qt is living out her sexual fantasies and being praised for it and probably got spitroasted in the hotel later that night, all while making connections and advancing her bright career in software engineering, what have you done with your life, Jow Forums?

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I'd fuck her asspussy.

>less pozzed language
They'll never touch this, you know.

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Calling a man’s asshole a pussy doesn’t make it not gay

Girls have one too.

back to your containment board

No girls don’t have a man’s asshole. I’ve never heard a guy talk about a girl’s “ass pussy” either, see how retarded that sounds? Get fucked

techloli/g/y is the containment board

Who said anything about it being not gay?

>hating ass pussy this much
so rude

>Even cute highschool girls use C++, so why aren't you?
Two possible interpretations. I'll go with the less likely.
>Even cute highschool girls use C++, so why aren't you a cute highschool girl?
Tbh i really wish i was :(

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that's a puffy vulva



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Back to your containment site >>>reddit.com

> girl
that's a fucking dude

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b-but why would he do that?


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I like C++, but not as much as plain C. I do not care who uses the languages I like. I am not a teenager so I don’t bait people online about gender.

I do

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MOAR of these girls of yours




Gender is a confusing and endlessly interesting topic. Trannies make the situation 100% more of both. I love to talk about gender anonymously online.

what am I then

that would actually be C.

I do and I would love to meet April. I would love to cpp with her.

dial eight

I want to slam her down on the bed and fuck her so hard she can't control her voice anymore and lets out boyish grunts of pleasure

chromosomes determine sex

I know right... does she have a twitter or something?

Fucking this. There's no way this little zoomer is not on social media.

Who is she/her/xir? April but surname? Instagram profile?

I use C, the superior language. C++ is like the jack of all trades, master of none. In this case, took all HS classes but dropped out. C is like a grandmaster.

This kid is literally 15


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yes, and?


>jack of all trades, master of none
>can do everything C can, while also allowing pretty much any form of abstraction one could want depending on needs
Sure thing bud.


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nice try samefag
we all know she's a lovely girl!

Because everyone does a terrible job explaining what's so great about objects without resorting to car/bike factories and meowing cats. Even the seminal work GoF is a sham because the rich text editor they supposedly made with all their wonderful OO patterns and were drawing examples from throughout the text doesn't even exist (and never did).

...i have no idea what this guys rides, but for shure i know, ther chance to get attention rises by 100% whnen they dress as grils ...

Did you tried to make this text editor?


Coding is for everyone

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damn straight! I mean...

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Funny thing is the first 4 keynote talks are all by White males, and the virtue signaling at the beginning was also a White male pretending to be a female. C++ is truly the Aryan's choice language.


The include directive is tansphobic as fuck, because it implies you need more than you are.

I want to rape the shit out of the blonde loli.