How to ask for a date without harassing women?

How to ask for a date without harassing women?
Asking for a friend.

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Not being free speech advocate

Be attractive.

Also don't be autistic (asparagus is fine as long as you're attractive enough and have good hygiene, though.)

Yeah man bitches love asparagus.

Be confident and decent looking. Not an obese neckbeard autist.


Does this mean no gfs for neckbeards?

Yes. If you aren't ate least a 6/10 and don't take care of yourself, don't try

How is that harassment?

Neckbeard might be ok if you are good looking and not obese or autistic.

You must be a very sad person to consider someone asking you for a date as sexual harassment.

yes. no gf until you shave and lose weight. lifting is good, too. girls love Jow Forums men. also girls (male) if you're a degenerate homo sapiens.

>All those harassers itt

>look like a fucking hobo
>asking a 19 yo girl out
lmao know your place incel

B-but how do you get a date without asking for a date?

white male rape apologists

>Playing controlled opposition
>on Jow Forums

I wonder if anyone of these people even read his blog except the ebin posts from 20 years ago. If they did, they would see an angel with a pure heart.
t. rss subscriber

hey rabbi

The point is not that he asked her out but that he didn't make ANY effort to even know who she was.
Being asked to a date based on looks alone is generally not something people like (except for desperate incels).
Also, the fact that dating appears to be the only thing that came to his mind when meeting someone with acceptable parameters (female, MIT).

How do I become Jow Forums? After losing weight(66kg as of now) I suddenly realized I have no muscles.

What if what she said never happened?

Work out.

Rape is a social construction


>Bro, just be yourself

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How to ask for a woman without harassing friends?
Asking for a date.

interesting take

>this whole thread
if you want to throw up a little, here's the full thing:

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Why until she told you.

Realistically, we can't know. But based on others reports and the fact that this is the normal autist's playbook it seems very plausible.
If RMS didn't do this I'm sure there's still lots of incels running around conferences and their way of making female hackers feel welcome is by making them aware their only function in the eyes of the male majority is as amusement machines.
I'm sure some idiots feel like they're empowering women because they "accept when they say no" but that's not how it works.
Conferences are not for finding a mate, anyway.

the horrific card in question

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it's better for a few white privileged males to serve time innocent then a single woman to get raped and then ignored because there's a doubt in what she says.

>throw up a little
over this?
what the fuck is wrong with people

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I wanna say "it's not what it looks like" but most likely it is exactly that.

>Conferences are not for finding a mate, anyway.
No for you

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Be gay

>How to ask for a date without harassing women?
be attractive

Of course it can happen. It can happen whenever you go to the supermarket. Still doesn't mean supermarkets are made for finding "that special someone" to blow your load into.

This is what happens when everyone is a fucking snowflake in a safespace until the age of 25. I want to believe these people will never make it in the world but these people have become the world. I don't even give a shit about MIT and Berkley anymore they can all go ahead and destroy their society, who cares.

>how to ask for a date without harassing women?
Be this man.

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>How to ask for a date without harassing women?
My honest take on this: You don't. Not even if you're attractive.
Sex is the eventual outcome of an intimate relationship.
An intimate relationship is the eventual outcome of a close friendship.
A close friendship is the eventual outcome of good chemistry.
Good chemistry is the eventual outcome of incidentally hanging out, as nothing but casual acquaintances, with no expectations for anything to come of it.
Trying to rush any of these steps is harassment.

I like how you guys are pretending that Stallman did nothing wrong.

If he raped the slut on the spot, he'd do nothing wrong.
He did something wrong: he tried to treat the dumb hole like he'd like to be treated.


>Also, the fact that dating appears to be the only thing that came to his mind when meeting someone with acceptable parameters (female, MIT).
If he was attractive she'd have said yes.

All of my cringe. Imagine actually believing this.

That's an injustice

> Wanting to fuck any of these women

I find this opinion suspiciously difficult to be outraged by.

It would still have been harassment though.
Dating culture as a whole is sexual harassment. Asking for dates is a way of putting people on the spot and trying to rush your prospective relationship with them. Romance is supposed to develop naturally.

>tender embraces
What an absolute fucking legend. Imagine unironically being upset by this.

> Waiting for romance to develop naturally
Enjoy being a virgin

I haven't been a virgin since age 4

Good luck wasting your short life working on something for years that may come to a date or not
There is literally nothing wrong with asking "let's be happy together", i.e. a date

underrated post. holes deserve to be put in place

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>If he was attractive she'd have said yes.
Attractivity is more than good looks and includes the way you treat others.
If I interpret your statement as meaning "If he were good-looking" I'd say that's still very much in doubt.

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>Dating culture as a whole is sexual harassment.
If asking someone on a date one time and then leaving when rejected is sexual harrassment, then you sharing an opinion someone could disagree with (and therefore stress out about) is an attempt on their life. If you actually believe that shit, then turn yourself in for attempted murder.

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thank you. wanted to post it myself

Thats a very passive view on life and if I want to be more proactive about finding a partner I should not be ostracized. You are free to decline any invitations, and try to find someone the way you would like to, rejection is usually good when it happens fast because it saves both people time and gets them closer to what they want.

I can ask you to give me $20 and you can say no. I can ask you to go on a date and you can say no. In neither case did I harass you if the interaction occurred during a normal social event.

I don't have to waste my life on anything like that because I recognize that procreating is wasteful and irresponsible in and of itself. I'm not an incel, I'm a volcel, and a feminist volcel at that: I respect women while genuinely expecting nothing in return, and even if I were offered "something," which I have been, I'd turn them down because I'd honestly rather keep myself satisfied with fapping.