I use YouTube Vanced on my S9+, ublock origin on my desktop

I use YouTube Vanced on my S9+, ublock origin on my desktop.

>What do you use to block annoying YouTube ads?

Attached: YouTube-Vanced-New-810x298_c.png (810x298, 47K)



>Pajeet Vanced

~$1.5 for premium family. also youtube music is great



>Mobile YouTube in Kiwi

Based user
t. vanced and ublock user

pc: iptables, ublock origin
mobile phone with root access: firewall using ip tables, adblocker using iptables and ublock origin with the mobile firefox browser.

advertisers need to be gassed. devs that put ads in their apps are the first in line for the gassings.

>~$1.5 for premium family. also youtube music is great
fuck off, shill.

well fuck you too mate
have fun with pajeet software

newcrackpipe don't work

> add rules to iptables is pajeet software
what a fucking moron. lmao. just fuck off and die.

Yeah how dare they try to make money

i was referring to vanced
okay will do

NewPipe on phone, uOrigin + uMatrix on desktop.

Maintain a list of youtube channels I am "subscribed" to then rip those channels rss feed style via youtube-dl

I use not being 12 and wasting my time on shit like jewtube

Newpipe. Vanced is shit

>pihole and ublock/umatrix on desktop and mobile
>newpipe on mobile for youtube

Attached: 517.jpg (248x233, 9K)

But it does.


>xda malware

get it from fdroid or github instead of the malware from playstore
its not hard

>tfw using vanced, adaway and ublock (on both phone and desktop) all on a network with pi-hole

Attached: 269.png (617x466, 222K)

firewall, adaway, newpipe, ublock origin, sponsorblock

I use youtube-dl because I'm not a sub-human.

It's just better and easier to use than nupipe

"Newcrackpipe" wtf? Wtf is that? Download dirrctly from the releases on the official github repo


I pretty much just use YouTube Vanced in the Pink edition with uBlock Origin like OP.

what's wrong with vanced, simply cuz its devoloped by indians?

Jow Forums told me to use newpipe that app won't even let you sort downloads alphabetically.

Tried to put Vanced on a 2019 Tab A it didn't work.
Samsung might be doing some strange blocking.

I'm using Vanced on S10+

I use your moms pads to keep my underwear from brown stains. and you?

Firefox with Dark Reader, uBlock Origin and Video Background Play Fix is my mobile YouTube app. No ads and Android PIP works just the same as premium does.

I touch myself to the thought of a machine deciding what ads are best for me.

I have YouTube premium

>YouTube Vanced
Where's the source code.