Are you minimal Jow Forums ?

Do you know the feeling it gives?
>[Euphoria intensifies]

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it would be nice but how do you achieve true minimalism? I enjoy buying cool dumb shit to outfit my shitty apartment

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How big is your penis though?

Imagine the fucking reverb

true minimalists have dumbphones.

>ipod classic with rockbox
>thinkpad x200 with alpine linux
>galaxy s2 with replicant
I am ascended. [spoiler]My desktop is Debian with six gorillion packages though[/spoiler]

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I'd like to think I'm mostly minimalist/essentialist with the stuff that I buy. That said, I won't go without something I need for the sake of not owning a lot of things. I don't think I own anything I don't interact with regularly though.

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>music player
>also has phone
>spoiler tags


Phones aren't for music. The iPod does its job and does it better than a phone ever could.

>how do you achieve true minimalism
First you need to know what false minimalism is. False minimalism is minimalism for it's own sake, where you throw the baby out with the bath water. True minimalism is simple but complete with practicality as the highest goal. A big mistake that people make with false minimalism is thinking they're being anti consumerist, when really they're optimizing their path to consumption. Don't get too caught up in it. In the context of your room, your goal should be to surround yourself only with things you love. It doesn't matter how many material things you have as long as you love all of them.

He has navigation buttons hahahaha. Not part of the gesture Master race, fuccboi?

NPC tier room

Isn't this half of the point of minimalism though? I spend a lot of my time working on uni work and stuff on my computer, and other than that my room is just a place to sleep and get ready for my day.

What's so good about this minimalistic meme?
I can't understand it at all. Being poor and calling it minimalism so you'll feel like a special snowflake in the society while shitposting here?

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Post wallpaper OP

>are you minimal

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The way I perceive it is being more inclined to buy fewer, higher quality possessions, and only things you need/use regularly. As opposed to having 6 pairs of shitty shoes you have 1-2 pairs of good shoes

Nice actually

this looks like some MAJOR dystopian NPC meme tier shit

It's okay to have a wrong opinion.

what ipod?

The last scrollwheel one.

a true minimalist wouldn't bother with a phone at all. It's a device whose sole purpose is to interrupt and distract you. Who needs that in their life?

nano or classic?

Classic, of course.

That's just normal logic I think, but these NPC tier rooms make me feel very uncomfortable. It's like nobody wants to be themselves and just go with the NPC ideals. It's like a room out of a dystopian movie. Even the anime themed rooms feel more calm.

LMAO you were defending a fucking hdd player, have some decency you shitter

Bullshit, my LG G7 has a superior DAC and far more storage.

minimalism and self expression are not mutually exclusive

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Minimalism is one thing but this is just generic, boring, no taste shit.

Imagine not replacing the HDD with an iFlash.
Also runs proprietary software and has an inferior user interface. Also, no it doesn't: 128GB max with no potential for expansion.

so being fiscally responsible

>proprietary software
I don't care.

>inferior user interface
Objectively incorrect.

>no potential for expansion
It takes microSD expansion in the second SIM card slot, I know this because I've doubled my storage.

>I don't care.
>Objectively incorrect.
Wrong opinion. Also Rockbox is objectively more minimal than whatever bloated player you use on your phone.
>It takes microSD expansion in the second SIM card slot
I stand corrected; still less potential storage than my iPod.

feelings are for fags

>muh bloat
>muh freetardation
Talk about cringe

>still less potential storage than your iPod
If I need over a terabyte of music storage, I'll phone you. On my phone. Which can do things your iPod can't. Like make phonecalls.

>suddenly doesn't care about software size (i.e. doesn't care about minimalism)
>suddenly doesn't care about storage space (something he touted, unannounced, and then got outskilled on)
Epic moved goalposts!
>Like make phonecalls.
That's what the S2 is for, user.

Oh, and rockbox lacks the single most important feature of a music player. It lacks album shuffle. Unless you listen to pop trash without metacomposition, you need album shuffle.


don't you think you embarrassed yourself enough already?

Do you know what album shuffle even is you retarded poorfag? Your freetard software doesn't even have it so I guess not.

>randomly selects albums to listen to
>bitches about lack of """metacomposition"""
sort your life out lad, you are severely lacking self-awareness

Only one of us has made a fool of himself, and it's not me.

Sounds like either a) shuffling a list of albums while respecting the internal order, or b) shuffling a list of songs while respecting album groupings. Also sounds like something I don't care about, considering I prefer to either listen to albums from start to finish, or to create playlists.

We're also now talking about criteria other than minimalism, like how many shekels you spent on your music player of choice and how many bells and whistles it has. I get that you're really proud of owning the latest goytech, but that's not what this thread is about. Try /spg/.

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An album should be a cohesive whole, and in cases where an album is not cohesive, any music player worth it's salt (which doesn't include rockbox) can link them to always play consecutively.

>Also sounds like something I don't care about
But you care about saving a few hundred kilobytes off the size of your music player, while at the same time claiming multiple terabytes of storage space? Your priorities are shit and you're just a coping poor.

>We're also now talking about criteria other than minimalism
No, I'm proving with every post that minimalism is overrated garbage while you dig yourself a minimal hole with your minimal shovel.

>I get that you're really proud of owning the latest goytech
You didn't want those grapes anyways, right? It's not that you can only afford a half decade old plastic garbage phone and a used iPod. You didn't want nicer anyways. Definitely not coping.

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So mad you couldn't even manage to properly reply to me. Sad. I'll enjoy my grapes, you enjoy the ho-hos.

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Is Bonds London apartment in Spectre minimalist? I love it.

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Based avant-teen zoomer retard

Pretty dank

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Wise user here. Good point. I'd add that 'true' minimalism also includes a sort of esthetic contemplation of emptiness becoming the architecture of your space, despite the physiological urgency to decorate shit. Bonsai taught me a lot about this actually, would recommend

Thats minimalism failure.

Minimalism doesn't need to be all plain white shit, it's just about uncluttering your life from objects that actually make things worse instead of better.

>bunch of unnecesary paintings
>multiple pillows
>what I assume is a TV
not minimalism at all. Just lacks order