What's the best program for memory cleaning? Been using this one here

What's the best program for memory cleaning? Been using this one here.

Attached: Memory-Cleaner.png (600x379, 68K)

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Woah, just got 16 more gbs of DDR3 RAM. Thanks man!

Mem Reduct is pretty neat and frees up Ram.
It's made by the same guy that created simplewall so it works great


why would you want to fuck with paging and performance when it's better and more Jow Forums to sort by working set and go all Robespierre on your processes

to be honest im borderline functionally retarded

echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

Intelligent Standby List Cleaner.

>memory cleaning
Is this bait?

The power button.

> program
no I just use a magnet

>look ma, I'm pretending to be retarded on Jow Forums!
Hahahaha what a funny and original joke

What is this supposed to do?

format c:


Attached: 41DPJqepMbL.jpg (500x500, 27K)

Ere you go, mein Neger.
>dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 bs=4194304 seek=1024 count=399559

Unironically Gentoo.

I prefer to rub snake oil into my DIMMs.
Seriously, these memory compactors used to help on Win9x, but since newer NT-based versions of Windows have competent memory management, it's useless and does nothing but push everything off to the pagefile so you can wail for it to page back in the next time you use it.

sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches


>What's the best program for memory cleaning
Unironically the task manager.
Look up the exes you find there, read about what they do, and if you don't need it, kill it.
If you don't find enough tasks to kill to drop your memory usage to an acceptable level, well, that's Windows for you. Install Gentoo

I unironically used to use that program when I was a bigger dipshit and thought it was beneficial.

Attached: Neuralizer1.png (323x393, 137K)