What's your excuse for not using the best distro, user?
What's your excuse for not using the best distro, user?
But that's not Windows 7.
seems ok but i prefer xubuntu
Enjoy your tearing
I don't see void linux
Redpill me on opensuse. What are the pros and cons in relation to distros like Fedora and Ubuntu
You couldn't possibly make it look uglier, what the shit.
From time to time I notice some weird mistakes when downloading the ISO for Tumbleweed. For example:
>The first time I tried to download it, they linked to an old gpg key. They already fixed that.
>The next time, I always got a broken mirror for the checksum. Fixed too.
>Today out of curiosity, I tried to download it, and they linked the snapshot 20190918 but the checksum were for 20190913.
I just checked now and now its fixed but I think it's funny that something always happens. I haven't had any problem with Leap tho
Doesn't anyone check the ISO or what?
Fuck you and your shitty distro
I tried a month or so ago but it wouldn't install properly on either a VM or actual hardware, gave up after a few attempts.
I tried it but it didnt boot up so thats my excuse.
I'm used to arch which just werks for me.
>Enjoy your tearing
Just like every linux distro, because they all use the same gpu driver.
I see people praising the fuck out of openSUSE everyday on Jow Forums but still haven't heard any valid reasons why would someone consider running it over Fedora or Debian/Ubuntu
Meme frogs, probably
too much of a hassle to fuck with this or fedora if you want to use proprietary drivers
other distros you can just install and upgrade and everything works
>best distro
>wannabe fedora with worse stability and less support
it looks so good on paper but it seems not that good according to reviews and its """"'community""""" is ghost town
tried a few days ago on my laptop - no luck, leap installed fine (didnt like the distro itself tho)
I am using the best distro for my use case, Gentoo. Your suggestion is pretty great, but it isn't source-based.
it's shit
>by default the package manager pulls a lot a bloat with each package you install
>no cli tool to search and install package from obs
>snapper never worked
>widgets were all fucked up for some reason
It wasn't a good first impression, but I might give it another try later
it's shit
Weird issue, lol
Werks on my machine, unlike Fedora and Ubantu
What's your machine?
Too green and I'm not a vegan
But that's not MX
Acer A315-41.
Fedora and Ubuntu won't boot without "pci=noacpi". openSUSE boots no problem, which means SUSE patches on kernel are quite sophisticated to detect buggy ACPI and not lock up on boot, unlike Canonical, or RedHat.
Who would have though. Should try Gentoo, unironically, selecting parameters manually and shit.
BTW, I heard people with E-series Thinkpads with AMD processors had similar issues.
So it looks like it is an AMD problem, not BIOS.
__ ____ _____ __ __ ____
just install compton, it gets rid of tearing completely
does it let you choose a DE during install or does it force you into KDE first
Yes and no.
If you want LxQt, or LXDE, you need to have internet, and you need to select generic desktop (it installs IceWM as far as I know), and then on final screen click on software, and select packages you need.
The biggest redpill of them all
i see, thanks user
If you want KDE, install ((Manjaro)), Xubuntu, or KDE Neon bro.
Btw, does any other distro give you ability to install all needful shit during install?
Uhh? I think you meant Kubuntu?
1. Does it have proprietary blobs in the kernel?
2. Does it run a non-systemd init?
3. Is it a "free" distro?
4. Can I use based Xfce?
>1. Does it have proprietary blobs in the kernel?
Yes, but Linux-libre is available.
>2. Does it run a non-systemd init?
>3. Is it a "free" distro?
Free as in freedom to choose, whether you need non-oss (non-free), or no.
>4. Can I use based Xfce?
Scream rwarubg is ~ a e s t h e t I c ~
*Screen tearing
Manjaro Architect
Fedora netinstall
Interesting, thanks for the response. I've always been attracted to openSUSE. If I can control my systemd autism then I'd consider it.
Is confusing AF. And I don't think it has ability to select every package during install, only DE.
>Fedora netinstall
Same as Debian I think. I don't remember, but I think I didn't have ability to select arbitrary packages.
>Manjaro Architect
This is pretty close.
Again, German.
Yes, Kubuntu*.
As a desktop os It's ok buuuut It's more designed for a server. And if you want to use it for desktop, don't use tumbleweed, use leap
Package management using Zypper is a pain.
I work with SLES and the entire ecosystem of suse is pure garbage. Package support is so bad, yast is shit, zypper is fucking bad with it's dumb sequence of parameters.
Even Ubuntu is better than this horse shit.
>using a file system that just breaks after some time
Seriously, fuck BTRFS
Fedora has a fairly big selection of package groups in the installer. If you use a kickstart file, you can specify individual packages, too. The installer will dump such a file in /root/anaconda-ks.cfg upon successful installation, so you can modify that and use it for later installations.
I tried Tumbleweed about a year and a half ago.
I didn't like how it took half an hour to boot because of the network manager. I didn't like how it didn't include basic shit like codecs or sane font rendering. The whole idea of btrfs+zfs to me was honestly stupid too. To me it seemed like hipster shit. Also I'm gonna be honest, as much as I love KDE I hate Kwin. It's some laggy shit.
Compton is so bad at eliminating screen tearing. at least if you have Nvidia and dual monitor setup.
It's awful on AMD too. Specially laggy.
I tried it and liked it but I'm used to apt distros. That's it.
This! I tried btrfs recently. All of a sudden it died in hibernation and the file system was fucked for good.
Ext4 is still 1000 times more reliable, mature and stable.
Maybe I'll give btrs another chance in 10-15 years. I don't think it'll be ready in "only" 5 years. Been watching it for a long time already.
Really strange and unintiutive user repo's implementation combined with lack of some niche packages.
literally thought tron OS or something.
19.10 will have 14.4 xfce. so no more screentearing.
But I do
Isnt supported by my CSGO cheat
does that backup thing support filesystems besides btrfs?
You said "best distro" but you instead posted a picture of OpenSUSE. So is this a thread about OpenSUSE or about the best distro? Make a decision, please.
>What's your excuse for not using the best distro, user?
But I already run fedora