You gonna stop playing with your computer coding and help your old man build a deck, son...

>you gonna stop playing with your computer coding and help your old man build a deck, son? you need to start learning how to do real work

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Other urls found in this thread:

>posts someone who doesnt do real work

>real work

if i could see "my old man" right now i'd cave his skull in

Seriously considering abandoning technology and becoming a homeless wanderer.

I wish I had a dad. I wish I had a dad that would teach me that type of work. Maybe I'd never use computers or play video games. Maybe I wouldn't be autistic. Well at least I get to hang out here, that's great

Shiiit... my father is like OP, I do not wish it to anyone.

>He's never helped his boomer dad build an equipment mount to then use as a shared server rack
Never gonna make it

I've tried all that stuff and I suck at it. I also suck at all art. I think I can pull off codemonkeying.

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I wish I helped my dad build deck's and shit instead of sitting on my computer

>hey dad, aren't you supposed to be poisoning yourself with alcohol and smokes and shouting at some sportsball on tv instead of bugging me?

>He's never helped his boomer dad "clean the pipes" under the covers
why live?

>help him build a Magic: the Gathering deck without a second thought

>implying he can't do that and also buiding shit with his son when he's not piss drunk
It's called a functioning alcoholic

I don't wish that on anyone. My dad came to visit and got drunk. Had to throw him out of my apartment.

Uncle Harry's got dibs

It's not very fulfilling. You suck at it at first, but then your old man shows you how to do the one thing you were fucking up right, and then you're keeping up just fine within a day or two. Suddenly all the mystery is gone, and you're bored to death with the idea of cutting and fastening pieces of wood together again. If you were ever not bored in the first place, that is.

>real work
smells of boot

I could seriously sell all my assets right now and have 100K. Could live as a homeless wanderer only tapping into my funds when shit is real bad. Could maybe live decades this way.

So tempting indeed as a 30y/o nearing his death bed.

The fuck is wrong with you kicking you're own father out of you're apartment

I'd honestly love to do that. My dad's dead ten years and when he was alive he drank down the pub all day. Now I work in IT and feel like a failure as a man

Also, not that user, but some fathers aren't worth respecting. Mine was an emotionally abusive dickhead that got cut out of my life when I moved out five years ago.

My DAd is repairing our deck 'cuase those yoders did shitty work

Because he's dead.

No, you suck at everything

"Learning how to do real work" with my boomer dad was always just him fixing shit on his own while yelling about wrench sizes with no involvement from me at all. I had to learn everything I know about fixing things from videos and web forums.

Yup, I can relate to that. I remember "helping" my father change a broken power steering line on his truck once. The only time I got to touch the tools was when he wanted me to pass them to him, and he screamed, "Don't start with me!" when I tried to tell him to calm down after he threw the new line across the shop while yelling because he couldn't get it in the hole. It was like, "Yup, totally saying that to be a little shit and get under your skin, and not at all because we're at a shop out in the boonies and you're throwing around pieces of the only vehicle available to get us home."

This hits too close to home

Same guys, while I help my father I just held the flashlight for him kek. Now im a web dev.

> I am a failure as a man

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I make more money than you, old man. I only come to visit for mom.

Power steering user here, the funny thing is that I'm now a much better handyman than my father ever was. I credit it to my desire not to be like him. He taught me how shitty things can turn out when you ghetto-rig everything and take every shortcut you can. He was a great example of what can happen when you don't do things properly.

>my fingers cost $500k/yr dad, I can risk losing one to a power saw. I can hire a Mexican to help you if you really need it.

Can you fix a clogged toilet user

I could pay someone to do it. If I ever clogged my toilet. Why do you ask?

>hits you
It's for your own good son

His dad probably treated him the same way and he probably thinks it's the right way to make your son a real man, don't be too hard on him

Same with mothers. I may not actually like my dad much, but he was a saint compared to my incubator. I threw a party when that abusive, drunk, thieving half-prostitute finally got eaten by some curious form of bone cancer a few years back.

My paternal grandfather died before I was born, but by all accounts, he was a real prick. If my father was trying to emulate him, he should have known better. Thankfully, my maternal grandparents did more to raise me than my father ever did, and my grandfather is the greatest man I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. The sad thing is, he had a conversation with my father when I was young and warned him "If you keep treating your son like that, he's going to grow up to hate you." Too bad he never took those words to heart.

>i'm hurting me more than you

Sometimes the sins of the father are passed on, and unfortunately not all people are self-aware enough to know the evil they do. I feel you, my father too carried on some of the traits his own father passed on despite hating him, but we, knowing the darkness that lay within, must either break the cycle and raise children never letting out this darkness or simply not bring them into this world.

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That's going to be the easy part.

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It's true - my hand canes after having to hit my kids. But I refuse to use the sticks/electrical cords/wooden spoons I copped as a child.

He probably expected you to have learned all of that shit from the web, being such a basement dweller and all. And when he tested you, you failed.

Fuck that cocksucka

Fuck off boomer.

I would beat the fuck out of this guy and rape his wife. My work is more relevant than this faggot boomer building cheap shit breaks immediately.

You would snap your lower back soon as you stepped up.
You have erectile dysfunction due to coooomer.
Actual physical objects that serve a purpose and need to be built well versus code you write just to compile.

sorry to hear that user, that blows


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Yes, I regularly mend furniture for me and my family for a free meal and some coffee. I make my own sometimes. Fuck paying Ikea hundreds of dollars for mass production of $50 in raw materials.

I genuinely admire your sense of individual propriety; it's a lost art in these modern times

I can build deck solo in a day or two, you will just be in my way old man.

my dad's a hvac engineer

Thanks briend

mine is too.
I Love my father but i absolutley abhore him. My mother as well.

Neither are bad parents and raised good kids, however my dad is chilean and having a 1st generation latin american man anger issues and alot of stress hes an asshole who does all the duties of a father yet form the skewed christian fallacy of a superiority complex. Hence why my mother left him (and subsequently beaten by one guy and i dont remember plus she had a abortion "allegedly" before my married my dad". My parents got 4 kids, im the 2nd oldest at 18 (fresh baby i was browsing this site since i was 8) and yea. But point is, idk. Im egregiously drunk and high because yea.

I genuinly wan't to commite suicide, always have. Never ballzy enough, im a bit lazy so super productive when i CHOOSE to be. But when i get my firearms license here in about a year im gonna be having DMT and DPT trips and hopefully commit suicide or maybe be happy enough to correct shit. Im happy rn, but im autistic in a hyperbolic but not really sense.

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My dad switch his trade in his late fifties
By 60 he was doing mason work on a basilica
He was by all means pretty low IQ but his EQ and trade skill in everything was so high
Cooking and preserving food including foraging and farming
Alcohol brewing of any kind
Wood, metal and stone work
So much I cannot even write it all down,
Pretty much if the kind of guy you would want to rebuild society

but I only do that with [spoiler]my creepy uncle rudy[/spoiler]

Helped my father lay and point flags over the past 2 weeks. Only downside was I was too knackered to use my computer some evenings. Imagine not being able to do stuff for your parents. Fuckin zoomblers I swear.
t. '96 zoomie

Coding and carpentry are not mutually exclusive in a man's life. You can do more than one thing with your time.

>beats you for ADHD symptoms, worsening said symptoms and increasing likely hood of developing ASPD since you also have MOA-A gene

>Maybe I'd never use computers or play video games.
Ah yes, good goy, that's the spirit! work 24/7, no distractions!

This is the only correct answer in this thread.

You people have mastered some of the most complex technology known to man kind, but you think you're incapable of swinging a hammer. No one is saying you need to be a general contractor and know how to build a house from scratch, but you can definitely learn basic home maintenance and wood working in your spare time. I know plenty of tech minded folks who build cars, decks, do their own plumbing, repair their front steps, etc.

If only you realized how strong and capable you are, anons...

This. Not only that, but it’s all these programmer fags that call me up crying about something being broke in their house and then being so mechanically retarded that they can’t figure out that it’s a tripped breaker or that their AC is out of refer.

The opposite is fun too, my dad virtually wasn't there to ever teach me anything. Only once when he threatened to send me to a boarding school... Always fun to know your parents say they have your back but then neglect any and all symptoms of depression and ADD.

Time for a therapist I guess

it was both, random beatings for insignificant missteps and then completely ignored

who gives a fuck about carpentry? the drill press finally came and Ive got a stack of 80% lowers

I appreciate you, boomer user. Thank you for the positivity.

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>Go get me the "thing"
>no, not this, fucking hell don't you listen to what I say, it's in the second shelf behind the carboard thing, inside the metal box thing, or maybe somwehere else
Go get it yourself you damn boomer, use those fucking legs. And maybe learn the fucking names of the things you want.
>Where are you going?! Stay here
>have to wait 30 minuters doing nothing under the cold underdressed because you were called outside for what you thought was a "quick thing"
And when you're done with the task, whops, since you're there why not do also this other thing I've been postponing for months that I could've done on my own at any other time.

Okay, thanks dad.

>king crimson
>not led Zeppelin
you may as well have put aphrodites child or something

I would love to, tbqh

My dad has complained at me for using windows more than linux on at least one occasion

ITT: Daddy issues

My Dad and Mom were very supportive and never acted like faggots. Too bad your parents never loved you retards but I can see why with all the crying you do.

I think once you buy your first house you start naturally learning how to do this type of stuff. With the availability of YouTube tutorials it’s become easier than ever. I enjoy doing most home repairs myself but for larger projects or things that would be a huge time sink or pain in the ass I’ll hire someone.

>know how to build a house from scratch
its really not that hard to build the chip board spray foam cuck boxes they build now

You seriously think escapism is the better alternative? If anyone's a good goy here is you

You're not a failure and its great you have work! I'm proud of you user!

That's trivial stuff tho.

>no goy, escapism is bad for you, now go back to your cage

>>have to wait 30 minuters doing nothing under the cold underdressed because you were called outside for what you thought was a "quick thing"
>And when you're done with the task, whops, since you're there why not do also this other thing I've been postponing for months that I could've done on my own at any other time.
1000 suns rage

my dad did both though

I would because it's fun to learn to do something new. Programming is more productive though.

Fuck off dad, I make more than you at half your age. Just pay a Mexican to do it.

>tell your dad the equivalent of him telling you to stop being mad it's just a game
>expecting him to react any other way but angrily
You are the problem.

>most complex technology known to man
Lel, you don't know how to program, do you? Programmers are literally intellectual plumbers. Programming is the epitome of middlebrow professions.

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>he never lived isolated in ranch with only a radio and some books in the childhood
>he was never forbidden of visiting a friend that lived in the neighboring ranch
>he wasn't forced to clean up the whole fucking ranch with horses that wouldn't stop shitting upon it
>every single day
>he didn't mowed said ranch every week
>all of this as an 8 yo
>he didnt get beaten by his stepdad for trivial shit like not feeding the horses in time
>his mother didn't repeatedly punched him yelling "I hate you!" because he lost his copies of the keys to the house and then pretends this never happened now that he takes care of her
>constant beatings and humiliation
>he didn't channeled all this accumulated rage into the face of his elementary school colleagues
>he then didn't moved to a small town with access to nothing but games and an assortment of drugs
>he didn't spiraled into alcoholism at the age of 15 and spent all his weekends hallucinating, hoping he wouldn't wake up next morning
>his dreams weren't shut down by his own mother because, in her eyes, I'm "not talented enough"
>he didn't plan the murder of his abusive parents
>miraculously got out of this situation, finally got back on his knees
Never gonna make it.

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>>he didn't spiraled into alcoholism at the age of 15 and spent all his weekends hallucinating, hoping he wouldn't wake up next morning
>>he didn't plan the murder of his abusive parents
peice of sandstone cut off a river bank, bash the back of the skull, cover them in vodka, dump his useless body in the local river near a liqour store

I actually built a deck with my father this summer

Yes goy enjoy those Hollywood movies, games, electronics and social media while we subvert your people and you're too distracted and weak to fight. Youre a brainwashed bread and circus monkey nigger

>come hold the vaccum cleaner for me son I don't want to bother getting the vaccum attachment for this circular saw
>look I did this triple switch thing please admire my work without knowing anything about it
>here's a bunch of junk you have to help me carry home, I won't use it, it'll take up any space you could use for your own projects. Why are you unhappy about this it costs you nothing? It's literally free stuff off the junkyard
>yes I promise to keep this one small space clear of my stuff, I've stacked things floor to ceiling with my stuff I have plenty of room
>oh you wanted this place cleaned for your party? Sorry I didn't understand that despite months of complaining from you. I never had friends, feel bad about that for me.
>wtf son why are you so angry with me for breaking my promises?
>wtf now I'm mad at you for trying to hold me accountable
>now I'm old, please be friendly with me
>wtf kids why are you rejecting me I said sorry

Don't be fucking stupid. You have to expect some minimum form of intelligence here.
How many seconds of thought need to be laid on the pedagogic aspect of cooperative work to realize that that strategy is not effective and is just a way to justify wasting your kids time?
I think it's upwards of 10 at most. And I would consider that spending 1 hour of thinking about a general approach for teaching your kid what you want is pretty OK. That gap is simply blame worth placing on the person who didnt take the time.
It's never about a single instance either. They choose this course repeatedly on your expense. Like when they plan out a house and use you as months of free labor that they don't need to house well. At the expense of your social commitments.

>be my dad
>be doctor
>want a deck on the house
>hire deck builders
>enjoy deck with engineer son
>sell house for enough profit to cover deck building

>real work
Repetitive menial labor done by low iq meth heads iow.


>How about you go back to your woody wood work shop while ill make 10 times more dough to pay for your shitty pension that i will never see in my life

Fucking fagget

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>Implying you'll see one cent of that profit
Based boomers.

Imagine being so full of shit that'd you'd rather bring yourself down just to spite someone else's positivity. Fucking unreal...

>not feeding the horses on time
>implying you didn't deserve a beating for this

>real work
>shit that any braindead mexican that just jumped the border can do
i'd disown the old man

Sometimes I just wish I had a more peaceful life. The shit I described was only the tip of the iceberg I wrote when taking a shit. The whole ranch period happened in two years. Before and after that was even worse because there was no horses to ride and feel free and no pastures to clean up and develop my unparalleled work ethic, only unnecessary suffering. Fuck, I remember seriously considering suicide at age of 6. This world is sick and needs a new cleansing.