Does software have a gender?

Does software have a gender?

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How do I cure software gender dysphoria?

Discord general belongs on /v/.

sure but this ain't a discord general
and even if it were wouldn't that belong on ?

Not problematic. Who doesn't love a good boy?
Post good boys now.

Attached: a good boy.jpg (380x510, 53K)

I gotchu user

Attached: comfydoge.jpg (640x480, 79K)

> A wild feminazi suddenly appear
Remember, keep Jow Forums on Jow Forums.

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I.A and Virtual ((Assistant)) come always with female voice, so... I think software have a gender, yes.

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If humans can say they have no gender or are third gender, and demand stupid pronouns, developers can give their software any gender they like!

No, at least not until skynet becomes self-aware and starts identifying as a woman.

there's literally functions that deal with genders in the api documentation


if you want an opinion from a real certified twitter user
there's no such thing as "third gender"
saying third gender or any variation of that means that genders are ordered, some come before others, and male and female genders come first before everything else on some arbitrary list
the cool opinion now is that genders don't real, what's between your legs should have no impact on your lifestyle, and people should not be segregated into two groups because of it alone; you should just live how you want without fear of ridicule or social expectation
basically everyone thinks about gender too much and it doesn't matter just do what you want fuck school

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Yes, male.

no, it does not have chromosomes which determine sex.

Yes, binary

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No. You are thinking of hardware.

do good boy kitties count?

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The one the programmer chooses.

41% of ungendered software crashes for no reason.

Software has a gender in most Latin languages. English is a exception.
In Russian for example Discord is he (male gender), but "a/the program" is she (female gender).

Anyway "good boy" is retarder shit.

>Keep our botnet active in your memory like a good goy


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