>Improving the Linux handling of user home directories
is the next ambition for systemd.
Among the goals are allowing more easily migratable home directories, ensuring all data for users is self-contained to the home directories, UID assignments being handled to the local system,
>unified user password and encryption key handling,
better data encryption handling in general, and other modernization efforts.
Among the items being explored by systemd-homed are JSON-based user records, encrypted LUKS home directories in loop-back files, and other next-gen features to offering secure yet portable home directories.
Systemd-homed is currently being developed in Lennart's Git tree but hopes to see it merged for either systemd 244 (the current cycle) or systemd 245.
FSTAB = 1 line, save, sudo mount -a, comfy Systemd = shit script, enable unit, start unit, the fuck?
Home Dirs >i'm assigned a folder >muh shit is in there what needed to be changed about that?!
Leo Young
Based on their previous work I'm assuming all the home data will be stored as compressed binary data that is unreadable outside of systemd and gets corrupted a lot.
Nicholas Russell
Use the catalog, moron, there's thread already with actual presentation instead of pooloonix retelling
Nicholas Richardson
Also Runit is super fast and OpenRC is pretty comfy too more people should use them
Caleb Gutierrez
There a way to use runit on Gentoo ?
Lincoln Sanchez
Tell me what the 0 0 means without looking it up.
Benjamin Green
Yes - it is even in the main portage repo, not even in an overlay?
Daniel Phillips
But how does this affect a brainlet like me who doesn't even fully understand what systemd does?
Why can't anyone write another init system that uses unit files? We have systemd with unit files and dozen of other init systems using boilerplated bash files with different syntax. I really like idea of unit files, but systemd is a pure cancer.
Anthony Russell
>unit files All they do is move the complexity of the script into the init. Why do we need this again?
Chase Edwards
>All they do is move the complexity of the script into the init Sounds pretty fucking good to me >Why do we need this again? Probably for the reason you just stated.
I'm not a fan of systemd's UI though, something simple like setting up a timer always takes fucking ages when you have to mess with two different types of unit files (always need to look up the syntax each time), enable services (maybe? I still don't know which services need to be enabled and/or how to monitor non-persistent services), monitor their state (systemctl sucks) and debug why the fuck it didn't work.
Aaron Hughes
No. Absolutely not. Lennart can stay right the fuck out of my home directory and encryption.
Because bash is absolute cancer and holding humanity back. Unironically.
Liam Jenkins
We need a shell language that >works with Unix concepts like pipes and loops >maintains priority of having program calls and compositions be convenient >doesn't have retarded syntax >handles strings as data instead of macros >supports first-class functions
If this happened, everything would be ok.
Matthew Jackson
Only reason some people are complaining about this is because it's under the systemd umbrella.
But guess what, even if you use systemd, you don't have to use this. I certainly won't.
Lucas Gutierrez
Henry Wood
>Why can't anyone write another init system that uses unit files? Undoubtably there are devs out there currently working on a replacement for systemd, probably in a safer language than C (Go, Rust) and this in turn will feel like a breath of fresh air compared to systemd, while still offering the same core features while remaining more modular and lean.
Then it will show warts of its own across a decade of usage, and a new solution will emerge, cycle repeats...
Charles Gomez
>Sounds pretty fucking good to me The problem with this is that a lot of tasks do not require a complex init. I think we need something that somehow combines both approaches. >always need to look up the syntax each time I know what you mean, this is so annoying.
Andrew Perez
There is literally nothing wrong with systemd.
Joseph Williams
larger problem and attack surface sounds good to you?
Julian Richardson
There is literally nothing wrong with being a faggot.
Brandon Hall
I agree.
Connor Cooper
You have no say. System-d gets adopted by distros after being pushed by social influence. You have none.
What the fuck do the devs believe to be the goal of systemd at this point? People make jokes about it being a whole OS and then the devs get pissy about the jokes, but they also seem to want to make the jokes into reality and take over everything.
The goal has been clearly stated, systemd is to cover everything that is needed for a core OS together with the Linux kernel.
This has been an advantage for the BSD's, they ship as an entire operating system, supplying all core components directly written to work perfectly against the rest of their respective systems.
On Linux pre-systemd, there was little consensus beyond coreutils, and this is what systemd wanted to solve, and what the enterprise wanted. I'm no fan of systemd, but I understand why it has become the de facto standard low level plumbing to use with the Linux kernel to make it into a full operating system.
Something better will come along, but OpenRC etc will never see another spring.
Isaiah Price
>So the next GNU Compilerd when?
Grayson Jones
Default default.
Zachary Taylor
>become the de facto standard low level plumbing to use with the Linux kernel to make it into a full operating system. GNU was a full OS, though parts like GNOME are being moved into systemd. systemd is probably self-hosting
Jaxon Cook
>mount units add additional complexity in order to provide features I don't need >therefore nobody needs them also, systemd-fstab-generator is a thing you absolute brainlet
Charles Harris
If Gnome is part of the GNU operating system, I don't want to use GNU.
Austin Hernandez
GuixSD shoud have GNUStep as default DE. It is more GNU than Gnome and is the closest thing you can have to the comfy nextstep environment.
Michael Ortiz
GNOME wasn't always like this, the redhat money corrupted them.
just enable parallel startup, then it will be as fast as runit
Oliver Johnson
without lennart open source would have floundered years ago
Gabriel Anderson
wait a second was the kicking a guy in to the milky way pose from the old god hand mspaint comic meme copied from this? it looks exactly the same.
Hudson Turner
>the next ambition Have they succeeded in any of their former ones? Fucking saboteurs.
Caleb Rodriguez
>JSON-based anything Fucking what? Are these retards actually ”webdevs”?
Jaxson Edwards
now explain to me how would you go about and not update systemd but still being able to update any other shit, some of which depend on systemd
Nolan Adams
>no ssh logins unless you are already also logged in locally into the machine
Sebastian Stewart
First zero is the sequential, increasing order in which to mount the disks. Second zero is whether to use the (dmp or dump - I can't remember) for backup purposes. 0 disables.
William Morgan
>First zero is the sequential, increasing order in which to mount the disks. You sure? I thought it was the order of fsck.
SystemD makes the human's job easier. Runit and other crap make it easy for the computer. However modern PCs already transfer and process entire websites in real time, so these trivial config changes are nothing but whining.
Jackson Perez
Hasn't been proven. If the FOSS community cares, they can go and audit/verify sytemd. They haven't done it for runit/openrc so who cares?
Hunter Sullivan
I'm not against the existence of systemd, but I'm against it being rhe default. 90% of desktop GNU/Linux users barely ever write an init script/service themselves: the init system is completely transparent to them. Therefore, a smaller, simpler and therefore less buggy and safer alternative such as OpenRC or runit should be the default instead. Leave systemd for sysadmins and people who actually deal with services and know what they want.
William Lewis
I agree there, if windows can go from bios to desktop in 3 seconds, linux should too.