You will never have a cute autist gf to watch anime with while compiling kernel

>you will never have a cute autist gf to watch anime with while compiling kernel

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NEVER stick your dick in crazy

Autism in women manifests in other ways and almost never like it does in men, your ideal gf who is hyperdevoted to one hobby doesn't exist.

teehee I'm so Aspie xD

>Blue eyes
>Cute as fuck
>Can have ANY man she wants


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It's a spectrum you mong, some will be just like men others not. I know an autist girl obsessed with PC's for example.

>women with autism
pure meme

So RanDuM GiRl XD!!

fucking whore please die in hell

>Comments are disabled for this video.

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I used to have one but then it turned out she was just the same as every other dumb bitch
Turns out emotional availability and stability are a lot more important than sharing some autismo hobbies

this they tend to just be "bitchy" and particularly boring.

the incel is strong in this thread


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Yeah, nah. She's annoying as fuck if you actually watch the video. You'd end up stabbing her or yourself sooner or later.

I don't know what this is

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why is she so cute

she doesn't look like her mother, at all

Imagine fucking her though.
At first, she isn't really interested. She's busy watching anime, or playing the same game over for the 1000th time on her ipad.
But she doesn't really protest as you start to rub her and pull her underwear down.
Eventually you're inside her and she finally gives up on the ipad. You start fucking the shit out of her while she giggles at your efforts, occasionally being overcome with pleasure and yelping like a child. She switches between autistic disinterest and ecstasy. Eventually you bust inside her, knowing how irresponsible it is to impregnate someone with mental problems. But in that moment you don't care. You could live with her like this forever.

She rolls over with your seed dripping out, and yiu hear the game start back up on her ipad.

season 2 when? i need more

she's larping, no autist would dress well.

I saw this video too. She could make an easy and dosh living as a streamer, if she is capable enough to weaponize her autism.

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I bet you never had a gf

>I like being around people
That's definitely not autism, m8.


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Aspie grills care a lot about how they dress, and always go for these frilly cute outfits.

There is a simple reason for this: actual autist gfs do not exist. They used to exist because social expediency would force some women to superficially adopt the interests of autistic males before the internet ruined monogamous pair-bonding. However, since monogamy has been destroyed, all women can pursue men based entirely on looks and no woman has to pretend to have the interests of autistic males any longer.

>interview with her mom
is it not possible her mom helped her pick shit out?
the dude is a little unsettling and all of the questions are loaded as fuck. you're 100% right on the streaming, but there's a good chance the toxicity would eventually push her out.

>Yeah I love anime but oh God I wish I had a 3d gf ;_;
Fuck off wotaku piece of shit.

>or playing the same game over for the 1000th time on her ipad.
Shit, so precise. Mine plays some retarded indie game any time she can. You move some fucking balls or something. I'm a gamer too but I cannot understand how she doesnt get bored of it.

She's a slut in bed though, I can do whatever I want to her, so I don't complain.

Gotta get my compbux and pay for my gamer gf's boyfriend's switch

literally rosamund pike

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if you're crazy yourself it cancels out

she's so cute wth*ck

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My mum used to code with paper card punch machines she's so cute and old uwu
>no tits ass belly hips or legs
Looks like a trannies

Both genders have their various differences and struggles, why do incels have to make everything about sex?

>Both genders
trannies incoming

she is 15, friend

I mean when I saw OP's pic I thought she was trans so

at what point do you realize she hasn't brushed her teeth in a week

what are you, gay?

Stop user I can only get so erect

No it breeds leftists

how do I know if I have autism? I am already diagnosed with inattentive ADHD and have never had friends nor a job (27 years old now living with parents)

autism people make me cringe

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I wonder what it's like to be simultaneously cute and autistic. I bet people would be much more receptive to your rambling on inane shit



>Why do you care so much about being unable to partake in the most natural human activity and literally being an evolutionary dead end that is gonna die alone without ever being loved
Hmm, a really hard nut to crack.
Do you think blind people care a lot about wanting to see?

i hope she doesnt get popular on Jow Forums
you guys killed Terry after all

I want to facefuck her so hard

She's so cute omg.

it's not. autistic girls are everywhere

you must not take advantages

give me one example, the only autitic girls ive known erent devoted to their hobbies as much as i was

is that a problem?

Ex girlfriend was autistic
It was fun until one time when we went out in public and she tried to start a kpop dance party in the middle of a hall at a convention

Nobody joined in

We broke up shortly after

She's unfortunately dominated by ADHD behaviour, not autism. Her autism is low grade and would be smoothed out by the time she is 25. Autism genes show positive selection and are linked to intelligence.

I had to double check to see if I wasn't on /b/ or Jow Forums by mistake. Anyway, since we are talking about random things here, I like women wearing diapers, I hope this autistic girl is into diaper fetishism as well.

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I mean, for god's sake, look at this, she's adorable!

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I'm not saying it's weird that they care, it's weird since it's like the only thing they care about. A comparison would be a blind person constantly bitching about "sightoids" and automatically assuming every sighted person is living a better life than they are

she only likes chad cock just like the rest of them

aren't austistic girls asexual?

Firstly, of course Incels have a toxic vocal majority. I for one, as an incel, find their screeching just as pathetic as my own social inabilities.
Secondly unless you live under really fucked up circumstances you probably have a better life then most blind people, I would kill myself if I lost my eyesight.

Asexuality isn't real. You're thinking of desexualisation. Desexualisation occurs when you remove all sexual cues from a person's environment as they grow up. People end up with social and mental disorders like

of course it does
t. have one such gf (female)

Imagine faking every illness just to be a special snowflake

She looked cure but i didn't realize how fucking annoying she would be

only a butthurt incel would lash out against something like that. no one will ever care or love you lmao

beyond that, imagine faking fake 'illnesses' like 'adhd' and 'anxiety'

No, don't actually do this unless you REALLY know how an aspie functions. It's stressful. Trust me. They act like selfish princesses and they don't even know it, and you just have to live with it because that's just how they are.


I post on Jow Forums regularly
I can deal with it

I'm ugly and dumb so if one would hypothetically put up with me, I would try my best to do the same.


Imagine the possibilities

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absolute state of western civilization

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>why do incels have to make everything about sex?
Because they can't cope after Ryzen

Girls don't have autism. Simon Baron-Cohen from CAMBRIDGE says it's a male thing.

That's a default for the whole channel


Well try going without sex for over 20 years, then we can discuss this on similar terms

You realize 15 is normal and any other time outside of this modern nightmare there is no issue? You really should neck yourself femhag.


I kind of believe it though. Males have far greater intelligence variation and are far more complicated beings than women.

I wish I were American.
She is literally me, but I have to deal with being constant bullies until I changed, mixed in and bully them back.
Now I have an OK life, but still I wish I can be more honest with myself and my family like her.

i checked her insta. she also seems to be a lesbian.

This. Women would literally kill themselves if they had to put up with 1/2 of what men do. Maybe then the suicide rates wouldnt be so skewed.

It's so fucking sad how much attention one gets simply for being a le gurl xD
Just look at this thread


Wow so autist xd let me share this hot funny meme only autist girls like me will get ;)

>for being a le gurl xD
No the fact is that she is attractive give her attentions.
If you are as attractive (natural, preferably) then you will also have attention regardless of your gender.

>Likes anime therefore must have autism

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what's her endgame?

>regardless of your gender

You are absolutely so full of shit its unbelievable. I was maybe a half a point lower than her attractive wise when I was younger and I NEVER got this kind of attention

FUCK sightoids

I dount you were as attractive as Ellie
she is like an 8.5/10
are you saying you were an 8?
feel free to share your most flattering pic

I lost my virginity at 25, does that count?

Yeah no thanks, and I'm banned from uploading files anyway.

I was at least a 7.5. I'm blonde and blue eyed as well. If you dont think women dont get more attention than men youre out of your mind

>he's only into old hags

>t-trust me guys I am attractive I swear