Is this a meme? should I do the exercises?

is this a meme? should I do the exercises?

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I was looking at this website OP.


Big meme.

good book. watch the course, its pretty entertaining.


the language feels like an impediment to doing the exercises
i'm using common lisp instead of scheme but I figured they're close enough. it seems like there aren't any basic functions like max in cl.


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But it is

It's great, do it.

I find Scheme to be the much saner option compared to CL. I'd use Clojure before even considering CL. Ended up settling on Racket for the exercises (had to use mcons instead of cons in some places. Still close enough).

When I took intro CS we used it and it made me decide I hated programming for decades. Finally I grew up, discovered K&R and realized that I could just program embedded systems and use whatever worked.

Seriously, SCIP is a good book, as long as you understand that it's a kind of weird applied mathematics, and not some sort of gospel. Do the exercises to improve your understanding of programming abstractions and CS theory.

If what you are interested in is *programming* then you should definitely work through K&R's *C Programming Language* first.

Can I do this book in Haskell instead?


just know the audience. the book was written for MIT students competent in another area of undergrad math or science. if you don't know what an integral or differential equation is, you are going to have a bad time.

use chicken scheme or racket

what kind of retard doesn't know multivariable calculus?

Install mit-scheme and do the exercises. Reading the book without doing the exercises is a waste of time.

Not really.

Lips annoys me because I have trouble counting the number of repeated characters. nested parentheses and number literals with many repeating zeros are my bane.

If you use an editor from the 21st century, it will have parenthesis highlighting. If you use an editor that is good for lisp, it will handle the parenthesis for you.


Just use a real editor with parenthesis matching highlighting and parenthesis colors (Emacs with rainbow-delimiters for example).

You should be looking at the indentation level rather than the parens most of the time.

I know a lot of people use Emacs for lisp, and if you do the same, I recommend `rainbow-delimiters-mode' to highlight the parentheses.

On a similar subject, I also recommend `paredit-mode' to nagivate through the parentheses.

Attached: screenshot-nDrC0TGk.png (435x340, 31K)

this actually looks amazing? Can I use lisp well in vim? Do I have to go full autism and use Emacs? Anyone ITT know if VS Code has good Lisp support?