What do you mean I use Linux because I'm too poor for Windows...

>What do you mean I use Linux because I'm too poor for Windows? I've donated hundreds of dollars toward Debian and Linux Mint development.

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>mint development
But why?

Why not? I use it.

I use Debian and I often worry about them being fully hijacked by SJWs. I hate the idea of having to migrate to a smaller and smaller project to make room for SJWs taking over the big name project.

But how does the project getting hijacked by sjws impact user experience or performance? It's not like they can introduce regression argumenting it by muh feelings

Yes it can impact the user experience, see GNOME

so you threw your money in the trash

They're not fully hijacked man. You should read the mailiing lists, it's the same flame wars as always with people calling each other any kind of name you can think off. The sjws on debian are a very small % and are part of the anti-harassment team and as far as sjws go, they're actually kind of moderate, if such a thing is possible.

>so you threw your money in the trash
As if giving money to Microsoft isn't the same thing.

Also, why would you pay for windows if you can just pirate it?

I use all these free/open source softwares and i've never donated anything because i'm poor
I feel ashamed
One day i'll get a steady job and will donate to all of these development teams that i uesd their products :
HTTPS everywhere
Offensive Security

and also the books that i downloaded for free but never paid for them

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but you should pay for the windows product key

You don't have nor you should install gnome regardless of their faggy politics views.

> but you should pay for the windows product key
nah not really

So you are not going to get a steady job then? Based.

Packages get dropped for having the (((wrong))) name

thanks retard

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When did OP mention donating to the Linux Foundation?

>donated hundreds of dollars

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>not supporting the company you like

>Fork of a fork of Debian
I don't understand, why not just Debian?

Cinnamon is developed by the Mint team. If you use that, even on another distro, supporting Mint seems sensible.

Do people honestly use cinnamon? Last time I used it, it took 5 seconds just to open the start menu. That was on a brand new laptop, maybe cinnamon is only meant for people who want a linux distro for their gaming rigs.

I've read the slowness is due to the entire UI being written in javascript, but I haven't looked into the veracity of that statement.


Imagine living your “life” based on who is SJW or not

These people are literally caricatures

>tfw you can no longer give a weekly Sunday offering to Terry

Chromebooks/Android laptops are for poor people.
Linux is for autists, hobbyists, and corporations who don't like Microsoft.

Anti-Windows activism gave us f-ing Android and Google's shenanigans. They created a company worse than Microsoft from shilling Linux.

>donating to linux mint
jesus fucking christ

>still trusting Linux Mint after the backdoor fiasco
>Distro being maintained by amateurs
>Distributing ISOs in a non-https website (pre-2017)
>Hacked multiple times in the same way over several days

Why do you still trust this piece of shit distro? It's literally maintained by amateurs who don't know what they're doing. Seriously, just read that blog post and the comments below it.
If you want a stable and easy to use distro, just use Debian or Ubuntu for fucks sake. Debian can even be installed with Cinnamon.

Google cucked Linux so hard it's not even funny.

They made the YOTLD with Chromebook and android and BTFO'd GNU with proprietary software and cloud based botnet features.

The only thing the Linux Mint team is doing right is the Cinnamon Desktop. They just need to be an official repo for Ubuntu and only focus on Cinnamon.

No one gives a fuck about anything Linux Mint related accept for Ubuntu LTS and Cinnamon. It's only appeal is that it's CInnaBuntu.

>Linux Mint ""development"".
are you
those people only reskined gnome and ubuntu with a wallpaper.
They can't even rebuild ubuntu packages.
It's the most retarded waste of money.
Those retards are no developers.
They are a bunch of niggers trying to grab money off Ubuntu and debian.

how did jews impact on any code of gnome retard?
There's not a single commit from those idiots, they only write blogs all day.
Fucking idiot

>Yes it can impact the user experience, see GNOME
New to linux here, what happened to it?

I'm the cheap sucker that would do that but I actually paid for Windows in 2012 (luckily still keeping the same licence thanks to that free upgrade).

Seriously though you should have donated towards something better imho.

By not donating to ubuntu, you eliminate the middle man.

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They only made a desktop environment.
That's it. They need to merge with Ubuntu as a flavour.

Ubuntu Mint

Mint would crash and burn without Ubuntu.