The Android incel/manchild issue

A few days ago I made a data mining thread, with 2 of the questions being Android out iOS and how many sides of your bed touch the wall. If you haven't had sex, you typically only have your bed in a corner of your incel cause it makes it difficult to get out of when sleeping with someone or a child living in a small bedroom at his mum's house.

Anyway iOS averaged at 1.2 so no red flags, android at 1.8 in other words manchild central. It really does beg the question, what percentage of this board actually has

1) sex
2) a degree
3) a respected l respectable job in the tech industry
4) a reasonably amount of money (let's say more than their age minus 22 multiplied by £5k)

Would certainly explain why 4channel is full of such complete and utter retards who know nothing about the real world and can't actually offer any decent advice. Anyone else think it's literally just children and neets now?

Attached: bee.jpg (200x247, 8K)

I only can say for sure that this ain't technology.

>Anyone else think it's literally just children and neets now?
That's always been the case.

Imagine giving a fuck about statistics
I did not read a single fucking book in my entire life as gods forbids worshiping fake idols, i follow my heart and live best life while being 164IQ endowed by god himself

Honestly, it is. If this board is literally just kids it needs to be known so people stop wasting their fucking time. I can barely stand it.

You're probs right, I grew up on le Chan so it becoming dumber over time is probs me just progressing with life while Jow Forums remains constant

The company OP keeps


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>I grew up on le Chan so it becoming dumber over time is probs me just progressing with life while Jow Forums remains constant
That's exactly right. Back then we were part of the dumb shit, we thought it was hilarious.

>incel, have sex, neets

Attached: 1568307704289s.jpg (218x250, 8K)

Go to GU clinic. Go directly to GU clinic. Do not pass Go and do not collect $200.

Attached: ms-monopoly.jpg (697x482, 133K)

>1) sex
Yes I have a sex. My sex is male.

Actuall it's still hillarious. You just lost the touch and became a boring cuck.

>1) sex
>2) a degree
>3) a respected l respectable job in the tech industry
Yes, lead backend developer in a small team
4) a reasonably amount of money (let's say more than their age minus 22 multiplied by £5k)
close, 6k€ at 23

Also my bed touches 3 walls and I use Android

>If you haven't had sex, you typically only have your bed in a corner
only women position a bed in the middle of a room. it messes with the feng shui and floor space.

Attached: 1517091778186.jpg (529x375, 109K)

>this is real
>The banker doles out $1,900 in Monopoly Money to each female player and $1,500 to each male. The gap continues every time a player passes go with women collecting $240 and men $200.
>Instead of investing in real estate properties like the classic game, players invest in inventions and innovations made by women, including chocolate chip cookies, bulletproof vests, solar heating and ladies’ modern shapewear.
my sides

Attached: maxresdefault (4).jpg (1280x720, 79K)

The fuck is that?

>you landed on my tampon factory

Attached: my-last-selfie.jpg (720x960, 85K)

Spanx. Women "invented" spandex girdles because they're too entitled/lazy to lose weight. So they put that on under their clothes so guys think they look "thicc" or "curvy" when in reality all their cellulite is being held in like sausage meat held in by a casing. It's also the same reason every other w*man wears yoga pants/leggings/"jeggings" nowadays. It "shapes" all their body fat so you dont realize they're just fat until they peel all that stuff off.

My bed just touch one side, I use iPad and iMac and I am an incel.

I have an android, my wife does too. I don't have a degree, I dropped out of school to start a video game server rental business, I made about $20k per year the first year (was very rough and at the time regretted my decision) but sold my platform to a larger company and learned a lot along the way. I put all that money away, investing it in diversified ETFs and BRK.b (I'm not .a wealthy... yet)

1) male
2) no degree, but I'm autistic and so learned to reverse a linked list by myself
3) I'm currently a middle level manager at a $10bil global org that's still operating in start-up mode
4) I'm 27 and my wife and I have just shy of $400k net worth, on track to be millionaires before 35 unless we face some crisis.

I have a king size bed and it's against two walls. I sleep on the hard to get out side and usually sit up then get off at the end where my feet go. I've tried the climb over your wife method but she doesn't like it when I do that :P

All so-called smart phones are indication of an inability to grow up. Android and iOS are merely different shades of the same mental disease.

Nice hard work user!
Did you create any games or just servers only?

>Volcel, not that I've committed to it but because I made the conscious decision not to appease dumb women just to have sex back when I was in high school and realized girls just cause problems for boys
>I work in finance not in tech, but I do some light programming and I enjoy tech more than what I actually do because it's more constructive
>I'm 28 and I have $150k saved up.

Most importantly, I don't care what you think about me. Fuck dumb cunts and fuck trannies.

hey op my bed is in the corner and i own an ipad pro, iphone, and macbook pro, and i have a girlfriend. she sleeps in my bed every night

I created a platform to automate provisioning and end-user (tenant admins) of SaSS applications. The focus of the project was video game servers though. This was back in 2008-2011 and it was a fairly new thing as most companies except a few larger organizations relied on an administrator manually provisioning and maintenaning the services and sending canned emails to the clients. It sometimes took days to get your server after ordering it. My platform brought it down to minutes.

I have made some really shitty 2D games in the past, but not as part of this venture. That business taught me so much about compostable networking and infrastructure, it gave me a headstart on the "infrastructure as code" movement in the industry which helped a lot.