The fuck is wrong with this dude?
The fuck is wrong with this dude?
Other urls found in this thread:
he's fat, ugly, dumb, stinky etc
please show some more respect for the inventor of the three button mouse
so the average Linux user
He appears to be overweight.
Other than that, he is intelligent, well spoken and all around alright guy.
>t. average Windoze user
He needs to shave his head and wear black shades.
He's what I Jow Forums imagine to be like
But he's too intelligent
delete this
and business suit
No, trenchcoat would fit him better.
>Hey guys today on ltt I'm gonna review the new iPhone :tm:
>Anthony walks in
Literally the only wrong with him is that he's overweight. He's a pretty good guy, nice voice, seems smart. Anthony Tech Tips FTW
>Literally the only wrong with him is that he's overweight.
You're really gonna ignore the hair?
This, without him ltt would be trash.
That too, but he would make a killing as a narrator or sysadmin
he's fat and balding
socially, he actually seems to be more well-adjusted than the majority of the autists linus has working for him
White male
i like him but i literally cant watch any videos that feature the top of his head. his little cling tuft is absolutely fucking disgusting. please shave your head for the love of god.
Is that the fat white supremacist from American History X?
Female pattern baldness & morbid obesity.
doubt anything fits him
more liek average mac user
I like his voice, he got a nice voice
hes a nice dude who knows his shit (since linus shuts him up all the time)
dont bully him hes allright
I cant stop seeing the forehead moustache.
Shame because he seems like a nice guy and also seems to know his shit
Anthony is good. Wendell is better.
just an introvert who never learned to take care of himself like many of us. nothing to be proud of, but I wouldn't be too upset if I were him just clean up a bit.
>Anthony and Luke
>any other host
annoying garbage
He's probably more than likely having hard parting with his scalp.
Seen that shit way too many times. Men keeping bizarre patchy strands of hair on their head even though it made them look 100 times worse than no hair at all.
Absolutely correct. Anthony and Luke are the best by far.
other than the fact that he's overweight he's a lot better than most of LTT faggots
he looks like he's hours away from having a cardiac arrest but he is by far the most knowledgeable person on the team
you hit the nail on the head, here have an upvote fren
This. Linus trash tips should hire this guy.
Hes a Kentuckian right?
Average mac user is a vegan basedboy
> dumb
He's like a lvl 10,000 pussy slayer. Nerdimus Maximus. Only the Asian guy who works there is nerdier.
He is okay just overweight. I actually started watching LTT again because of him.
If he shaved his head and lost weight he would look like ever other stocky bald guy normie
His morbid obesity and hair moustache ruins the video part of the videos he's in. Good voice though.
oh no no no no no
look at the to of his head
I want Wendell to raw me
Why do people become fat?
I lost 8 kg recently and feel so light and invincible now.
I can't imagine how people live with additional 70+ kg. It's like carrying myself on my shoulders all the time. Insane.
anyone know the first few video with him in them?
I want to see him before he started growing his hair back, for science reasons.
Is Luke the overly assertive guy with a beard?
hes the hot guy you wanna watch youtube videos and play video games with while he suffocates you with his cock and steals your couch
I've worked with people like him before. They're arrogant, self centric, autistic, lacking a basic sense of humor.
I certainly hope that's not him, but I just can't shake the stereotype.
Bad habits, time, and depression or other untreated mental health issues.iballoned upto 300 lbs after a year of just slinking into the shadows and eating pizza and whiskey for lunch and dinner.
You're right, it's absolutely limiting and crushing. I'm literally carrying a full grown man on me every day and things hurt that never used to hurt before.
So glad I'm getting out of the depression and going to the gym. It's going to be a lot of work....
he should lose like 30-40lbs and get a new haircut, but aside from that he seems to know what the fuck he's doing
I like him but I reALLY don't like how everybody likes him.
I'm rethinking my opinion on him.
>Why do people become fat?
sedentary/unhealthy lifestyle,overeating/high caloric intake and a lack of either desire to lose weight or they're in denial like the land whales
god I'm 10-12lbs overweight and I already feel like a disgusting lardass. can't imagine having 150+lbs of fat dangling around
>can do literally nothing and is no doubt on welfare
>named ""Charity"