What OSes are left? (hint the answer is none)

>the year is 2019
>windows comes with a """personal assistant"""
>only true escape from said home surveillance is ltsc
>ltsc can only be obtained a) by being a corporation or b) through a procedure of questionable legality
>apple continues to enforce a walled garden software ecosystem and put out shit hardware
>their only redeeming quality is the software, and you can get a comparable quality of software through gnu/linux
>however, the gnu project has been singlehandedly destroyed by literal salami and the linux foundation has been pounded with a thick hard coc
>me: "oh ok i'll just switch to bsd"
>bsd apparently deprecating smp support ()
>literally every os other than these is a small-time passion project with no support for anything whatsoever, most egregiously including your beloved templeos
There's nothing left, it's over. Time to throw your PC in the trash and devote your life to a completely unrelated non-STEM pursuit such as gardening.

Attached: angery-hour.png (654x607, 273K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Windows 8.1 still gets updates for another 4 years and is almost the same as win7.

Just set your wallpaper to terry and learn how to build a compiler and make your own OS OP. We in the dawn of new hackermen.

Attached: hackerman.jpg (620x413, 10K)

a good answer if you aren't trying to avoid the botnet and are just mad that windows 10 made it so in-your-face

but for those of us who would prefer to actually avoid the botnet it's not an option

What's wrong with Linux?
I guess you could also use the Hurd if you're really desperate

>What's wrong with Linux?
mrs. salami destroyed gnu, and linux itself has been using a coc for awhile now

The solution is to airgap your machine regardless of OS, and besides offline media consumption, embrace the wild. Bayou camping is max comfy.

those are not issues


Do they suck? Yeah. But unless they add/remove code due to the CoCk the projects are still unaffected.

>But unless they add/remove code due to the CoCk
They will. It's entirely inevitable if you understand the motives of the forces at work. Same with the salami.

>They will.
If that happens we can always fork.

If you know this much why do you have any issues with pirating LTSC? How cucked are you?

>why do you have any issues with pirating LTSC?
It's illegal.
As an ideological matter, I demand there be a way to enjoy freedom without violating the law.

lmao what a gay

>imagine believing the law shouldn't conflict with the essential liberties of those it's meant to govern, lol how homosexual


imagine feeling beholden to the word or will of any man but yourself

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If it happens, and we fork, then our distro, kernel, and custom variant of the GNU coreutils, will all be collectively known throughout the first world as the dedicated pedo nazi operating system. I don't want to be known for something like that.

Imagine being a sociopath.
Please, kys by contracting crippling >>>>>>

>muh caring about legality
>muh CoC that hurts my feelings
>muh complaining about default settings that can be easily changed
You're a brainlet of the highest grade.

So... you aren't actually breaking any law on your computer. And going by what you said so far, your social media activity is probably more sterile than TSMC cleanroom and you are using ublock or some such on top of VPN and god knows what else.
But you don't want Microsoft to do what exactly?
Is this some form of OCD?

>But you don't want Microsoft to do what exactly?
I don't want them to fucking spy on me. Privacy rights are important irrespective of the legality of citizens' behavior.

spy is a vague term
what are they taking?

>>muh caring about legality
Alright then, go kill someone right now.
>>muh CoC that hurts my feelings
That's hardly the issue. The issue is that there's a social movement in progress to cripple privacy rights even more than they already are, and further secure the sovereignty of the corporate monopolies, under the false guise of fighting for the rights of certain historically marginalized demographics. I refuse to use an operating system that this social movement sticks its fingers in.
>>muh complaining about default settings that can be easily changed
If you're referring to Windows, Cortana is not a "default setting" in the home edition, it's system software. There is no way to completely disable it without officially breaking your installation as far as Microsoft is concerned. Additionally, even in LTSC, it's impossible to completely disable the botnet.
If you're referring to BSD, we don't yet know that lack of SMP support will be nothing but a "default setting that can be easily changed," because the relevant version hasn't been released.
>what are they taking?
My essential right to remain unobserved on my own premises by people who don't share the deed to them.

>>what are they taking?
>My essential right to remain unobserved on my own premises by people who don't share the deed to them.

I wanted you to be more specific beyond faux chauvinistic catchphrases that didn't mean jack shit for decades.

>faux chauvinistic catchphrases that didn't mean jack shit for decades
I'll take autological phrases for 400

you want true anti surveillance?
code your own OS in assembly/c/c++, and design your own processor from scratch and put it on customized SoC


I'm still on LTSB 2016. Should I bother upgrading to LTSC or nah?

nice meme

That wouldn't help. I don't want true anti-surveillance for myself specifically. I want the average citizen to care about anti-surveillance.

Sounds like you should be spending your time starting a political movement rather than cmplaining to 4channel about OS's.

>>apple continues to enforce a walled garden software ecosystem and put out shit hardware
>>their only redeeming quality is the software
umm... sweaty

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t. seething itoddler

Just avoid sperging out publicly like the guys running Gab and Bitchute.


>bsd apparently deprecating smp support

"bsd" doesn't exist turbonigger, it's no like linux.

Only openbsd and netbsd have disabled SMT by default.

So to answer your question: OpenBSD and NetBSD ( if you are a faggot you can lanuch sysctl hw.smt=1)

reactos will surely become useable some day

>intentionally go out of your way to make things harder for yourself
>everything is someone else's fault and i demand that they fix it for me!
I don't have an anime reaction image for this but you're a retard.

>equating software piracy to murder
>thinking you'll actually get in trouble beyond just a C&D letter from your ISP at absolute worst

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>well, if you are so concerned, don't use x86
>Don't use efi systems (they're basically 2009+ machines)
>just download a risc-v cpu
>uninstall your wifi card
>drink your monster
>become the boomer you were always meant to be
>Write your own bios-esque software for risc-v and standardize it
>you have won

>I don't want them to fucking spy on me
Then pirate LTSC.

don't use LTSC, that still spies on you no matter what you do

use AME

Huawei Linux.

There is literally nothing wrong with the Linux CoC or the GNU project. Enforcing standards of decency and professionalism is fine. Frankly, the people butthurt that they can't shriek about TRANNIES and NIGGERS don't contribute anything of value to open source anyway. It's no loss that they're kept out. Even Stallman hasn't done any real programming in decades. The guy has been a massive autistic asshole since his college days.

Some people want the open source community to be run like a combination of a frat house and a Trump rally and most of us do not find this vision of things to be appealing, or even sane

Attached: 1563856507548.png (1056x869, 73K)

Trannies are a social engineered domestic weapon created by the CIA/NSA to destroy free software and Linux for the purpose of subverting secure computing.

You cannot prove this wrong.

>Trannies are a social engineered domestic weapon

You're not entirely wrong, freaks, fuckups, and weirdos have immense value to the system, in that they have devout loyalty to the system, due to the system being the creator, and defender of their existence.

>for the purpose of subverting secure computing
No, for the purpose of subverting society itself.

>unironically shilling stirner
underageb& detected

>Some people want the open source community to be run like a combination of a frat house and a Trump rally and most of us do not find this vision of things to be appealing, or even sane
then go start your own community :^)

oh wait, you can't program :(

Consider illuminos. Much more trustworthy than the BSDs for now.
OpenBSD is a security nightmare, is slow as balls and has no features, plus ancient packages.
FreeBSD is tranny-owned.
TrueOS is just a reskin of FreeBSD.
NetBSD doesn't exploit modern hardware capabilities well (read: only useful to run on literal toasters and on routers).

But illuminos could be cool.

>if you are a faggot you can take the steps necessary to actually use the hardware you bought
gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8 no h8 won't db8
thanks for the tip though, will be installing netbsd and doing this
>abiding by the law = going out of your way to make things harder for yourself
>lol it's fine dude, just violate the law
>lol dude, it's not like we have laws for a reason
>lol, if something you need in order to live comfortably in modern society, that doesn't inherently violate anyone else's rights, is illegal, it's not like the law is at fault
>instead it's all your fault for not just violating the law like a proper chad!
>lol dude!
t. transgender
thank you for the genuine suggestions

> thanks for the tip though, will be installing netbsd and doing this

I suggest you openbsd, it's more clean and feels more organized, not hating netbsd tho.

Specifically iirc netbsd uses a SMOFF variable instead of the sysctl, you better read netbsd.org

> Consider illuminos. Much more trustworthy than the BSDs for now.

By whom? Trustworthy in what sense?
> OpenBSD is a security nightmare,
you're full of bullshit
> is slow as balls
kinda. performance are worse on openbsd but depending on the usage is not so bad
> and has no features,
What you mean by "features"?
> plus ancient packages.

> NetBSD doesn't exploit modern hardware capabilities well (read: only useful to run on literal toasters and on routers).

That's bullshit, again. If your hw is supported you can have a desktop machine like in linux.
Plus netbsd is heaven if you need crosscompilation
I spoke to a medicine student which used netbsd as main os for uni.
If a med students can do it I cannot understand why a tech guy can't

>By whom?
>Trustworthy in what sense?
No evidence of covert or overt control by parties like trannies, big businesses, and so on.
>you're full of bullshit
>What you mean by "features"?
For example, hammerfs on NetBSD. Not to be mistaken for things like pledge which don't apply "automagically".
>If your hw is supported you can have a desktop machine like in linux.
I mean the opposite of what you think: while it runs on a shitton of hardware, you might wait years to get the on-chip gpu of your new-gen intel cpu to be used, specific features of the device might never be supported resulting in much lower speeds, optimizations for specific hardware might never be available, etc. That is: it will work, but not to the maximum of its capacity. This is purely a result of lack of manpower.

Why not?

Fuck Apple.

>then go start your own community :^)
sure, and when it gets large enough one day and people like (you) get involved, the same thing will happen to it.

not falling for it.

we should be defending what we have until we succeed or failure is certain.

itll be quite a ride tho

You can't just stop and expect change. They were going to ageism you to the pasture anyway. You have to actively drive newcomers out to break the timeline.

The laws are made by the people spying on you and taking your privacy
You dense motherfucker
Yes the law is at fault, and what exactly are you doing about it? Nothing.
And this is software piracy we are talking, not even games or movies but an OS. Fucking nothing will happen

>worrying about legality
Never gonna make it

>bsd apparently deprecating smp support
1. There is no such thing as a singular BSD project.
2. They're talking about OpenBSD, which ships two kernel files with SMP support compiled in or not. And that's a fact since they've added it.
3. OpenBSD isn't fully SMP due to problems with the Big Kernel Lock, which they're going to hopefully remove in the future (some syscalls actually work with SMP since 6.4 or smth like that)

> Me
So a nobody, as I suspected.

> youtube.com/watch?v=rRg2vuwF1hY

Did you actually see all the presentation (old) or you came early?

> For example, hammerfs
It does't make sense, hammerfs is a filesystem, It's not a feature/

> I mean the opposite [ ... ]
You mean you don't know shit and talk by "feeling"

there's still Redox OS

LTSC is not that good. I've been thinking of switching to 8.1 despite the performance hit (there unfortunately are, if you're into gaymen, a few select titles that don't run all that well). I still have two issues that seem to happen only with Windows 10, which LTSC still is, one regarding my GPU and another one my integrated sound card.

Howling did it take you to figure this out? In life, you will find many times where you can only choose the lesser evil.

You just don't get it do you?
The law should protect our rights.
By refusing to violate the law over something like this, and also refusing to tolerate the legal options, I'm boycotting the law.
Simply violating the law is an ineffective means of boycotting the law because that puts the power in the hands of the law. It doesn't matter that they won't prosecute you, the fact is they could if they wanted to.
Enjoying what little freedom you have under the law is also ineffective because that only sends the message that what they're doing is okay.
If we want change, we must all refuse to use surveillance technology, and also refuse to illegally obtain alternatives to it, so that they can't dismiss us as criminals.
>if you want to escape surveillance, use an OS made in a language invented by government social experiments
ok transgender person

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holy shit i get it now
"dial 8"
fuck you that's stupid as fuck why am i laughing

FREEDOS, just one example. Its completely open source yet small enough to fully comprehend. Functional, not bloated. Check out the custom kernels being developed, they are pretty neat.

>I'm a bloatard.
That's so sad.

I used it recently to flash 3 bios on legacy systems expecting it not to work and afterwards I ended up keeping it around.

fucking phone posters

I lost so many pictures because of this bullshit. macos truly is pajeet tier software.

>it's real
the absolute state of toyOS

Apple's walled garden is a meme, and anyone with a basic knowledge of using Google can turn off the protections meant for brainlets. The hardware is just mediocre for the price range, I wouldn't call it shit. They usually manage to run well for up to a decade or more if not using as jack stand or shooting target.

This is what's pissing me off. Fat, autistic, smelly nerds are who made all of this shit and now some purple hair tranny wants to come be king of it without lifting a finger.