The best programming language ever invented

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Frogs is not technology related

memes aside, why does everyone hate java?

I've written code in so many languages but for some reason I strongly dislike Java.

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only C# shills do

Because it correlates with the time when software moved from a practical academic application primarily employing talented mathematicians and specialized logicians to a vocational industry of technicians trained not to understand what they were doing but rather to mass produce.

And Jow Forums likes to role-play as someone with talent.

According to freshly graduated Java typists maybe. Anyone else understands its shortcomings.

Java is to desktop what Flash is to browsers
Easy to use, easy to learn, full of security issues and mostly used by idiots
Has some legit use cases but you're not in that crowd

setting up a simple project takes too long because nothing fucking works

Java can be a pretty clunky language with lots of boilerplate stuff. Sun and Oracle have pretty bad NIH syndrome so there are lots of poorly re-implemented copies of other frameworks and libraries. Multiple build systems each with their own quirks. But the JRE works well for server side tasks. It's good that it looks like Oracle has finally decided that Java GUI applications aren't going to be a thing.

this but unironically

>complaining about frogposting
>on a frogposting website

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this kills the frogposters

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Jow Forums only hates java because poos use it. Otherwise it's a pretty decent lang with a crazy amount of support.

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that was when cobol was invented

and you sound like a fag

>Anime website

>poorly re-implemented copies of other frameworks and libraries.
it's generally the opposite, major framework and libraries are implemented in Java first
>Multiple build systems each with their own quirks.
Build systems in Java are very mature and solved challenges 10 years ago that ecosystems like javascript and python are only starting to tackle now
>But the JRE works well for server side tasks.
JRE doesn't exist anymore but Java is mostly a server side language yes
>It's good that it looks like Oracle has finally decided that Java GUI applications aren't going to be a thing.
Considering they don't even maintain JavaFX anymore that process didn't start last year but we might actually see more desktop Java soon with GraalVM

Elaborate on the security issues

Java was not invented, it was discovered

It had many problems back its early versions (1 to 5) and that's why people started to hate it. Nowadays is a pretty solid programming language, I'd say that it also is pretty fun to use, but it will never be considered cool.

It's very easy to spot people like you who have never used Java outside of class.

Before I could only meme about Java, but now, after having to use it at works sometimes, I can now truly say, its a horrible mess.
Whoever invented this shit needs to be slaughtered brutally.
None of the other languages I programmed a significant amount of code in are this fucking retarded.
The only language that comes close is C++, but that is at least kind of salvagable.

This. But decent

Java is very conservative but there's hardly anything retarded about it.

Its beter than .NET

Its real crap.
That you dont realize in which ways it shitty, just means you aren't a good programmer.

Use it a lot for backend work its chill with spring boot.

Though its gonna be replaced with Scala or Kotlin.

Whats crap about it exactly.

Basically every little thing about it turns out to be shit.
Just pick some random feature.
Notable aspects that make it completely garbage are the unclear execution flow, and how memory works in it.
Those features coupled with the OOP braindeadness accompanied with its programming culture make it truly garbage.

>the unclear execution flow

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t. /dpt/fag larping as a professional developer

Only problem i have with Java is that it seems bloated like how many options you have for objects or containers.

But i guess that's cause i never really need them and don't really know their proper function.

I would never touch this crap if it weren't for my job.
I also just used to ignore java, because I didn't know much about it.
But now I know.

Take your debugger and take a look faggot, so many surprises on every click.
Stepping into a function? Have fun taking a little trip down to the land of generated useless garbage calls.
If you dont get what I mean, that just means you're a retard, or have tried debugging a program that isnt a toy.
Exceptions make this shit even more retarded than it needs to be.

The syntax is pretty clunky, and in early versions the performance was absolutely abysmal. The IDEs like Eclipse had a dumpsterfire user interface compared to alternatives, and were equally slow (because they were written in Java lol). Installing the JRE wasn't as straightforward as it should have been.
Some of that is better today, some maybe not so much; but either way, that sort of taint just doesn't wash out.

>how many options you have for objects or containers.
class and class and... class?

>If you dont get what I mean, that just means you're a retard, or have tried debugging a program that isnt a toy.
or maybe I'm simply not a schizophrenic retard blaming my tools
>I swear it magically inserted random code into my function call look oh wait it's not happening anymore I swear it did it just now when you were not watching!!!

No like a object from a library that has a hash table of objects containing references to a database API.
Or some other stuff like that.

And sometimes its like almost none will ever use that.

it just werks

>>poorly re-implemented copies of other frameworks and libraries.
>It's generally the opposite, major framework and libraries are implemented in Java firsT
I was referring to things like log4j vs the Java logging framework or joda time VS javas date handling. Sun used to have a fetish for poorly re-implementing existing libraries instead of suggesting people use the stuff that is already out there.
>>Multiple build systems each with their own quirks.
>Build systems in Java are very mature and solved challenges 10 years ago that ecosystems like javascript and python are only starting to tackle now
Yes, ant, maven and gradle are all mature. They are still all different and a Java dev needs to be familiar with all of them.

Ah yeah, gotcha. Though technically they hired the joda time guy to implement java.time so it has pretty much replaced joda entirely.
JUL being a thing is pretty weird though.
Java modules vs OSGI would be another example.

i make 400k doing java, good luck making half of that with c#

Jesus Christ this thread/board is full of retards who don't know what the fuck they're talking about. It's like pretty much almost everyone here is larping as programmers.
quite the opposite. It's mostly graduates who bash Java because at college they usually learn ancient versions like Java 6.
>Java is to desktop what Flash is to browsers
Imagine being this retarded. Can't believe there are still people who mix up Java with Java Applets.
>full of security issues
Again, Java Applets. They have been dead for more than a decade now. The JVM is actually quite safe you moron.
>Considering they don't even maintain JavaFX anymore
Which is a good thing because now Gluon is maintaining it which means JavaFX is not bound to the JDK release cycle anymore. They're frequently releasing updates and fixes. Also working on a plugin for Graal native compilation.
He can't because he parrots bullshit he heard somewhere else.
Give us an example.
>the unclear execution flow, and how memory works in it
Imagine being this retarded. The whole point of making use of the JVM is not having to worry about memory management.

What do you do?
Backend work?

yup backend just integrating with multiple other team's APIs basically, data shuffling

>cartoon frog
newfag is new

tfw make double that with C


For backend work?

I would believe in embedded electronics.

Java is great, the hate is from brainlets

Give me literally one good reason why java should be compiled to bytecode and run in a vm. I’ll wait

I can build and test it on windows and then run it on a linux server

because you solve real problems instead of doing mental masturbation over theoretical math shit.

my only problem with java is that you cannot use Emacs as a java IDE. I fucking hate netbeans/intellij

It's verbose. Personally, I also despise the Java vision of Object Orientation (mixing primitive datatypes and Objects + seperation between classes and objects). Smalltalk was much more fun and productive to write. Also many patterns like the Factory pattern were a simple idiomatic method instead if a full-blown class for the sole purpose of initializing and object in some way.

You only had to wait 9 minutes.

Eclipse, brah.

When portability was an issue I guess

No, it's not.
And it's probably one of the causes of global warming, given how much power you waste by running programs in JVM instead of natively.