What does Jow Forums think of Kitboga?
What does Jow Forums think of Kitboga?
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only dumb mexicans watch this garbage
>eceleb shit
Fuck off
t. Indians
unequivocally based. and redpilled. and slamdunks on smelly fucking curry pajeets all day. 10/10
stop samefagging. Also please make your videos shorter they're way too long
One-trick pony.
It was funny the first 20 times.
Pretty good, but needs to diversify a bit, there are a ton of other scams that are exploitable, like youtube.com
Boring as fuck. I dont give a shit if you waste their time with some voice simulator. hack them and destroy their computers, but he is too technically illiterate for that
He should stop streaming in glasses and he is annoying as fuck.
this, people who repeatedly watch him are either high/drunk or extremely bored
Jim is the superior one.
He hackermans his way into the scammers machines and Yoinks their ill gotten gains from under their noses.
I don’t know what the fuck it is and I’m not going to Jewgle it to help boost the page rank. I’m guessing some douchebag?
He streams himself calling scammers on Twitch.
Gets fancy with it by making a custom bank page and stuff like that, usually gets 20k viewers while stalling for 5 hours or so.
Jim is more about street justice vigilante type shit.
Kitboga is more like a play with characters and whatnot and more about how insane he can drive them as well as showing how long these cunts will stick around in the hopes of getting a few shekels.
Both can be enjoyed for different reasons.
Jim does a lot of good I like his stuff
9/10 could spread more class consciousness
He's alright but Brad Carter from the snow plow show. He's an oldschool phone hacker from the 90s that wastes his life making prank calls. Pretty based if you ask me.
but Brad carter from the snow plow show is way funnier*
He kept this guy on the phone for over 2 hrs
Based Scotsman.
I've watched highlights and thinks he funny but I think it gets old kinda quick
Still turbo-based for causing Indian ass-rage daily
They should team up. Kitboga as the face conman that can and will talk for hours and Jimbo as the infiltrator hackerman against the hordes of granny scammy pajeets.
I'd watch the sitcom.
Holy quints
He's doing a service to the world.
He's being featured by Youtube a lot lately.
Anyway, the pajeet in that $40k Rolex video was cringey as fuck.
no he is not. scammerrevolts is based and he swears everytime he deals with indians.
he cries on stream, he bans words like chode.
On one of his last year streams one indian told him that americans are dumb, he responded
>that's racists
mega cuck
he deals 100% with indians but bypasses the fact that all his scammers are indians. he doesn't want to see the correlation between indians callers and the scams... because that would be politically incorect.
I don't think that kitboga has any kind of "skills" apart from 5 lines of html/js/css and a microphone with effects.
anyhow here are the bad things:
He never tries to shutdown an office, he never tries to destroy the scammer's machine, he doesn't even try to get files from the scammer... he just makes calls over and over again. He is a bottom feeder of the bottom feeders. He will continue making money as long as his product, the scammers, keep scamming people.
The true ones that want scammers off of the face of the earth are the ones that mess with their infrastructure and release their phone numbers so that people can call them non-stop.
kitboga is a cuck and wants the system to stay like that because he makes a shitload of money.
A true repiller.
He does something good by exposing horrible criminals who target the retarded and the elderly and still exposes how disgusting Indians really are.
I like the one that hacks them back and the pajeets have to file privacy complaints with youtube.
I have it on as background noise sometimes, he virtue signals way too fucking hard and it gets annoying after a while
>dude just stop scamming and do else XD
>did I mention I'm a good Christian man who would never be dishonest in the last 5 minutes btw