Apple neutered ad blockers in Safari, but unlike Chrome, users didn't say a thing

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Because most of them don't know ad blockers exist

Doesn't Safari have limited ad blocking built in? Or is that just on mobile.

Now it's both

>absolute state of Safaritards

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lmao these applel fags will take any shit aplele throws at them, they will gladly suck big steaming logs out of apples ass, they will enthusiastically take the iron rod of a billion dollar company in their ass without batting an eye
there is no salvation for those, only the eternal abyss of pointless consuming

Attached: bag_of_shit.png (578x712, 379K)

>be Mac user
>get turned on by Satania due to being BTFO all the time
>look up Satania porn
>click first website
>get cryptolocker malware, have to format their Mac and lose their data

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1. 2. Hosts file + adguard and done. Also, it's the baked in OS default browser. Everyone I know who has a mac has firefox or some other browser in addition to safari. For those who are not very specific about their computing habits, safari is to them what IE is to plainbrains on windows.

>not using icloud

>using pajeetOS

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This. Also OS X and iOS have always been walled gardens, and those walls grew even higher after Jobs died (of cancer, not AIDS, which was literally fake news from a CNN blog). If anyone else here used a mac during the Tiger days, you'll remember that they were clamping down on "unofficial" and "unverified" safari extensions back then too. It's always been this way.

>mactoddlers have always been cucked retards

Windows is far more of a pajeet OS than OS X. Microsoft employs tons of outsourced Indian developers. Apple just outsources some of its support infrastructure to India.

Further "H-1B workers" does not even remotely imply they're from india. Dollars to dimes that most of the H-1B workers are janitors from Mexico. Finally, see pic related. Unless you're a subliterate, you'd know that "Asian" includes pajeets. While over 30 percent of MS employees are Asian, only about 15 percent of Apple employees are (source:

In conclusion, MS employs far more pajeets than Apple, and unlike Apple, some of those MS pajeets actually work in software development, and their CEO is a well-known pajeet too. Windows is basically StreetShitterOS.

Next time use your brain, or got back to /v/ and dilate some more.

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Nice try iJeet.

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Meanwhile in current year.

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Nothing about Asians in there. Just H-1B. Seethe harder microcuck.

So they all are full of pajeets, including microsoft. Great.



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Install AdGuard.

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no one uses Safari
that's it

how do you even pronounce "latinx"
latt inks?
luh tinx?

Over 35% tech worker in Apple are from asian.
Just look WWDC indian menace this year.

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I use these, never had issues with ads even after iOS 13

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I too saw this post on hacker news.


Apple users are lemmings. News at 10.

I can use my xbox gamertag as my ethnicity?

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It just changed the way you use them. Nothing stops devs from making an adblocker using the new frameworks. And there are a few already. Testing KaBlock currently and it seems actually better than uBlock Origins at dealing with the pop up ads in yt videos.

Best post so far.

Using Firefox on Mac seems like such a waste, since you won't get shared tabs but worse battery life.
Besides, at least on Windows the stability is crappy while I don't remember when Safari died on me the last time, even when using betas and previews.

So a guy walks into the Apple store and a gay Hawaiian, a nigger, and a beaner ask him “whachu wan’ honkey?”

What a fucking shit is latinx?... We are Latinos and Latinas...
It looks like AppleFAGS need to learn that there are only TWO SEXES/GENDERS...
Oh, and BTW Jow Forums: Nice move with the "Islam Is Right About Women" flyers...
That is why I love you SuperAtuthists.

Exactly or if you are not that retarded, you can call us Latinos...
Only faggot will feel offended with "Beaner"...
We eat a lot of beans, of course we're beaners!!!
Unlike AppleFAGS that eat shit all the time.

>there are only TWO SEXES/GENDERS.
That's not how it works even if you just meant sexes only.

Newfag here: why do you keep talking about Apple products if you don't use/like them? Normally, you simply ignore a line of products you hold no interest in.

I don't want affirmative shitty actions, is the software is made by Whites and it works, I don't care is the faggot are DemoKKKrats or RepubliAryans, HELL you can even have Chinks, Pajeets and Japanese IDC as long as the damn software works...
Now with women... No thanks, I do remember what women do to tech, look at Yahoo, Socialist Jewtube, etc... NO THANKS!

Ow...Did I offended you with the fucking truth? Are you a TransInterPedosexual?
XX = Women
XY = Men

All variations are defective shit and they are called MUTATIONS...

Because their users and products are shit... Bunch of faggots that think of themselves as ELITES, but they are only a mindless consumerist...

Literally any change counts as mutation. At least the ignorance about tech makes sense on Jow Forums but even basic biology?

>We are Latinos and Latinas...
It's that but using a dumb term sjws invented

So? You ignore them. Do you get angry over every brand which somehow doesn't suit you?

>Do you get angry
iToddlers just don't get it.

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You didn't answer my question. Why obsess over a brand which you don't use, aren't forced to use, and can easily ignore?

That's what men do to pass the time in a world where technology made them obsolete long before they were born.

The Shadenfreude argument doesn't even make sense, since you are supposed to feel joy at the misfortune of someone/something which affected you in a negative way. A phone brand does no such thing. Do you also sit in front of a TV and laugh at car crash victims?

>which affected you in a negative way
I don't use apple trash. Only iToddlers were affected.

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I'm still waiting for an answer, instead of a handful of meaningless buzzwords.

It's an "us vs. them" thing. It's an ad hoc replacement for the things that have traditionally brought people together (sex, nationality, race, religion, etc;) which are now shunned.

So it has nothing to do with actual quality control, and is more akin to a more pathetic version of football team hooligans?

Pretty much.

Sorry for asking this outright, but are the users here mentally ill? I can't imagine a sane person sitting in front of a screen all day, posting meaningless memes and word salads.

Basic biology:
Only two genders exist.

>are the users here mentally ill? I can't imagine a sane person sitting in front of a screen all day, posting meaningless memes and word salads.
And yet here you are.

Pretty much, yeah. Not like there's anything wrong with that.

Is English not your first language or something? Biology has nothing to do with gender.

But it does, because one definition of gender is literally just "SEE: sex." Trying to rewrite a word that people use doesn't work as well as you would like it to.

Cringe and bluepilled

>because one definition
For a casual description certain words work as synonyms, once you use a more specific meaning, it doesn't work too well anymore. Using "gender" in relation to biology is akin to calling your phone a PC aka. needlessly confusing.

Both in spanish and portuguese, the last vowel of the noun determines what's the gender of the word, and all nouns are either masculine or feminine. Pronouns and adjectives need to match the noun's gender. In both languages Latino/Latina are in order masculine/feminine. What the social terrorists want is to use a wildcard in the end, so in the regex should be "Latin*", but since they are too dumb for it, they try to enforce "Latinx". For us native speakers, this reads as bizarre as the made-up pronoun english "zhir". And it also fucks up any assistance program that reads text to a vision-impaired user.

The "hur dur use my pronouns" discussion in america is ten times worse down here, because some words don't have the other gender option, or they mean totally different things. In portuguese: Both words president (presidente) and companion (acompanhante) are masculine, but meant to be used for anyone. What that smoothbrain called Dilma Roussef and all the leftsphere did when she became president in Brazil was to refer as herself as the "presidenta", which is outrageous. Weird thing: after she was impeached and became the "ex-presidenta", nobody in the country ever called her that way anymore, just as "ex-presidente". A good from when the media reported her dumb shit: Once she said that female governors should be called "governantas", but while "governante"="governor/ruler", "governanta"="governess/housekeeper".

>once you use a more specific meaning, it doesn't work too well anymore.
Seems an odd way to acknowledge that the re-writing of the definition of gender was incredibly done in a specifically confusing way instead of just using a new word, but I'll take it.

There is zero rewriting of the definition. It simply doesn't mean what you think it means when used correctly and there is a word just as old if not older to exactly describe what you talk about.

>There is zero rewriting of the definition.
Go to your local library and read a dictionary that says what was posted up here. You are wrong, and no amount of wesealing on your part will change that. Gender and sex were defined to be the same in one definition, and there is readily available, physical proof of that. Coming up with the current attack-helicopter nonsense was not being "more specific, it was simply rewriting the word. Like was already said, you can't just rewrite a word's definition and expect everyone to magically use your new definition.

>Go to your local library and read a dictionary
You should indeed do that. The distinction is nothing new (2 sec of goolging says it started back in the 60s) and also the reason you don't talk about the gender of your dog and will rarely (if at all) encounter the word in any biology text book.

>Gender and sex were defined to be the same in one definition
Which only means that it's possible to use it as synonym in the correct (aka. not biological context) just like you can use PC or computer as synonym for your phone in specific context but generally would be better off not doing it.

>Coming up with the current attack-helicopter nonsense was not being "more specific, it was simply rewriting the word.
All the shit doesn't change anything about the word, just like calling a phone a computer doesn't change anything about the word "computer". You'd have a leg to stand on if trannies tried to define themselves as another sex. Gender on the other hand, doesn't have much relation to biology and is a word describing the social role of a human.

tl;tr: autist friendly version
>laptop/desktop/phone = sex
>computer = gender

you're doing that right now, retard

>making fun of something = obsession
can the autistic ideology just die already? Jow Forums is more than a handful of people jesus christ.

>still hasn't read a dictionary
Keep ignoring reality, I know it's something you're good at. People will still use the word correctly despite your whinging.

Adblocks work on my iPhone

How poor do you have to be in order to be locked out of owning a Mac or iPhone.
They're not exclusive, just go to the store and buy one.

What's a legitimate ad blocker on Android that I can use with Chrome?

I know there are other browsers out there, but I actually like Chrome's interface. I'm just sick of seeing dick ass ads everywhere.

>Firefox doesn't have this problem


Switch to Icecat and use uBO or uMatrix.




Imagine using a browser extension to block ads in 2019.

Is there any femdom Satania porn?

Even so, still better than lagshit

Fuck Apple.


the state of apple cucks.

> but unlike Chrome, users didn't say a thing
apple hate aside
since when google care about your feeling

Can an iPhone be injected with malware from a modified lightning charge cable?

iphones already come from the factory infected with ios

Holy shit so fucking based!

2% market share vs 80% market share

>Bunch of faggots that think of themselves as ELITES
Unlike me who is obviously superior to them for using not an iPhone

Because using Safari is like using IE back in 2005. It means you haven't got a clue about anything. Anybody sane uses Chrome regardless. Unless we stop talking about Mac and start taking iOS instead


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I use AdGuard for my DNS at router level, so I didn't notice anything.


I don't understand how people can survive without cosmetic filters

Can't miss what you never had.


>You need 3 apps to avoid ads on iOS

Using wipr and it’s perfect. Apple haters btfo