Was it that bad?

Was it that bad?

Attached: windowsvista.jpg (1200x800, 62K)

no, vista was just released during a transitional period where a lot of people's hardware was not ready to run the shit. it was basically proto 7 and it was fucking sexy once you turned off UAC

As bad as it gets. You run that shit you run hundreds of processes that YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY DO.

Do they turn on your mic? - maybe.
Do they send home your data? - why not.

GNU was always better, even when it was worse.

No, it was pretty much win7 with some extra stuff and a more annoying but also more secure UAC

Yes until they quieted down the UAC.

On release, yes--especially if you tried to use the 64 bit version.

Six months of updates later it was genuinely good--basically Windows 7. Unfortunately the horrible reputation stuck. It's a shame, since all the heavy lifting for the architectural and security changes shared by 7 and 10 was done by the Vista developers, and they did a good job--the OS was just released a few months too early.

it was really bad at first. but after SP1, it was basically a glossier version of 7

Windows 8 isn't bad either, at least compared to 10

Best aesthetics, aero was kino

If you had a gaming card (like anyone on Jow Forums) the 3D acceleration actually used it and made scrolling websites or any long file incredibly fast compared to XP. Not to mention the new fonts looked great.
If you had a lot of memory Vista would actually use it intelligently to speed things up instead of just wasting anything above 512MB like XP would.
I loved Vista once they fixed the dumb release bugs.

No, most machines were underpowered by the time it came and they can't handle it properly.

Attached: 1530173315077.jpg (633x640, 51K)

Are we all switching back to Vista?

No, there's one member who runs Vista and he posts this thread every fucking day.


This, niggas were literally installing vista on early or cores with idea drives and 512mb ram while complaining its slow.

No, it was probably the best version of Windows to date. It was capable of incredible optimization and customizability while being the most secure.

Vista was shit, buggy and dumbed down compared to XP. The uac was cancer even after u turned it off. The only cool thing with Vista was the moving wallpapers.

>or cores
P4 cores**

minus the greatly improved and streamlined networking which was a fucking nightmare in the XP days and windows media player task bar player. It sucked pretty hard.

Yes, but also partly because it was released at a time when the average PC was simply not powerful enough to run it smoothly.
Still, it was worse than both XP and 7 overall.

It was better than Windows 10.

as a beta for windows 7? no. As a fully fledged OS? yes. Too bad they charged full price for it.

Nowhere near as bad as ME.

it was just untweaked windows 7