Python3 vs Rust for daily coding

Python3 vs Rust for daily coding


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Yes, Python3 is versus Rust.


Rust is systems programming language, not scripting.

Rust is shit, python is fine

Apples vs chairs

They're not target at anything similar, they're completely different.

Seriously, why not both?

this, python is a king sized double mattress bed with a hot babe on it, rust is an old moldy mattress in the corner with a neckbeards sweat and pubes all over it. make your choices ppl

Because people will laugh at you and call you a wimpy faggot for using Python for anything other than machine learning homework.


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Python and rust are the only languages I use for my personal projects now; Python for scripting/prototyping and Rust for bigger stuff

>Because people will laugh at you
Fuck 'em.


Different tools for different uses. If you have to such question then pick python.

You mean neckbeards on Jow Forums will laugh at you

You should disregard them. Python is easy and just werks for most tasks.

You should ignore neetcoders and cat-v tards. Their opinion doesn't matter.


Python will probably work better for the little problems you want to solve quickly for daily hobbyist coding

if i had to code daily in one of those garbage i would kms

I've heard rust is for trannies.
you should stick with python

I tried to run a Python script and it didn't work because __name__ was not "__main__"

Apparently doing a glob import changed that variable so the script didn't even run. I ask you this: who the fuck thought this kind of brittle behavior was a good idea?

lol retard

Did I say those people were wrong to bully the Python suckers?

I use Python at work and Rust for my own projects, I don't think I could do Rust as a job

daily coding.... you make a new app every day ?

you mush be the supreme engineer

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It's like deciding whether you want to commute on a skateboard or a steam locomotive

I'll just use my car (C++)

Ez. Both


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get in here, lisphomo

>a bunch of rust trannies are going to laugh at you
Oh no

>Python3 + Rust for daily coding

>Python3 vs Rust for daily coding
This entire premise comes from ineptness and sexual frustration.

But such is life.

Frog vs Wojack for daily shitposting


Lisp is all you need.

Python is more likely than Rust to replace C in systems programming so you should go with that

Why does everyone love Python so much? I much prefer Ruby over python. Ruby is a much simpler language and more productive language than Python. Python has crappy OOP, crappy functional-like constructs and lacks orthogonal design when compared to Ruby. Ruby is better on every level than Python.

Python has libraries. The "import solution" meme is real on some level because fucking everything has Python bindings nowadays, and most projects involve just gluing that shit together.

> Rust,
if you need a lot of perfs.

> Python otherwise,
literally the "gets shit done" language and it can basically do anything you imagine (just $ pipenv install shit).

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different tools for different use cases