Why does India get so much hate on theis place?

Why does India get so much hate on theis place?

Attached: 1569098912825.png (1920x1080, 2.68M)

it's a shitty clusterfuck of a country, basically china without the good parts

It's just a small number of people that have been running a campaign for years.
Apple and Amd have also been targetted.
Why? No idea. Probably some pro-china stuff.

White people (and this board is full of them) have serious inferiority complexes

both people I've known irl to post here were asian

street shitters completely fucked up the IT pay scale in america.

Its the "culture". At the same time people are individuals and I've know great, intelligent, compassionate Indians and really shitty backstabbing retarded ones

show bobs and vagene!

You need to go back.

india was pretty based at one point, what the fuck happened?

Attached: Share_of_Global_GDP.gif (538x460, 90K)

That graph is bullshit but I believe it

Because they are a nation of illiterate retards stuck with an eternal inferiority complex towards any nation which trumps them. Their GDP per capita is fucking 1,900 USD. They are, by any metric, especially hygiene, a full-blown third-world nation. They've decided to use the tragedy of the commons as a guidebook, shitting out literal billions of uneducated retards so as to grow their share of the pie entirely though brute force. Of course, their industry is still Africa-tier, and they still have 100,000 deaths a year due to coal pollution alone, but that doesn't matter, as long as their retard-in-chief gets to pretend to be important on the international stage. India is living proof that we need global UN-mandated population control.

This is a projecting street shitter. You would have to be from South Sudan in order to see India as an upgrade.

Attached: british-can-u-swim-indian-no-british-then-a-dog-30221329.png (500x475, 100K)

sir this no nice of you. please do the needful and apologize. may your mama be hot cause I will fuck her.

They were Indo-Aryans once, mixed and mutilated with 60 IQ aboriginals, a ruined and terrible form of life.

> Get Resume
> Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft
> Bachelors
> Can't answer any basic programming questions
dogshit species

And to think that this guy is probably an above average Indian, since he's actually using the internet




*superiority complexes
Only third worldies have inferiority complexes, because they at least have a reason to.

>good parts

>only whites can be racist

Market research thread don't reply