Best distros without systemd?
Best distros without systemd?
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Install gentoo.
devuan and derivatives?
maybe even consider the bsds?
people recommend void but keep in mind that small distros struggle and even r then they fuck it up bigly.
Linux Mint for example got their site hacked, looked terriblee.
The good distros use systemd.
you're like that ex that never overcomes the past
if her past is being infected with AIDS and HIV then there is nothing wrong with being cautious.
windows 7
site hacked.
Why wouldn't you want systemd? Systemd is great. I've never heard of anybody disliking systemd before.
"Second system effect"
Winblow$ is no a GNU/Linux distribution
how hard would it be to replace systemd on a ubuntu based distro with runit?
I don't really have answers for you, but have you looked at an package called runit-systemd?
I think it's goal is something like that.
OpenBSD !!!
fucking zoomers don’t even understand
OP didn't say anything about GNU/Linux
Source Mage
Puppy Linux
not a distro
praise bob
Windows has no distros fucktard
Those are different operating systems not different distributions.
What's the difference between NT and XP that wouldn't be similar across releases of a linux distro? They didn't rewrite the kernel.
operating system versions*
Real man's bistro right here
Systemd works fine. What kind of glow nigger hates systemd?
This... I mean using alternatives for the sake of being different but shittier experience doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. SystemD works fine.
Microsoft Windows 10 is great AS FUCK, BROSH
is artix any good?
it's a complete meme
don't use shoddy downstream distros
nobody calls windows version a distro
Not an argument.
Artix is great, you get a choice between runit and OpenRC. I prefer runit because it's so simple and easy to use. Boot times are blazing fast now. Plus you get your favorite package manager pacman.
Don't listen to this faggot
everyone calls arch, fedora, debian a distro
Still not an argument.
Microsoft doesn't call Vista, XP, 7, 10 a distro.
I feel the real alternative here is between void and devuan.
what would happen if the project dies? would my install still work?
not unless you keep maintaining it yourself
honestly, just pick one of these distros except for source mage which is half dead and crux which requires lots of diy
will do. thanks!
Alpine someday.
Do any of these have a large developer base?
Do they need one?
gentoo or slackware
>Do any of these have a large developer base?
gentoo is the largest non systemdicked distro I believe
>Do they need one?
depends on the distro and what you mean by large
Guess I'll seriously consider gentoo for my next build. (I've mainly been on dpkg/apt distros.)
>what you mean by large
I just want to avoid investing time into a distro that dies/can die suddenly. Ie: No timely security updates, no eventual incorporation of upstream code.
I've used artix for years with no issues.
I personally would pick gentoo for its rolling release model, flexibility, package manager and repos/overlays
also it makes it easy to avoid other freedesktop junk like dbus, policykit, consolekit, udisks, logind and whatnot
it also supports musl and libressl
its not just getting hacked, its little things that one should be aware of and small distros usually fuck it up.
Last minth termux did an update that broke all users installs and his recommendation was to delete everything and install it all again, not cool with arch Linux thing like that never happen.
>I just want to avoid investing time into a distro that dies/can die suddenly.
well gentoo has been churning along for two decades just fine and isn't dying anytime soon
Absolutely based, and checked
hear Marisa and Install Gentoo
Storing all of your data on Red Hat's cloud servers is a feature user. You don't have anything to hide do you?
Too barebone. I want to get rid of systemd, not GNU.
Calculating dependencies...
lol, you’re giving me terrible flashbacks
Show an example where Microsoft calls different windows versions a distro. Must be a Microsoft official site or a credible source.
you mogrels, distros are those operating systems that are being distributed, the las phrase was deliberately vague to switch conversation on whats supposed to be a distro.
I see, you are incredibly stupid, there is no point to continue arguing with you.